At noon, Zhang Man finally arrived.

Seeing the car parked outside, Su Can ordered the servant to serve the food immediately. At this point, it was time to eat.


As soon as Su Can finished ordering the servants, Zhang Man walked in.

She was still dressed in a suit as always. As a witch in suits, she was particularly fond of suits. Su Can had never seen her change.

This is a person who is crazy about suits. woman.....

Perhaps, Zhang Man, who grew up in a poor family and was at the bottom of Xiangjiang, saw those people in suits and leather shoes leading a superior life while commuting to get off work.

In her heart, a seed was planted since she was a child. When she grew up, she would wear a suit to work, make money to support her family, and let her mother live a good life.

Regarding this, Su Can had a pretty good guess.

It is precisely because of this psychological reason that Maggie Cheung always dresses like this when meeting people, and the wardrobe at home is also like this.

In the past, some people might have asked her what she was pretending to be?

However, since becoming the head of Wanxiang Group, Zhang Man has maintained this image unchanged for many years........

No one dares to say it?

On the contrary, those people will say that she has an attitude, is very persistent, and is a charming woman.

All this is because of status. When you reach a high position, you will be accompanied by flowers and countless applause.

Even if you fart, it still smells good!

"coming!"Su Can sat on the sofa, looked at Zhang Man, nodded slightly and said:"Come, follow me, I will show you, and you will know."

After that, Su Can stood up and walked upstairs.


Zhang Man paused for a moment, looked at Su Can's back, and was startled. She was not afraid, because if the boss wanted to do something bad to her?

If a scene like that she dreamed of appeared, Zhang Man would be happy to accept it and take the initiative. of cooperation.......

What she was wondering at this time was, what did the boss want to show her?

"Why are you standing there? Hurry up and catch up!"

Su Can didn't hear any movement behind him. He turned around and looked at Zhang Man who was slightly dazed. Su Can shouted.

"Forehead! Good boss!"Zhang Man was awakened by Su Can's words, came to his senses, took small steps, and followed behind Su Can.

Su Can heard the sound of Zhang Man's high heels hitting the ground behind him, and pursed his lips, revealing a faint smile. Smiling.

Soon, Su Can went up to the second floor and walked towards a room.

When he opened the door, it was very dark inside.

This is a movie theater in the villa. It is a room with a unique atmosphere. You can watch movies here. Video tapes and the like are just like watching them in a movie theater.

This kind of thing is actually left in later generations. Generally, small buildings or villas built by rich people will have such rooms.......

Su Can walked in and then opened the door on the side.


After Su Can pressed the switch, the inside was steep. Inside, there were several handmade sofas and chairs made of European leather.

And the window was covered with thick cloth.

Directly opposite, there was a TV!

"Boss, is this?"Zhang Man looked puzzled when he saw this, looked at Su Can in confusion and asked.

At the same time, he felt a little nervous for no reason, and thought of some things that often happened in the video hall.

Especially men and women. Things about couples inside........


Zhang Man thought of this and quickly spat at himself, shook his little head, and his face turned red shyly.

"What am I thinking?"

Zhang Man secretly cursed himself in his heart, how could he have such a long head, and how could he think of this at such a critical moment.

But, if the boss really does this?

Zhang Man felt that he would definitely accept it!

Su Can didn't pay attention. Seeing Zhang Man's expression behind him and hearing Zhang Man's words, Su Can squatted down and rummaged around on the cabinet in front of the TV.

He smiled and said,"I'll find you the truth you want to see."

Su Can doesn't know what Zhang Man is thinking at this time. Otherwise, Su Can will definitely be depressed to death. What is this girl thinking about now?

He brought this girl to see the truth of the matter. As a result, Zhang Man... What the girl is thinking about is how to get herself.......

Su Can found out and was absolutely speechless.

"found it!"

When Su Can finished speaking, he also took out the video tape in his hand. When Da Fei brought it over in the morning, Su Can later put it here. It's absolutely safe here in Su Can.


Zhang Man looked over with more curiosity. Seeing Su Can holding the video tape, Zhang Man felt even more curious in his heart.


At this time, Su Can turned on the TV and put in the video tape.

Then, he walked back to the sofa. Su Can sat down and looked at Zhang Man who was standing next to the door in a daze. Su Can said,"You are standing there stupidly. What, close the door quickly, come sit down and watch!"

Zhang Man was startled, his throat trembled, he swallowed, then nodded his head and closed the door to the room.........

"Boss, do you want to turn off the lights?" she asked somewhat presumptuously

"Need not!"Su Can shook his head. He showed Zhang Man the truth about Qin Jianghe's assassination. What was he doing with the lights off?

Su Can looked at Zhang Man and found that the girl had a shy look on her face.

He has lived in two lives. , has experienced many things, and seeing Zhang Man like this, Su Can still doesn't know what this girl is thinking?


Su Can was almost too depressed to take a sip of old blood.......

Damn it!

What is this girl thinking about in her little head? Is he, Su Can, such a person? He felt that even if he almost jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash it off.

"Come and sit!"Su Can took a deep breath, calmed down, and rolled his eyes helplessly at Zhang Man.

Zhang Man obediently walked to the sofa next to Su Can and sat down.

He looked at the TV curiously..

At this time, the video tape on the TV has slowly started to be played.

Su Can's voice also rang at this time:"I asked you to come here to see who planned this. one thing!"


When Zhang Man heard this, he looked at Su Can dumbfounded, his beautiful big eyes showed an unbelievable look, his mouth slightly opened, and he said in horror:"Boss, do you know who asked someone to kill Qin Jianghe?"

She almost blurted out, how did you know?"

"All the answers are in this videotape. After you watch it, you will know what is going on!"Su Can did not directly answer Zhang Man's words.

Instead, he pointed at the TV where the picture slowly appeared. ps Please subscribe

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