"Over ten years?"

The old man's calm face also showed a look of horror.

"How could it develop to that scale in such a short period of time?"Su Wen was also shocked.

Looking at Pengcheng now, although it has developed very significantly in the past few years, it can be said that it is extremely fast, but if you compare it with foreign cities, there is a big gap..........

In more than ten years?

Isn’t that the twentieth century?

In this time period, can Pengcheng develop so fast?

"Third brother, is this true? Wang

Er was dumbfounded.

Su Can smiled and said,"Believe me!" In the next ten years or so, the development of Pengcheng will show a geometric development, and the city will expand in a circle every year."

Actually, in the previous life, the shocking Pengcheng was indeed in the 21st century, but that was ten years later. It is at least twenty or thirty years from now.

And this time is longer than Su Can said , far more than twice the time.

However, Su Can knew that this was just because the short video appeared, and the speed of dissemination became very fast.

Therefore, Pengcheng's various development short videos Uploaded, it quickly spread throughout the Internet.

However, before that, Pengcheng had already experienced twenty years of development and became an extremely bright and dazzling pearl.......

For example, at the beginning of the 21st century, that is, in the past few years, Pengcheng's development scale has never been too weak.

Moreover, it is the kind that develops rapidly in a low profile.

Especially in China, there have been rumors of escaping from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in later generations, but in Pengcheng, which is also a first-tier city, no one talks about escaping.

Besides, when others talk about housing prices, they usually refer to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, while Pengcheng is also ignored.

This low profile has allowed Pengcheng to transform from a young city into an international metropolis in just a few decades.

"Grandpa, believe me! Su

Can smiled faintly and said:"In 1979, when I came to Pengcheng for the first time, it was almost deserted and there were not even a few roads."

"As for in 1979, the tallest building here was only ten stories, and there were not many ten-story buildings in the entire city of Pengcheng."

"Now, take a look......."

As he spoke, Su Can pointed around.

As we got closer to the Lion Dance Building, the surrounding high-rise buildings stood one after another on both sides of the road.

Some have more than ten floors or even twenty floors.

There are so many of these buildings, it makes people feel like they are in a movie about Hong Kong, like those high-rise buildings

"In just a few years, Pengcheng has gone from a ten-story building to a seventy-story building. Such miracles will appear frequently in the future. By then, buildings of eighty, ninety or even ten will appear one after another. , appeared on Pengcheng."

Su Can pointed to the Lion Star Building that was right in front of him. It was dark here, and night would fall soon. The lights of the Lion Star Building lit up at this moment, extremely bright.

Everyone's gazes, They were all attracted.

Looking at the two-hundred-meter-high building, the old man thought for a moment, then laughed heartily and said:"Su Can, what you said makes sense. It seems that a bad old man like me, If you want to live ten or eight more years, look at the arrival of this prosperous age!"


Su Wen heard what the old man said and said,"It's not just ten or eight years!" Grandpa is so healthy that he has had no problems for twenty or thirty years!"

"That’s right! Wang Er followed the flattery and said with a smile:"Grandpa Su can definitely live a long life.""

"Ha ha!"

When the old man heard what these two people said, he laughed heartily. Su Can also smiled slightly. According to the old man's current physical condition, although he is not said to live a long life, he can at least live to more than ninety, so there is no problem. Yes.

There will be no problem living for more than ten years.

Maybe, you can live for twenty years. Su Can also thinks it is very possible. After all, the old man's body is getting better and better now.

It feels like , living younger and younger.

After all, the Su family has nothing to worry about. The children and grandchildren are all developing well. This man is in a happy mood. Can he not live for a few more years?

A few minutes later, the car finally We came to a stop in front of the Lion Dance Building.

However, the stop was not towards the gate of the Palace Restaurant.

Instead, it was towards the lobby of the Atlantis Hotel.

The car Stopped and the group got out of the car


Su Wen looked at the surrounding environment, with a hint of surprise in his expression.

"What's wrong........"

Seeing Su Wen's surprise, the old man looked at Su Wen and asked

"Grandpa, this is not the hall where you go to the palace restaurant!"Su Wen frowned slightly, looked at the old man and said,"And it seems to be the lobby of the Atlantis Hotel."

When the old man heard this, he looked at Su Can. He knew that Su Can brought them here. It must not be without purpose. There must be a reason.

"Su Can, is this? Su

Wen looked at Su Can and asked.

Su Can smiled faintly and said,"Brother, don't worry, you're not going the wrong way.""


Su Wen was a little dumbfounded and looked at Su Can with wide eyes. This is the Atlantis Hotel. Do we have to check in here before taking the elevator to the Palace Restaurant?

Su Can looked at the confused Su Wen smiled and said:"Brother, there are probably a lot of people taking the elevator to the Palace Restaurant over there. There are so many of us. It's not good to take the elevator over there. We might have to wait."

"Wait until it's okay!"

The old man said lightly.

Su Can smiled and said:"Haha! But grandpa, you don’t have to wait here. Xu Zhengmao and I have some friendship. There is an elevator from here, which is reserved for dedicated people. We took that elevator directly to the palace restaurant on the top floor........"


Su Wen was shocked.

He occasionally came here to eat at this palace restaurant. Even he had to take the elevator over there.

He had never known that there was actually a restaurant in the Atlantis Hotel. There is also an exclusive elevator that can be taken up.

Today, if Su Can hadn't brought him here,

Su Wen felt that he would never have known that there was such an elevator here!

It was really disappointing. He was shocked and his eyes were opened. He felt that he had really learned a lot today!


The old man also smiled faintly, but there was a hint of meaning in his eyes when he looked at Su Can, as if he saw something. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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