"If this continues, Wang Er will probably faint from shock."

Su Can has completely discovered that the old man has become younger and younger over the past few years. In front of Su's father and Su Can's uncle Su Jianjun, he is extremely majestic.

However, in front of these juniors, he has turned into an old kid........

Especially his eldest brother Su Wen's child. The old man held him in his arms. Even if the child pulled the old man's beard, the old man would smile from ear to ear.

This makes Su Can's uncle Su Jianjun and Su's father envious.

Now, the old man looks like an old kid again.

Su Can looked at Wang Er, who was trembling with fear, and rescued Wang Er.

After hearing Su Can's words, the old man smiled and said,"Come on, I listen to you, you two sit down quickly!" The old man's words made Wang Er feel like he was being pardoned, otherwise he would have fainted from fright. After all, he has been afraid of the old man since childhood.

Wang Er looked at Su Can gratefully and blinked, as if to say, Third Brother, thank you so much.

Su Can looked at it, smiled, reached out and patted Wang Er's shoulder gently, indicating to him to relax and there was no need to be so nervous.

Then, Su Can sat on the sofa next to the old man and sat next to him. Only Su Can could get this kind of treatment.

His elder brother doesn’t dare to do this now.......

Wang Er didn't even dare. When he saw Su Can sitting next to the old man, he secretly gave Su Can a thumbs up.

He remembered that not only was he afraid of Mr. Su like a mouse meets a cat, but the third brother was also almost there!

Now, look at Third Brother?

With this demeanor and momentum, he was sitting next to Mr. Su without any fear. Based on this, Wang Er almost knelt down to worship.

My third brother is so awesome. Wang Er secretly gave Su Can a thumbs up.

"Grandpa, when did you come to Pengcheng? Why didn't you tell me in advance so that I could come with you?"

Su Can didn't look in the direction of Wang Er, but looked at the old man and asked.

In his heart, he had almost guessed the reason why the old man came, but he didn't point it out directly.

"Let me tell you, you, a little monkey who likes to stay behind the scenes, will not be happy to come with me!"The old man looked at Su Can and said jokingly


Su Can touched his nose and smiled.

This is true.

The old man came with one of those people. After all, such a big forum requires such a person to come to attend the opening ceremony.

Su Can even Even if I know the itinerary, I won’t come with it. It’s too high-profile..........

"Brother! Su

Can had no idea what to do with the old man. He looked at Su Wen, feeling like he was going to accuse him, and said with a wry smile:"Today, you deliberately played a trick on me!""

"Su Can! Su

Wen spread his hands and said helplessly:"This is not something I can decide. Zi called me this morning. What can I do?""

"have to!"

Su Can shrugged helplessly. It was all on the old man's side, so he couldn't say anything.

He was also very helpless!

"alright!"Looking at Su Can, the old man smiled and said:"This matter is kept confidential. No one can disclose it before coming to Pengcheng. Your eldest brother Su Wen only told him after I arrived in Pengcheng."

"Grandpa, are you here just for the opening ceremony?"

Su Can understood the old man's words. He smiled and asked curiously.

"This is the top priority, the most important thing."The old man nodded and said:"I didn't expect that you could invite so many heavyweights in the world to attend this Pengcheng Business Forum Conference."

"Ha ha!"

Su Can smiled modestly:"That's everyone's face."

The old man looked at Su Can's modesty and smiled. His grandson is not weak in strength. No matter in terms of mental skills, he is the best choice.

He is too low-key as a person.

"This time, after participating in the opening of this business forum, we will take a look at some representative companies in Pengcheng, especially those founded by us mainlanders."

Then, the old man said lightly, inadvertently revealing a piece of news.


When Su Can heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.


Hearing Su Can's words, the old man didn't even wait for Su Can to speak. He knew what Su Can wanted to say and nodded slightly.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he said this or not. Both of them knew it..

However, Su Wen was a little puzzled and frowned slightly. He looked at the old man and Su Can chatting and found it difficult to understand.

Both of them spoke too high-end.

One only had to say a little, and the other said another. The two of them knew each other's meaning.

Even Su Wen found it unbelievable. He needed to think about it a few times, otherwise it would be really hard to think of it.

As for Wang Er, it was a Confused..........

Watching Mr. Su talking to his third brother, it was like listening to a book from heaven. He looked confused and couldn't understand what he meant.

This kind of thing was a bit like the way his grandfather talked to other old men when he was a teenager, and he couldn't understand it at all.

However, the content is very important

"Sure enough, the distance between me and my third brother is like the distance between earth and sky!"Wang Er said secretly in his heart.

His admiration for Su Can is like the endless flow of water in a torrential river.

"Thank you grandpa!"

Su Can heard the old man's words and said gratefully to the old man.

"Del, this is what was decided above and has nothing to do with me. Moreover, this is the reason for your success."

The old man smiled happily.

Indeed, if it weren't for his grandson's success, such a good thing would basically not be the turn of Guoqiang Electronics Factory.

This is all his grandson's ability, and the old man's face is bright!

"Ha ha!"

Su Can heard this and laughed. What the old man said was true. The current Guoqiang Electronics Factory has the reputation of a national enterprise.

After all, it is a national brand that is becoming bigger and stronger.

After chatting with the old man some more, Su Can Looking at it, it was almost six o'clock in the evening. After all, it was already afternoon when they arrived at Yue City.

And it took more than two hours to get from Yue City to Pengcheng.

After talking for a while, time It's already around six o'clock........

Su Can smiled and said:"It's already dinner time, let me treat you to dinner! In Yanjing City, I didn't get the chance to invite you out for dinner!"

"OK! When the old man heard this, he smiled happily and said,"You can make arrangements for today. It's up to you to decide where to eat."" ps Please subscribe

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