Chapter 513 No matter how arrogant, can there be a pony brother arrogantly [seeking subscription! 】

The door opened! Yu Hua, Cheng Jun, Wu Desheng, and Zhang Daqian walked into the box with their wine glasses, and the four of them couldn’t hide their excitement.

The few people were very excited when they thought of the wine that would honor the richest man in Xia Country.

Take a closer look.

A middle-aged man with a graceful temperament and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses sat there with a gentle face.

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Brother Xiao Ma.

Wait! F*ck, the man sitting next to Brother Xiao Ma! Isn’t that Qin Fan Qin Dao? After recognizing Qin Fan, Yu Hua’s four eyes suddenly glared at the boss.

Dao Qin and Brother Xiao Ma are sitting together eating hot pot, my God! Dao Qin is such a big deal, and he still has such a good relationship with Xia Guo’s richest man.

This is the head of the Penguin Group, and the richest man in Xia Guo. The big man Qin invited the richest man to eat hot pot in a place like this. Isn’t it too sloppy, too casual, but it is often this kind of “random”

It can better show the depth of the relationship between the two.

Big Qin is awesome!! Breaking the sound “Mr. Ma, let me introduce to you, this is Yu Hua, Chairman of Xia Shang Group”

After the introduction, the four of Yu Hua 4 each pulled up a chair and sat down:

Our two-dimensional cute girl paper is very sensible, and take the initiative to call the waiter to add dishes and add dishes

Outside the Haidilao shop.

Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Shaojie got out of a Maybach.

“Zhi Yuan, wait: apologize to Mr. Qin, remember that you can’t be perfunctory.”

Chen Shaojie exhorted a thousand times.

He knew his nephew very well.

Being smart is not fake.

From kindergarten, elementary school to university, all subject examinations have always been the first.

This allowed him to gain the name of genius, and it also made his heart rise to the sky.

Among his peers, he has never served anyone.

Now let him apologize to a peer, he is really afraid that it will be counterproductive.

“Uncle, your ears are almost cocooned by you all the way, so please put a hundred and twenty hearts.”

“As long as I can see Brother Xiao Ma tomorrow, I can bear any grievances.”

“Well, let’s go in then.”

While Xiao Ma went to the bathroom on the way, the four of Yu Hua immediately looked at Qin Fan with curiosity: “Mr. Qin, how did you and Xiao Ma meet?”

Just now a few of them respected Xiao Ma, and the richest man Xiao Ma not only didn’t show up, but he also called them friends. The business people did not think that their face was so big and the richest man could surrender. The status is equal to them, it must be based on the face of Qin Fan.

On this point, these old fritters can still be seen.

“Just met, about half an hour earlier than you: right.”

Qin Fan replied truthfully.

“just met”

The four of them looked at each other, looking at each other.

They thought that Qin Fan and Xiao Ma had already known each other before.

But now Qin Fan told them that he and Xiao Ma had just met him, this dong dong!! At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then a middle-aged man’s voice came in from outside.

“May I ask if Mr. Qin is inside? This is Chen Shaojie.”

“Come in, Mr. Chen.”

After Chen Shaojie led Ma Zhiyuan to push the door and walked in, he was obviously taken aback.

“Mr. Yu,

Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Cheng, you are all here too.”

“Yes, Mr. Chen, you are”

Four people 4 Except for Wu Desheng, the other three are also a little strange.

In their circle with Qin Fan as the core, Chen Shaojie is not in it.

However, if Chen Shaojie can enter their circle, they will also welcome with their hands.

After all, Chen Shaojie’s strength is not weaker than them.

The stronger a circle is, the members in the circle will naturally benefit more.

“My nephew is so arrogant that he accidentally offended Mr. Qin during the day. Now I bring him here and ask him to apologize to Mr. Qin.”

Chen Shaojie explained with a smile.

“Zhiyuan, what are you doing in a daze.”

At this time, Ma Zhiyuan looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao, who was sitting close with Qin Fan, his eyes widening.

F*ck! This Qin Fan is unsatisfied with Lu Danqing, and is still outside with flowers and grass! Dammit, the key is that this girl is also a very good goddess.

Unlike the gentle Lu Danqing, this sister paper is more like coming out of the second element. The bunny ears suit is worn on her body. Don’t be too kawaii! Step on two boats! Excessive! According to his own temperament, Ma Zhiyuan wanted to reveal the true face of Qin Fan scumbag to Zhou Xiaoxiao in public, but after thinking of his purpose for coming today, Ma Zhiyuan had to endure “Mr. Qin, I was wrong.”

Ma Zhiyuan lowered his haughty head humiliatingly towards Qin Fan and began to apologize.

He was violently beaten by his old uncle in front of thousands of students from Jianghan University.

Now he was led over again to apologize to him.

Although Qin Fan could feel that Ma Zhiyuan didn’t really apologize to him.

But Qin Fan didn’t bother to care too much about it.

After all, with his current status and status, if he really cares about so much with Ma Zhiyuan, a college student who has not even graduated from university, then he will fall into the lower class.

“Then Mr. Qin, I won’t interrupt your meal.”

“Chen, go slowly, I won’t give it away.”

“Mr. Qin is polite.”

When Chen Shaojie and Ma Zhiyuan turned and walked to the door of the box, Ma Zhiyuan rolled his eyes and suddenly said, “Uncle, you explain that you see the richest man in the sky, Brother Ma, I am wearing the clothes right now.”

After speaking, Ma Zhiyuan turned his head and deliberately glanced at Qin Fan.

Tsundere’s triumphant little eyes seemed to say: “What is so arrogant about you, no matter how arrogant you are, can there be Brother Ma so arrogant?”

Just when Chen Shaojie was about to speak back, the box door in front of him was pushed open from the outside.

“General Manager Ma Ma”

Chen Shaojie looked at one of the two standing in front of him with a dazed expression.

How could the richest man, Xiao Ma, appear here “Little Ma Ma!”

Like his uncle, Ma Zhiyuan is equally bewildered.

He just talked about Brother Xiao Ma, and in the blink of an eye, Brother Xiao Ma stood in front of him, “Mr. Chen.”

Xiao Ma smiled slightly and nodded to Chen Shaojie.

Little Ma didn’t feel surprised that Chen Shao Jie was here now.

Regardless of

In which city, the top business people basically know each other

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