Moreover, this price is very cheap for many people, and few people think this price is very expensive.

Those mobile phone manufacturers who set this price are all businesses that are not afraid of death. They are really not afraid of setting such a high price so that no one will buy it........

After all, in this era, high-tech products like mobile phones are considered luxury goods, and most people really don’t have the money to buy them.

Su Can remembered that in his previous life, Big Brother was a big problem in the Mainland. One machine cost more than 20,000 yuan. If you want to buy it, you need an entrustment relationship to buy it.

I have to say that in this era, this mobile phone developed by Huatong Patent Company is really not expensive to buy for 46,666 yuan.

Of course, such prices will not last for many years.

Su Can estimated that the price would drop by 10,000 yuan in a year.

However, there is no way around this. As the market matures, the prices of many products will become lower and lower.

Especially in the Mainland, after the major manufacturers come out, the price can reach the lowest level.price.

Like in the past, when European and American countries monopolized various high-tech products, they could sell hundreds of thousands of each product.

However, after Chinese manufacturers developed it, the price was lowered.

It can be sold at the price of platinum and sold at the price of cabbage

"Boss, is this price a bit low?......"

When Yang Daqian heard the price of Su Can's car, he frowned and said,"Those like Big Brother are now priced at about 30,000 yuan. Our product can be said to be an epoch-making product, and it also has the function of text messaging. , the price of 46666 is a bit low."

This is good, but Yang Daqian dislikes Su Can's price for selling it too low.

Su Can looked at Yang Daqian and said with a smile:"Although this price is a little low, it is for the Hong Kong and Mainland versions of mobile phones."

"What about foreign ones?"

When Yang Daqian heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He then remembered that the version the boss mentioned just now seemed to be the Mainland version of Xiangjiang!

"Should it be higher?"

Yang Daqian asked expectantly.

Su Can nodded slightly and said with a smile:"That's natural. As a Chinese company, our Huatong Patent Company sells to our own people, so the price will naturally be lower, selling for 46,666 yuan. That's it"

"However, like the Southeast Asian version or the island country and stick country versions, the price is definitely far more than that."

"The price on their side is as low as 51,666, which is about 5,000 RMB more expensive than the mainland and Xiangjiang versions."

At this price, if Su Can had asked for it twenty years later, he would have been sprayed with blood. But in this era, this price is really not expensive..........

Moreover, the people this mobile phone was initially targeted at were not ordinary people at all, but businessmen or big bosses, company executives, etc.

So, the price is really not expensive.

In addition, the reason Su Can set prices like this was because in his previous life, he was very angry about the double standards of domestic and foreign pricing by some companies.

Now, for his own company, the domestic prices are far lower than those abroad.

This Xiaomi 1 is just the beginning. Later, Xiaomi will launch 2 series, 3 series and other mobile phones.

Su Can would ask Yang Daqian to insist on this, that is, the selling price abroad is much higher than that in China.

From now on, when people go abroad and come back to buy milk powder on their behalf, we have become like people who come to China and come back and buy mobile phones on their behalf.

No matter what, we have to win glory for the country!

"Boss, awesome!"

Yang Daqian looked at Su Can, gave a thumbs up and smiled.

"Dele, stop flattering and prepare yourself. The business forum will be held in Pengcheng in a few days. You will hold a product launch conference there.........."

Su Can waved his hand and smiled.

Yang Daqian patted his chest and said,"Boss, don't worry! There will definitely be no problem with this product launch!""

"Yes, go for it!"

Su Can waved his hand and drove Yang Daqian away from the courtyard.

He, Yang Daqian, will be busy with the next thing.

That press conference is very important. This time, the mobile phone of Huatong Patent Company will be promoted. Go out, I'm sure the whole world will be shocked. Those communication giants will all be shocked.

However, in this region of Asia, although Samsung is powerful, in the communication industry, it has not yet become the giant it was in its previous life.

There is no communication Giants, to restrict Huatong Patent Company.

And other companies, such as Motorola and other communication giants, if they want to restrict Huatong Patent Company, they have to be beyond their reach.

Not to mention, Su Can also asked Yang Daqian to arrange Ericsson took the lead.

By then, when the news is publicized, Ericsson will also announce that this mobile phone will be launched in Europe and the United States.

By then, it will attract the attention of Nokia and Motorola to Ericsson On his body, he blocked all kinds of gunfire for Huatong Patent Company.

Huatong got the fame.

But sorry, Ericsson blocked the muzzle of the gun. This way, it really makes people feel extremely happy!

"Hope it can last for a few more years!"

Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled faintly.

As long as it can hold on for a few more years, let Huatong Patent Company develop a candy bar phone based on this scaled-down version of Big Brother.

And this candy bar phone , will become Xiaomi's second-generation product, also known as Xiaomi 2.

By then, if slide phones and flip phones are developed later, the mobile phone industry under Huatong Patent Company will become the world's largest mobile phone industry. The leader.

No mobile phone company can compare.

All of this takes time........

But now, what Huatong Patent Company lacks is time. Otherwise, how could it have released such a huge market in the United States to Ericsson.

Moreover, he also supported him.

However, by releasing this bait now, Huatong Patent Company can obtain a huge reward in the future.

Su Can leaned back on the Taishi's chair, narrowed his eyes slightly, and fell into deep thought.

At the same time, a plane from Yanjingcheng to Xiangjiang slowly stopped at the airport in Xiangjiang.

On the plane, a group of people quickly got off.

Among them were Li Ziming and Teacher Zeng, whom Su Can had beaten violently.

Although the two of them did not speak, they and the rest of the exchange group walked out of the airport together.

Soon, they arrived at the airport gate.

Li Ziming looked at it and saw that no one came to pick him up outside. He secretly resented and regretted it. If it had been before, before Li Ji Trading Company collapsed, his family would have sent a driver in a luxury car to pick him up.

Unfortunately, now everything is ruined and everything no longer exists.

He got into the car arranged by the school, and the car quickly left the airport. After the car left, a black Nissan car followed him........

Inside, there was a person holding a mobile phone and said:"Boss, Li Ziming is back and their car has left the airport." ps Please subscribe

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