Chapter 510 Praise that I have nothing wrong [Subscribe! 】

After a while, when Qin Fan drove Cullinan out of Tiandi Yunting passing an office building on Qingyang Road, Qin Fan saw an oversized yellow life-saving cushion placed downstairs in this office building, and surrounded a lot of them. Passersby, someone was about to jump off the building, Qin Fan looked up, and he saw a person sitting on the edge of the protective wall on the roof of the office building.

Bind “One Good Daily”

When the Qin Fan of the gangster system encounters someone who wants to jump off the building, it will naturally not turn a blind eye.

It doesn’t matter whether the system gives rewards or not. The key is that Qin Fan is already fond of doing good deeds. The Buddha also said: Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level float! Therefore, Qin Sanhao is a young man, go online! After finding a location nearby and parking the car, Qin Fan walked towards the office building.

As a result, halfway through, Qin Fan heard an exclamation of fear erupting from the masses of people gathered downstairs in the office building.

Don’t jump off the building anymore, Qin Fan’s left eyelid twitched.

Then Qin Fan discovered that it was a false alarm.

It turned out that the guy on the rooftop was sitting on the edge of the protective wall with his feet dangling, but he accidentally dropped the slippers on his feet from the air. Office building.

Just when Qin Fan was trying to get into the office building, he happened to encounter a group of uniformed police officers who got out of a police car and rushed towards it in a hurry.

And by coincidence, the police officer headed by is our beautiful police officer Ning Shihan! “Qin Fan!”

After Ning Shihan saw Qin Fan, a surprise flashed across her face.

“I’m busy now, so I won’t tell you more.”

“Well, Qin Fan, why did you follow?”

Ning Shihan noticed that Qin Fan was close by her side and couldn’t help but stop and ask.

“I want to go up and see if I can help.”

Qin Fan replied with a smile.

“That’s okay, but when you get to the rooftop, don’t talk nonsense, if it irritates the jumper, it’s not good.”

Ning Shihan thought for a while and said.


“By the way, Wu Zhibin, how long will the negotiation expert be there?”

In the elevator, Ning Shihan asked a colleague next to him.

“About fifteen minutes.”

The male policeman named Wu Zhibin glanced at his phone and replied

A group of people walked out of the elevator and just arrived on the rooftop when they were seen by the jumper.

“Don’t come here, come again, I will jump off the building!”

The jumper was a young man with a shaved head, extremely emotional.

“Okay, don’t get excited, don’t get excited, just stand here and don’t pass.”

Ning Shihan comforted.

“Handsome guy, you”

“Stop! What do you call me”

The young man who jumped off the building with Ban Cuntou waved to interrupt Ning Shihan’s words and asked.

Ning Shihan was stunned: “Handsome handsome guy.”

“What I didn’t hear clearly.”

“handsome guy!”

Ning Shihan thought that the young man who jumped off the building had a hard-to-understand hearing, so she raised her voice and shouted.

“Sizzle comfortable”

The young man who jumped from the building with Ban Cuntou closed his eyes, as if he had eaten a delicious meal, his face was full of aftertaste.

Ning Shihan: “”

Other police: “”

Qin Fan: “”

Just be happy if you are “Handsome guy, what difficulties you have encountered, even if you tell our police, our police will definitely help you out, please trust our police.”

“Furthermore, you must not forget it, you have to think about your wife and children.”

Ning Shihan organized the language and began to persuade him.

“Wife and child Ma Dan, I am a mother and child, where’s the wife and child!”

The young man who jumped off the building screamed.

Ning Shihan: “”

Other police: “”

Qin Fan: “”

“Then you always have to think about your parents. It’s not easy for them to raise you so much. You have to know that the most painful thing in the world is that white-haired people send black-haired people.”

Ning Shihan also tried hard to persuade him.

“I hate them!”

The young man who jumped off the building in Bancuntou gritted his teeth and said: “I was just born, and they threw it out of the trash can. If it weren’t for a sanitation aunt who kindly carried me to the orphanage, I would have died very early.”

Ning Shihan: “”

Other police: “”

Qin Fan: “”

At this time, Qin Fan spoke: “That pretty boy, you want to jump off the building, there is always a reason, right”

The right medicine can be prescribed only when the disease is found.

Ning Shihan said nothing, because what Qin Fan asked was what she wanted to know.

“Because of the discrimination and prejudice against me by my friends and colleagues!”

The young man who jumped off the building from Bancuntou said excitedly: “My only hobby is to watch live broadcasts. Some time ago, I was deeply attracted by a female anchor, so I gave her a gift.”

“After the friends and colleagues around me found out, they all said that I was a fool. They not only despised me, but also despised my female anchor name.”

“Because of this, you are going to jump off the building”

Qin Fan said silently.

“of course not.”

Bancuntou jumped off the building: “I didn’t have the money to give Xiaomi a gift, so I asked them to borrow money, but none of them were willing to lend me money.”

“The first day I couldn’t give Xiaomi gifts, I felt life was so boring, and the second day I couldn’t give Xiaomi gifts, I felt life was so boring, and the third day I couldn’t give Xiaomi gifts, I felt my life was so boring. , On the fourth day when I can’t give Xiaomi a gift, I feel that I have lost the meaning of existence, so I might as well die.”

Ning Shihan: “”

Other police: “”

Qin Fan: “”

“Handsome man, why do you want to reward the female anchor with the money? Save the money and ask for a wife. Isn’t it fragrant?”

A young policeman couldn’t understand the behavior of the young man who jumped off the building.

“You know what a shit!”

Bancuntou jumped off the building and the young man shouted emotionally: “I’m going to give her a gift. She takes me as her family, and she calls me the eldest brother. She also praises me, praises me that I am fine, and praises my old iron 66!”

Ning Shihan: “”

Other police: “”

Qin Fan: “”

“And my Xiaomi said that as long as I give her a gift of 300,000 yuan, she will be my daughter-in-law!”

Hearing this, Qin Fan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: “You really like that…what is the female anchor of Xiaomi?”

“Isn’t this nonsense, the head of Xiaomi is so beautiful, she is my little fairy, she is the love of my life!”

The young man who jumped off the building with a board Cuntou said affectionately

99 reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and share!,

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