Su Can followed the old man back. At this time, Su Wen, Secretary Li, and Wang Er were still standing there waiting for them.

Seeing Su Can and the old man coming back, Su Wen took a step forward and said,"Grandpa, you've finished talking..........."


The old man nodded slightly.

Looking at the old man's appearance, although Su Wen was curious about what the old man and Su Can were talking about, his inner curiosity was severely suppressed.

It was obvious that this matter was what the old man wanted to discuss with Su Can. Chan said it privately and didn't want others to know, not even Su Wen.

He knew this little rule and didn't dare to ask.

"I'm going back, you guys, go back!"The old man looked at Su Wen and Su Can, waved his hands slightly and said

"Okay, grandpa, let’s go back now! Su

Wen smiled and said

"Grandpa, let’s see you go in!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"Grandpa Su, we will wait for you to go in before going back!"Wang Er also said:

"Hey! The old man nodded slightly, looked at Secretary Li, and said,"Xiao Li, let's go!" Let's go in!"

"It's the chief........."

Secretary Li said respectfully.

Seeing the old man and Secretary Li walking into the guest house, and someone came out to pick them up, Su Can let out a long breath.

"Brother, let’s go! We'll take you back first."

Su Can looked at Su Wen and said.

In the evening, he took the old man out for dinner. In order to keep a low profile and not make a fuss, they took two cars out.

One for the old man and one for Su Can.

And Su Wen , he followed Su Can and the others in the car. There was no car around him now.

If he wanted to go back, he would have to call someone to arrange a car. However, even then, he would have to wait for a while.

"no problem!"

Su Wen nodded slightly, smiled and agreed heartily.

Soon, Su Can and the others got in the car and left the guest house.

At the same time, the old man returned to the room, sat on the sofa, and looked at him slightly. He squinted and didn't open his eyes..........

"Bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door outside, and soon Secretary Li walked in.

"Su Can, Su Wen, and Wang Er had just left and had already gone back."Secretary Li looked at the old man and said.

The old man nodded slightly, slowly opened his eyes and said,"Yeah! Got it, you’ve had a tiring day today, go back and rest!"


Secretary Li said respectfully, and then left the old man's room in the guest house.

Hearing the door close, the old man let out a long breath.

"call! The old man took a long breath and said softly:"Sometimes, my offspring are too good, which makes people feel a little inappropriate and a little scared!""

If Su Can were here, he would definitely burst into tears.

Obviously, what the old man said was directed at him. He is the most outstanding person in the entire Su family.

There is no one else.

Forget it. It’s Su Wen, and he’s much worse than Su Can..........

Now, because he is so excellent, the old man has changed from being arrogant to being afraid. Has his excellence also become a mistake?

Su Can will definitely be speechless.

However, it is obvious that the old man's worries are unreasonable, because Su Can has developed too fast and violently, beyond the old man's expectation.

It can even be said that it is far beyond the old man's knowledge.

This made the old man feel frightened, afraid that Su Can would go the wrong way, make the wrong step, and make the wrong step!

Fortunately, the old man now felt so frightened just after knowing part of Su Can's property.

If they all came out, they would definitely faint from shock.

After all, if all of Su Can's properties, let alone the old man's, were revealed, it would definitely scare many people.

Just like the Ship King, Li Chaoren was too frightened.

His property is too big........

"I hope Su Can can stick to his true heart, stick to his current innocent heart, and continue to do what he does."The old man had high hopes for Su Can and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Su Can, who had sent Su Wen back home, had just started the car and headed towards his Pengcheng villa.


Su Can suddenly sneezed.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

Seeing Su Can sneezing, Wang Er asked in confusion.

"there is nothing!"

Su Can shook his head.

He guessed, who was talking about him again?

Otherwise, you would not catch a cold in Pengcheng in August. After all, the daytime temperature here is above 30 degrees.

In the evening Up, it was around 289 degrees at this point.

Why did you catch a cold?


Zhang Man or Huang Manyu Lu Qianshan?

Of course Su Can could not have imagined that this was actually the old man. Because he was a little worried, Su Can had It is developing too fast and is filled with some worries.......

If he knew, Su Can would be helpless!

Could it be that there is something wrong with making a big business?

However, Su Can knew that the old man's worries were not unreasonable. Just as the old man said, don't build castles in the air without a foundation. In the end, the building will collapse and the birds and beasts will leave. Then Su Can will be left alone. Alone

"Old man!"

Su Can looked out the window and saw the car driving quickly on the highway. Su Can's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the scenery outside with a variety of thoughts.

He thought about it secretly in his heart.

The old man is afraid. Wake up. What does the Lion Building have to do with him, or is it something dirty?

Su Can remembered what the old man said just now, and the meaning was obvious.

However, the old man didn’t know that this company was built by Su Can The most important industry in the industrial empire.

Not only for myself, but also to be able to do what we can in this great era.

After all, this is a labor-intensive industry, and it is no longer suitable in today's mainland. That's okay.

It provides many employment opportunities and is not very technical, but it can cover a large area and directly or indirectly benefit hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

In addition, the industrial companies under Su Can , in addition to the Xingshi Group, there are also BMW Automobile Factory, Carrefour, and Guoqiang Electronics Factory.

These industries are all industries.

Industry prospers the country. How could Su Can, a man of two generations, not know about this? So he has been deeply involved in it for a long time. These industries have been deeply laid out.

In the future, when these industries become bigger and stronger, the number of people who can benefit is more than millions.

At that time, it was not impossible to reach millions of people..........

This is the foundation behind Su Can. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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