Chapter 7 Pure romance (seeking flowers, evaluation votes)

Upon hearing the sound, all three of them were shocked.

The one with the most blessed figure looked at Ye Feng quickly and said out of breath: “Manager Ye, can Mr. Qin speak well?”

Ye Feng thought for a while, and replied: “I still feel good to talk.”

“Manager Ye, in front of Mr. Qin later, I hope you can help us talk more.”

“Yes, Manager Ye, you must help us with this favor.”

“If our capital is turned over, we must make up the rent as soon as possible.”

The three bosses who are infinitely fascinating outside at the moment do not nod and bow in front of Ye Feng, it is almost the same.

No way, Jinhui Building is located in the core area of ​​Jiangcheng cbd, but any capable company will sharpen its head and drill into it.

If their company is invited out because it cannot pay the rent, it will definitely be a big blow to their company.

Ye Feng said: “I have known the three of you for several years, and I will definitely help if I can help.”

“Thank you, Manager Ye.”

“Thank you very much.”

“With your words, Manager Ye, I feel more relieved.”

At that time!

After getting off the bus, Yang Xue walked to Jinhui Building as usual, ready to go to work at the company.

There is a square with an area of ​​1,000 square meters in front of Jinhui Building.

Because it is adjacent to Jinhui Building, this square is also called Jinhui Plaza by many people.

At this time, there was a large object parked in the center of Jinhui Plaza, which was covered by a plastic sheet.

Although it is covered, people who watch the excitement around know that it is a car!

In the front of the car, there was also a greasy young man holding flowers, wearing a name brand, and a blessed figure.

Such scenes have appeared in many short video apps.

It is a very old-fashioned confession scene.

Although clichéd, it is very useful.

Because this is a romance created with money, a very pure romance, and it is full of money.

Faced with this kind of romance, many girls’ hearts will instantly fall…

“I don’t know what car it is?”

“Why don’t you have to go up with 400,000 yuan, otherwise it will be anticlimactic.”

“I know that person, Ma Fugui, the head of Glenon Advertising, is his father.”

“Another rich second generation, hey, another goddess is about to become a fallen angel.”

“It looks so frustrated, I will confess that it may not be successful later.”

“In these days, being rich is justice, and being handsome has something to do with it. At most, it can only deceive ignorant female students in the school days. When it comes to society, the rich is the uncle. He is a pig. Face, a lot of money was thrown down, and some goddesses rushed on it, saying it was really fragrant.”

“Brother, you have a heart-wrenching remark, but every sentence is the truth.”

“It’s so romantic, why don’t you know it’s so romantic.”

A well-dressed girl glanced at her boyfriend next to her, and said with dissatisfaction.

“This… isn’t this strength forbidden.”

“Know that your strength is not allowed, just work hard to make money. You go to work during the day, and you can take part-time delivery at night.”

“Are you asking me to deliver food to a doctoral student?”

“What’s wrong with doctoral students, doctoral students who won’t make money, are not farts.”


“What are you?”


“I am what I am!”

“I’m going to deliver the food tonight.” The man said humbly, licking the dog’s face.

“Well, this is good.”

“Yang Xue, I like you, be my girlfriend.”

Seeing Yang Xue appeared, Ma Dong immediately opened the plastic sheet, revealing a red BMW sedan!

Pointing to the BMW car, she continued to say to Yang Xue: “I know that it is very hard for you to commute by bus every day. For this reason, I specially bought this car for you.”

“Xue’er, follow me to the vehicle management office, the owner of this car, put your name on it.”

After speaking, Ma Dong also handed the 99 red roses in his hand to Yang Xue, and stared at Yang Xue with affectionate expression on his face.

“Wow, that’s the BMW 5 Series. It costs more than 500,000 to land.”

“Have you heard, this is not a marriage proposal yet.”

“Romantic, too romantic. If it was me, I would definitely agree.”

“Yes, yes, me too. It doesn’t matter if a man has money or not, it’s important to understand romance.” A green tea bitch said seriously.

Hearing the sound, the corners of the men’s lips twitched.

Especially, if we were as rich as that fat man, we would be more romantic than him.

And, is this especially romantic?

What’s so special is that I want to use money to smash a girlfriend out.

Yang Xue was stunned for a while.

She really didn’t expect Ma Dong to give her the whole thing.

Faced with the pursuit of the former, she has always categorically rejected it.

As a result, Ma Dong has gotten worse.

Is this treating me Yang Xue as a gold worshiper?

Thinking of this, Yang Xue felt that she had been humiliated, and her heart was surprisingly angry.

Of course she also likes money, Yang Xue, and she also hopes that her other future companion is a rich person.

But this does not mean that as long as a man has money, he can be her Yang Xue’s man.

With the respect of Ma Dong, in her place, she was out of the game first…

No matter how rich he is, he will not accept it.

Well, she Yang Xue is a face control.

Wanwan couldn’t bear that his boyfriend was a greasy young man like Ma Dong.

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