
Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and asked.

Not many people knew that he lived here, and even fewer people knew that he came to Pengcheng.

Except for the few people in charge of Su Can's industry,.

Even the Ship King, Li Chaoren and others don’t know........

"It seems to be Mr. Huang?"

Zhong Mingqiang said


When Su Can heard it, it was her!

"Go pick her up yourself!"Su Can heard Zhong Mingqiang's words, thought about it, and ordered Zhong Mingqiang to pick up Huang Manyu.

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang leaving the hall, Su Can smiled helplessly. Huang Manyu was one of the few people who knew that he lived here. She was also the only one who was not under his command and knew the news.

But , Huang Manyu also has a special identity, that is, she is Su Can's woman.

When she was in Xiangjiang, a ridiculous thing happened after she was drunk, or in other words, it was something Huang Manyu had been plotting for a long time.

Su Can was finally obtained by her. , she also successfully became Su Can's woman.

So, she knew that Su Can came to Pengcheng, and the place where he came was still here......

This woman!

Su Can smiled helplessly, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip slowly, and waited for Huang Manyu to come here later.

After a while, footsteps sounded outside.

Especially the sound of high heels hitting the floor was extremely clear, and the sound could be heard far into the hall.

Not long after Su Can heard the sound, Zhong Mingqiang and Huang Manyu came into the hall.

He looked at Huang Manyu. At this time, Huang Manyu was still dazzling and beautiful. In addition, she was wearing high heels, which made her look particularly tall.

In addition, as the president of HSBC Xiangjiang, who has been in a high position for a long time, Huang Manyu's temperament is far beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

Among the women Su Can knew, the only two were Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan. Because they were the heads of a large industry under Su Can, the domineering temperament of these two people was not inferior to Huang Manyu's.

Others are not as domineering as her at all........

This is a kind of aura of a superior person who, deep down in a high position, will involuntarily exude over time when facing people and events.

Su Can saw from the corner of his eye that Zhong Mingqiang was holding a small women's suitcase in his hand. Su Can glanced at it.

Not surprisingly, Huang Manyu will probably be living here these days.

At this point, Su Can was not excited or refused.

"Su Can!"

Seeing Su Can, the already happy smile on Huang Manyu's face became even brighter, blooming like a bright flower.

She quickened her pace and moved towards the person sitting on the sofa.Su Can comes from above.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu, smiled slightly, and stood up. thump!

Huang Manyu hugged Su Can directly. She hugged him and said softly:"I miss you."

Zhong Mingqiang over there saw that Su Can had not waited for him to give orders, so he immediately put down his suitcase and turned around.


The next moment, Zhong Mingqiang closed the door conveniently.

At this time, it goes without saying that Zhong Mingqiang knew what to do.

Moreover, when he was in Xiangjiang, Zhong Mingqiang knew that Huang Manyu was the third brother's woman, of course he didn't know Is she the future mistress?

But there is no doubt that Huang Manyu has a status in the heart of the third brother.

Now, Zhong Mingqiang does not dare to think about what these two people are going to do after meeting for a long time, but in this situation, he is absolutely You must not see it.

Even if you see it, you have to pretend to be blind and unable to see.

Hearing the sound of the door closing from behind, Huang Manyu quickly let go of Su Can and looked at the closed door behind her.

She was pretty His face turned red and he forgot that there was another person just now!

"Ha ha!"

Looking at Huang Manyu's shy and cute appearance, Su Can couldn't help laughing.

"It's all you, and you don't even remind anyone! Huang Manyu looked at Su Can and couldn't help but give Su Can a rollicking look. She seemed to be blaming Su Can, but in fact her tone was extremely gentle.......

Su Can smiled faintly, knelt down and gave Huang Manyu a princess hug.


Huang Manyu was frightened when she was hugged by Princess Su Can. After she came to her senses, she showed an embarrassed look on her face.

Su Can didn't say much and directly carried Huang Manyu upstairs..........

About two hours later, it was almost noon. At this time, outside the villa, Wang Er, Zhang Qiang and others came back from the Lion Wake Building.

They went there early in the morning to sign in.

Because they also want to come to Pengcheng's business forum, and even they have to get there and sign in.

By the time we got back there, it was already noon

"I have to confess to my third brother later! Zhang Qiang stood next to Wang Er, looked at Wang Er and said,"Yesterday you went to pick up Third Brother, but we didn't. Third Brother needs to explain in detail.""

"Yes, I have to explain it too!"

Xu Feng followed.

Now, he is one of the persons in charge of Su Can's Carrefour Supermarket. Huang Xiaowei is in Yanjing City at this time and has no time to come here.

He is here to participate in the forum, and he is here with Zhang Qiang and the others.

"Come on, let’s get together!"

Wang Er shook his head and said.

The three of them saw Su Can's villa getting closer and closer, and the steps under their feet became faster and faster.

"Huh! Why is Third Brother's villa closed? Isn't the person there?"

Xu Feng was confused for a moment.

"Didn't you see Ming Qiang guarding him in the yard? Third brother is not here, will Mingqiang be there? Wang Er rolled his eyes and said

"You didn't look carefully......"

Zhang Qiang looked at Xu Feng and said helplessly

"It really is! Brother Mingqiang is here! Usually when Third Brother goes out, he always takes Brother Mingqiang with him. If Brother Mingqiang is here, Third Brother must be there too! Xu

Feng patted his head and said.

Among the three of them, Wang Er and Zhang Qiang can call Zhong Mingqiang Mingqiang directly, but Xu Feng has to call him Mingqiang brother.

Even if he is now the person in charge of Carrefour, he is The feudal official, a prince under Su Can, has to be called this.

Because back then, his old cousin Zhang Qiang arranged for him to work as an errand under the third brother, and Zhong Mingqiang was the security boss under the third brother.

He is There is a difference in seniority!

Besides, if Zhong Mingqiang wanted to go to Carrefour back then, it would not be his turn.....

"Brother Mingqiang! Is third brother here?"

Xu Feng saw Zhong Mingqiang and said hello quickly.

Third brother?


After hearing Xu Feng's words, Zhong Mingqiang scanned the villa with his peripheral vision. It's been two hours inside. It's probably hard to tell! ps. Please subscribe. Subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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