Su Can thought for a moment, frowned slightly, and said:"Brother, I can go to Pengcheng to take charge, but I can't reveal my information."

"Even those people from Yanjing City who go to Pengcheng are the same. Regardless of their status, they cannot reveal my existence."

"Moreover, you can’t say that I am the one making suggestions in Pengcheng’s business forum this time."

Su Can looked at Su Wen and said seriously.

This matter is too big.........

If it were revealed that he helped Su Wen do such a big thing, it would definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

Especially in this era, with the backward economy and large-scale investment promotion across the country, he would probably be bored to death.

Besides, anyone in China who is in Yanjing City and whose family has reached a certain level will know a little about Su Can's current industry.

However, Su Can did not show it.

Even if those people knew, they didn't say anything. After all, the Su family didn't say anything, and it was hard for them to say anything.

What's more, the industries under Su Can's hands were built by himself without any help from the Su family.

This makes people even more uncomfortable, and there is no possibility of gossiping anymore.

Nowadays, Su Can doesn't want to be so high-profile in the country. Many businesses have not been completely laid out successfully, so they will announce them in a high-profile way now.

This is undoubtedly a warning for people to be wary of themselves

"Su Can!"

Su Wen frowned slightly after hearing this.

He knew that his cousin Su Can said these words, but he still said them politely. Did he say that he participated in the planning of this business forum?

More than just a part!

Su Wen knew, This Pengcheng Business Forum can be so big, all because of Su Can.

Without Su Can, there would be no such thing!

Basically, this business forum does not have a main planner, it is not Su Can, his own soup base, planned to go out.

If he told it, it would definitely make the people above him, especially those few, have a great impression of him.

Doing business in the country would be smooth sailing.!

"After making such great achievements, you just throw it away like this?"Su Wen was a little confused and looked at Su Can and asked.

Su Can looked at Su Wen, let out a long breath and said:"Brother, if anything is as good as the forest wind, it will be destroyed. I can just develop in business now. Okay, there are some things you’d better not get involved in..........."

"You mean?"

Su Wen's heart skipped a beat when he heard Su Can's words.

Su Can did not answer Su Wen's words, but said lightly:"Our Su family has developed too fast in the past few years, whether it is my uncle, my father, or... You are all very fast. Although we all came here based on our abilities, you develop too fast and easily attract the attention of others."

"And if there is another me, it is easy to arouse other people's sensitive nerves. At this time, we should keep a low profile."

Sometimes, you don't have to make enemies if you don't want to.

"I see! Su

Wen nodded slightly and said,"Su Can, if it weren't for you, I would have almost gotten carried away and made a fool of myself.""

As he said that, Su Wen looked at Su Can and bowed slightly to Su Can.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Su Can looked at Su Wen and said, dumbfounded.

Didn't he just say a few words?

Is it necessary to salute like this?.........

Su Can has always found this kind of red tape troublesome. They are all from his own family, and there is no need to be so polite when talking about two families.

Su Wen stood up, looked at Su Can and said with a smile:"As the saying goes, a master is a teacher. What you said today made me wake up on the spot and gave me a lot of insights. I bow to thank you."

Su Can smiled helplessly.

Su Wen said:"According to what you said, I will grit my teeth and say what I should say, and I won't say what I shouldn't.""

"Um! Su

Can nodded and said:"From this matter, just pick me out, but you don't need to. You can take over whatever credit you have.""

"This is just, a little sorry for you! When Su

Wen heard this, he said with shame.

Su Can patted Su Wen on the shoulder, laughed and said,"Brother, what are you talking about!" Do you need to be so polite?"

"Too! Seeing Su

Can being so cheerful, Su Wen also felt that he was indeed a bit unsightly. He laughed and said,"Brother, I'm still not as cool as you!" No wonder you can make your business so big"

"In this respect, I am not as good as you"

"We brothers, let’s not talk to each other anymore. You have helped me so much this time. If you have anything to do, just call me and I will come right away, your eldest brother."


After hearing the promise from his eldest brother Su Wen, Su Can smiled faintly.

The two walked around for a while, walked around the alley, and finally returned to the courtyard.

Su Wen looked at Su Can and said,"We'll stop here today. , at noon, I have to go to CCTV to participate in an interview, which is about the Pengcheng Business Forum. If nothing else happens, it may be broadcast on the 7:30 news tomorrow evening."

"Brother, if you have something to do, go ahead.........."

Su Can nodded and said.

A few days ago, Su Can saw the news about the Pengcheng Business Forum on the 7:30 news, and knew that CCTV would promote this matter on a large scale.

As the person in charge of this forum, Su Wen came to Yanjing City just for this matter.

In addition, one of the big leaders will be invited to Pengcheng as an opening guest to participate in this business forum.

Today, that's too big.

It's not just a little Su Wen who can take charge.

But even so, a huge amount of credit will fall on Su Wen, and this credit will never be lost.

Su Can walked back toward the courtyard with brisk steps.

At seven o'clock in the evening the next day........

Su Can turned on the TV and saw the news, which was showing a reporter interviewing Su Wen. This news lasted five minutes.

After he saw it, he smiled slightly.

After this time, his eldest brother may take another step forward.

Su Can smiled lightly.

Moreover, if Su Can's estimate is good, after this news is broadcast again, all over the country, major provincial TV stations, or newspapers and media, and the morning and evening newspapers of major cities will all be broadcast during this period of time. Inside, the news was being reported frantically.

Pengcheng's business forum is going to become popular across the country, and it is expected to attract many small bosses of private enterprises to participate. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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