Li Chaoren held the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, with the rim of the glass facing down, without leaking a drop.

Su Can glanced at it and drank all the wine in the wine glass. The mouth of the same glass was facing down, and not a drop fell from the inside.

Drink up........

Su Can looked at Li Chaoren and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He was waiting for Li Chaoren to speak. Now it was Li Chaoren who was talking to him. In this respect, Li Chaoren was originally at a disadvantage.

But Su Can had the upper hand.

He didn't need to speak, Li Chaoren spoke naturally.

Therefore, Li Chaoren took the wine and drank two glasses with Su Can in order to increase the strength of the wine and eliminate this disadvantage.

After drinking this wine, we talked about many things.

Whether they are ordinary people or rich people like them, many decisions will be made quickly only when they are tipsy.

However, when they have reached that point, it is difficult for anyone to make them tipsy.

Unless they are people of the same level.

However, those wealthy people of the same level generally have nothing to say. They always say what they have to say directly and never use any politeness.

Su Can looked at Li Chaoren like this and knew that what he was about to say was definitely not something common, or he had ulterior motives!

Su Can was looking forward to it, wanting to see what Li Chaoren wanted to say.........

"Mr. Su!"

Looking at Su Can's keen light, Li Chaoren sighed slightly in his heart. It seems that no matter whether it is two glasses of wine or how many glasses of wine, Mr. Su in front of him will remain sharp.

He is no longer dragging his feet. He knew that procrastinating would only make Su Can impatient.

Li Chaoren was also a decisive person. Knowing that this method would not work, he started straight to the point.

"Five years ago, Mr. Su's cooperation with HSBC in Hong Kong shocked the whole world!"

Li Chaoren suddenly said

"five years ago?"

Su Can said lightly.

His heart moved. Wasn't it the 1980s five years ago? The cooperation with HSBC at that time was the operation of the oil crisis. That

's what Li Chaoren was talking about.

Su Can understood it instantly. Li Chaoren had pointed the finger secretly.

Moreover, he invited himself here to confirm this matter and whether he had cooperated with HSBC in the first place.

Su Can knew that Huang Manyu would never tell Li Chaoren.

And his cooperation with HSBC has allowed HSBC to earn billions. His importance is not to mention being ranked first in HSBC's customer list, but being in the top three is unavoidable.

Generally speaking , None of the board members of HSBC Bank knew about it.

How did he know?

It wasn’t Huang Manyu, could it be Zeng Jianye?

However, this person is now Huang Manyu’s confidant and has a bright future, so naturally he will not tell Li Chaoren.

Is it the headquarters of HSBC?

That is even more impossible. As a rare item, even if it is the headquarters of HSBC, only one or two people know about it.

Those people have already stood in front of the food and will not be exposed.........

Now, Li Chaoren knows.


In just a short moment, Su Can had thousands of thoughts in his mind, intertwined with each other, and then analyzed one by one.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Chaoren to know that he cooperated with HSBC in 1980 and earned tens of billions from the oil crisis.

He should have seen Huang Manyu and guessed something.

Therefore, he now wants to blackmail Su Can, and wants to detect some information from Su Can's expression or any subtle movements.

This old fox is really awesome.

Although he was working with Li Chaoren, Su Can couldn't help but secretly call him an old fox. Of course, this old fox's comment was definitely not a derogatory term.

Just like the old man called Su Can a little fox, it is not a derogatory term, but another kind of complimentary term........

After thinking it through in his mind in an instant, Su Can's face did not change at all. The old god was as calm as water.

It seems that I just heard someone say something that I have never done.

"Mr. Li, what I did with HSBC five years ago shocked the whole world."Su Can showed doubts and asked.


Seeing Su Can's expression, Li Chaoren was slightly confused.

He could see any subtle changes in Su Can's face just now, but it seemed that Su Can heard After he said these words, he did not show any emotional changes.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

However, Li Chaoren shook his head. He felt that he would never guess wrong. Except for Mr. Su in front of him, If other people were operating in Xiangjiang, they would definitely not be able to hide from his spies.

However, seeing Su Can like this gave him a headache.

This is definitely a fox that is not inferior to the old foxes like them! Although this young fox, Mr. Su, is , but the Tao is extremely profound

"Has Mr. Su really forgotten?"

Li Chaoren poured himself a glass of wine and poured another glass of wine for Su Can. He seemed to say this casually.

There was a hint of edge in his words.

Su Can heard this. , showed a dumbfounded expression, and said:"Mr. Li, please tell me directly, I really don't know what is going on!"

"Come, have a drink first!"

Li Chaoren picked up the wine glass.

Su Can also picked up the wine glass and touched it with Li Chaoren. The two of them immediately drank the wine in the glass.

Li Chaoren looked at Su Can and said:" Mr. Su, I just want to know who was the person during the oil crisis who had such ability and was able to predict the oil crisis so accurately. He made tens of billions in it."

"Mr. Li is talking about the oil crisis in 1980!"

Su Can showed a look of realization and said in surprise.、


Seeing Su Can's expression that didn't look fake, plus the look of sudden realization, Li Chaoren was a little confused now.

This is......

Could it be that Su Can really didn't know?

If you knew it, it wouldn't be possible.

However, his sixth sense faintly told him that Su Can was not that simple at all, otherwise, how could he have achieved this step.

At this time, Li Chaoren actually felt a faint sense of fighting spirit, and secretly began to secretly confront Su Can.

Su Can looked at Li Chaoren and found it interesting.

Su Can was really excited to be able to compete with a top business tycoon like Li Chaoren!

That's exactly what's interesting.

If it were left in the previous life, where would such an opportunity have been?.....

Now that this opportunity has come, Su Can really thinks that ting is fun. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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