Lao Kong couldn’t imagine what kind of big shot that was.

"Lao Zhong, is that third brother really from the mainland? Lao

Kong said in shock

"That’s right, a true mainlander!"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at the shocked Lao Kong and said with a smile


Lao Kong suddenly took a breath of cold air. He is really from the mainland, not from Xiangjiang, but how can he be so capable?

Lao Kong couldn't figure it out. He just felt that Zhong Mingqiang's brothers really met noble people.

"Okay, Lao Kong, don’t think too much, it’s almost time. When we get there, everyone from Da Fei Ye will probably be there too."

Zhong Mingqiang gently patted Lao Kong's shoulder a few times...........

It's been almost an hour since I called Dafei. Now it's almost the same time to set off there.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Lao Kong gritted his teeth and said.

Now that he heard that Zhong Mingqiang called someone to call more than 200 people, it is basically no problem for him to take revenge.

Lao Kong was very excited.

The group left the hospital and came to In front of the parking lot, I quickly got into the Hummer left by Su Can.


The car started and headed towards the destination.

They were relatively far away from the Dahu Village, because it was on the other side. It would take at least an hour to get there.

The car passed through the city and headed towards the other side. Go.

After about an hour or so, the car arrived in front of a village by the sea. There was a big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, a typical southern village.

At the entrance of the village, in addition to the big banyan tree, there was also a place similar to a canteen. There were seven or eight people playing cards and chatting.

"Those people were under the gangster Da Jinya in this village. He arranged for seven or eight people to wait at the entrance of the village to watch whether any stowaways had escaped from the village."

Lao Kong looked at those people and said through gritted teeth.

It seems that when they fled here, they must have been chased by these people.

"Stop, who."

At this moment, those people saw Zhong Mingqiang's Hummer approaching, and immediately three or four people came over from there and stopped Zhong Mingqiang's car.

"Who are you, getting out of the car, and what are you doing here?"

Someone said holding up a stick

"Come down here!"

"If you don't come down, your car will be smashed!"

"hurry up........."

These colorfully dyed people shouted arrogantly

"They are also responsible for checking whether anyone enters the village, so they are particularly vigilant!"Lao Kong continued to whisper in the car.


Zhong Mingqiang looked at the gangsters outside, curled his lips, showed a faint sneer, and said:"In this case, then beat them all down and get the big one out. Later, Da Fei will bring almost all the people. arrive"


Lao Kong said with some worry:"Old Zhong, if you can't come, that big gold tooth can call dozens of people at any time."

"fine! Da Fei will definitely bring it."

Zhong Mingqiang gently patted Lao Kong's shoulder and said

"Lao Zheng, Shitou, get out of the car and fight quickly. Also, this is the third brother's car, don't mess it up."Zhong Mingqiang smiled lightly.

"Come on!"

Old Zheng and the remaining security guard said loudly


At this time, Zhong Mingqiang got out of the car.

"Boy, what are you doing in Dahu Village? This is not the place you should be. Get out of here!"Someone pointed at Zhong Mingqiang's shoulder with a baseball bat and said loudly

"I hate it when people point sticks at me!"

Zhong Mingqiang said lightly.

"you wanna die!"Hearing Zhong Mingqiang's words, the gangster became angry, raised the baseball bat in his hand, and hit Zhong Mingqiang's head hard.........

"call out!"

However, Zhong Mingqiang was faster.

He ducked sideways, punched the man holding the baseball bat in the face, knocked the man down with one punch, and then kicked him hard on the head.


There was a shock , the man was knocked unconscious instantly

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang's actions, several other people suddenly became angry, swung their fists, and hit Zhong Mingqiang.


At this moment, Old Zheng and the security guard named Shitou also came out. The three of them acted vigorously, almost one person at a time, and knocked down the remaining three people.

"No, someone is coming to cause trouble. Call Brother Ya quickly!"

Several people playing cards at the Big Banyan Tree saw this scene and immediately picked up the phone at the canteen and made a call.

"Brother Ya, it's not good, something happened, someone is making trouble, the opponent's fighting power is not weak, come quickly!"Someone shouted loudly.

Zhong Mingqiang looked over there, pursed his lips slightly, and said:"Come on, the other party has already called someone. Let's go over and wait. Don't stand here. It won't be good if we smash the car later.!"


Lao Zheng nodded.

Zhong Mingqiang opened the car door and smiled:"Let's go, Lao Kong!"

After hearing this, Lao Kong got out of the car, and several people headed towards the big banyan tree, and all the Da Jinya's men under the big banyan tree had already run away.........

The canteen also pulled down the gate and closed it.

At this time, Zhong Mingqiang and a few others were the only ones left under the big banyan tree. They were sitting where the people under Da Jinya's men were sitting.

They sat for a while, not a few minutes


Suddenly, there was a roar, including the sound of motorcycle engines and truck engines.

Soon, those sounds appeared in front of us.

In just two minutes, Zhong Mingqiang and others were surrounded. People were getting off the truck one after another, and together with the people riding motorcycles, there were about dozens of people.

At this time, a fat man with a sinister face got out of the passenger seat of the large truck and passed through the crowd. Showing two big gold teeth

"Oh, I thought it was someone who was making trouble, but it turned out to be you, a cripple. The last time I met you, I just broke one of your legs. I am already showing mercy."

There was murderous intent in Da Jinya's eyes. After seeing Zhong Mingqiang and others, his eyes finally fell on Lao Kong. He recognized Lao Kong and sneered:

"Now, you actually dare to find someone to come back and help you make trouble. Later I will have someone pour cement on you and throw it into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"Big gold tooth, you........."

Hearing what Big Jinya said, Lao Kong cursed angrily

"how do I?"

Da Jinya interrupted Lao Kong and sneered:"If you want to take revenge, you have to find a few more people! These are the only ones who are here to die."

"What, more people than there are?"

Zhong Mingqiang said with a faint smile.

He felt that every word he said at this time seemed to be imitating the actions of the third brother!

"Why, there are more of you than me!"

When Da Jinya heard this, he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha!"

The dozens of people under his command also laughed, as if they were laughing at Zhong Mingqiang's stupidity. ps Please subscribe

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