Chapter 51 Hot abroad: This locomotive is produced in China! ! (Add more, ask for collection)

With the passage of time and fermentation, the video of Su Qin’s Yamaha R1 new car launch event was posted to the largest foreign online forums YouTube and Face.

Face is the world’s leading photo-sharing site and the most widely used social media site in the north. It uploads approximately 350 million photos every day and has approximately 900 million users.

The first thing that caught the attention of foreigners was on Face.

At the beginning, this netizen just shared it casually, with a few pictures of Yamaha R1, and at the same time wrote: This is the coolest and most handsome motorcycle I have ever seen. There is no one, it is simply a wild beast. !

This netizen put the relevant pictures of Yamaha R1 on Face. After the fermentation of time, it immediately attracted the attention and praise of many netizens.

Likes have broken through one million, while comments have reached more than one hundred thousand.

Quite scary.

The following comments from foreign netizens are full of disbelief.

“This-motorcycle-is-really-beautiful, full-of-technology-and-for-the-railings”

“My sky, this car is cool. It’s just a photo, isn’t it? Or is it a concept car? ”

“I’m looking at my car, and I’m looking at this image, suddenly I like it.”

“Good luck, crawling machine car construction?”

“This is Honda’s new locomotive, isn’t it? Only Honda can make such a cool locomotive.

“No, I-think-it-should-be-our-Indian-new-car”


Netizens from all over the world commented below, and they all amazed the Yamaha’s appearance and styling.

At the same time, there is a voice in the comment area, that is, such a cool motorcycle must be made by the Japanese or M country.

Countries in this world are similar to the earth.

The first motorcycles to be manufactured were the Japanese and M countries. The technology in this area is naturally more mature.

But in this parallel world, the level of locomotive manufacturing in all countries stays at the same level, with a displacement of 125cc. More powerful companies such as Honda have just developed 250cc and have not yet mass-produced.

Just looking at the picture, they don’t know the performance data of the Yamaha R1, but they all think it is a new car product from Honda or Indian.

The Indian brand is the oldest motorcycle brand in country M, established in 1901.

On earth, in 1953, the Indian company was forced to declare bankruptcy due to internal and external difficulties and desperation.

However, in this parallel world, Indian brand motorcycle companies still exist. They were once the largest and strongest motorcycle manufacturers in the world. They have launched many high-quality models that shine through the history, including “Scouting”, “Indian four-cylinder”, 841 and so on.

This is slightly different from the earth.

Of course, the netizen could not bear to see such a situation.

So I posted a message on the face of Facebook, with the text: I’m sorry, this cool locomotive is from China! China! China!

And uploaded the complete video of Su Qin’s new product launch.

The three Chinas alone are an expression of pride.

Such a cool product actually comes from China?

This suddenly made foreign netizens incredulous.

Because China’s motorcycles started and developed relatively slowly, coupled with the lack of capital, the engine developed by China only stayed at 70cc, one level behind the world.

It is such a country that has produced such a cool motorcycle, which surprised netizens, and even some could not believe it.

However, the whole process of the conference is the best evidence.

Prove that this handsome and cool Yamaha R1 comes from China!

Some netizens translated Su Qin’s press conference and uploaded it to YouTube.

YouTube is the world’s largest video site, popular with netizens all over the world. The system processes tens of millions of video clips every day, and provides high-level video upload, distribution, display, and browsing services for thousands of users around the world. Monthly login More than 2 billion users.

This immediately caused quite a stir on YouTube and caused an uproar among foreigners.

PS: The first chapter is added. There are still 2000 flowers, 300 evaluation votes, 2 rewards, 10 monthly tickets, and seven more bursts. If the data is good, 10 is not a problem. .

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