The Ship King heard Su Can’s words and smiled:"The people Mr. Su recommended to us are definitely not ordinary people."

"Yes, I was looking forward to it......"

Li Chaoren nodded and said.

Mr. Guo smiled and said:"If you can be recognized by Mr. Su, then you will definitely go somewhere!"

"I wonder who Mr. Su recommends? Mr.

Zheng said curiously

"I am very interested in meeting the people recommended by Mr. Su!"Mr. Xu smiled.

Mr. Xie nodded and said,"I would like to ask Mr. Su to introduce me."

The Gambling King blinked and looked at Su Can curiously.

These people all gave Su Can face. As soon as Su Can said it, the Ship King, Li Chaoren and others cheered without showing any displeasure. Look.


In their eyes, Su Canna was a business tycoon who was not inferior to them in any way, and the people he recommended must be outstanding.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have introduced it.

That would bring shame to oneself. For people of their level, what is the most important thing?

However, it is a matter of face. If a person at this level is disgraced, it is a very serious matter.

Su Can smiled and said,"They are all heads of companies in the Mainland. They have created a lot of foundations in the Mainland, which is in desperate need of development.""

"Wang Er, Zhang Qiang Guoqiang, and Xu Feng are all here!"

Su Can waved and called Wang Er and others over. He took this opportunity to introduce Wang Er and others to Ship King and others.

Of course, it was not to cooperate with Ship King and others.

Their current industry is still It has not reached that level.

However, Wang Er and the others have always wanted to get to know the shipping king, Li Chaoman, Mr. Zheng, etc. Su Can introduces them and lets these people get to know each other, which is full of people's hearts.

The rest, Su Can really doesn't know. Care about those

"Third brother! Call us!"

Over there, Wang Er suddenly said in surprise when he heard this.

Zhang Qiang said excitedly:"Is Third Brother going to introduce us to Ship King Li Chaoren and others?"

"Then hurry up and get there! Xu

Feng said excitedly

"The third brother is great. It’s not wrong to hang out with the third brother......"

Lu Guoqiang was also very excited.

Several people quickly walked to Su Can and others in an instant. Ship Wang and others immediately looked at Lu Guoqiang, Wang Er and others.

The Ship King and others all looked surprised because they saw that the people in front of them were all young people.

Of course, although they look a few years older than Mr. Su, these people are extremely young compared to himself and others.

"let me introduce!"

Su Can pointed at these entrepreneurs who are all from the Mainland.

"This person is the boss of Guoqiang Electronics Factory, named Lu Guoqiang."Su turned to Lu Guoqiang, looked at Ship King and others and said

"What, you are Lu!"

The ship king looked at Lu Guoqiang

"Hello, Ship King."

When Lu Guoqiang heard that, the Ship King was very excited when he heard his name.

The gambling king next to him was a little curious, looked at the Ship King and said,"Ship King, do you know Guoqiang Electronics Factory?"

He was a little confused. From the Ship King's tone, he definitely didn't know Lu Guoqiang, but he had heard of his name, and it was his company........

Upon hearing this, the Ship King nodded slightly and said:"Of course I have heard of it. A few years ago, a refrigerator from Guoqiang Electronics Factory, which is the Swan brand refrigerator that is now popular in Xiangjiang, because there are hundreds of them. The refrigerator broke down. In order to ensure product quality, Lu Guoqiang destroyed this batch of faulty refrigerators on the spot."

"You know, the Guoqiang Electronics Factory was just a small factory at that time, but it actually had the courage to destroy it. This courage surprised me. It was just for the sake of our Chinese manufacturing industry, and it was a big loss of face!"

The Ship King still had a few words left in his heart.

In addition to this courage, this marketing is definitely world-class. There is no other marketing that is better than this.

Mr. Guo frowned slightly when he heard this. Next, he said:"When the ship king said this, I remembered that all the Chinese newspapers in Southeast Asia published this news!"

"So that’s it!"




_ That would be even happier than making millions!

Of course, Lu Guoqiang knew that he could be recognized by these business leaders. All of this was because of his third brother Su Can..........

When that batch of refrigerators broke down, Lu Guoqiang thought that he could just repair them and sell them again.

However, the third brother insisted that he destroy it.

He was a little unhappy at the time, but looking at it now, it was really worth it to have destroyed those 100 refrigerators.

Third brother is so awesome!

If it weren't for Third Brother, how would he have such a chance.

He looked at Su Can, with a look of great gratitude in his eyes.

Under such circumstances, even if Ship King Li Chaoren and others saw the strange look in Lu Guoqiang's eyes, they would not be suspicious.

I think this is normal

"This man is called Wang Er, and he founded the first foreign fast food company in the mainland, called KFC!"Su Can pointed at Wang Er.

Wang Er stood up.


Li Chaoren said, pushed up his glasses frame and looked at Wang Er......

Su Can smiled and said,"Mr. Li knows about KFC?"

Li Chaoren smiled lightly and said,"Yes, I'm afraid it's not just me, but Mr. Guo also knows about KFC, a mainland company!"

Mr. Guo nodded and said,"Indeed, investing in In the industry, the reputation of KFC is very big."


Mr. Zheng was confused and said:"Two, how do you say this?""

Su Can took a look and knew it, but didn't speak. He waited for Li Chaoren and Mr. Guo to say it. They were more convincing than him.

Li Chaoren said with a smile:"Two years ago, KFC just started. , with only about 20 stores, KFC found out that it wanted to enter the mainland market, and offered a premium of 20 million to acquire KFC, but Mr. Wang rejected it."

"Do you know what price Mr. Wang offered?"

Mr. Guo smiled.

Mr. Zheng shook his head.

Mr. Guo smiled and said:"Two hundred million"


After hearing Mr. Guo's words, the others looked at Wang Er with surprised expressions.

Except for Huang Manyu from HSBC Bank, the others present were not as involved in the investment field as Li Chaoren and Mr. Guo..I didn’t know the news.........

However, this news has spread to the investment community and is considered a joke by KFC, which shocked the entire investment community. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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