Chapter 491 Reject free fast food [please subscribe! 】

“Handsome guy, add it with a trumpet.”

Sun Nian looked at Qin Fan and said with a smile: “A handsome guy like you doesn’t even have a trumpet, right?”

“Sorry, I really don’t have a trumpet.”

Qin Fan just finished speaking, another female college student standing next to Sun Nian, looking at Qin Fan, exhaled and said, “Handsome guy, I have a big appetite.”

“Big appetite”

Hearing what Sun Nian’s companion said, Qin Fanjie really didn’t react for a while.

“Handsome guy, don’t you guys all like girls with big appetites”

Walter Qin Fan Jie was a little dumbfounded. This woman is not a foodie who saw Qin Fan’s face dumbfounded. Sun Nian’s companion first glanced at Qin Fan with a charming look, and then hummed: “I have a big appetite. Girls who eat is a blessing, don’t you men like them all?”

“Handsome guy, everyone is an adult, and it will be boring to pretend to be on.”

It’s a blessing to have a big appetite. Qin Fan pondered it carefully, and suddenly he became enlightened! f*ck! This woman is really a good foodie, amazing! “You are freshmen in the freshman year.”

Qin Fan asked with a smile.

“Yeah, how did you know, handsome, do we look so tender?”

Qin Fan heard the sound and couldn’t help but roll his eyes straight.

Especially if you are not new students, how can you not recognize me?

This is not Qin Fan’s narcissism.

After all, Qin Fan is a man who has been in Jianghan University for four consecutive years! At this time, Lu Danqing, who has checked the female dormitory, walked out.

“Qin Fan!”

Our teacher Lu saw Qin Fan at a glance, and immediately waved at Qin Fan and shouted with happiness.

“Handsome guy, your girlfriend is Teacher Lu”

Sun Nian’s face was slightly stiff.

It’s no wonder that the handsome, scumbag man in front of her didn’t show any interest or affection when facing her.The girlfriend of the other person is Lu Danqing.The beauty of teacher Danqing Road is at Jianghan University, but it is recognized that even the current school flower can’t be compared.

Although she has always been confident about her appearance.

But facing Lu Danqing, all she had left in her heart was ashamed. Seeing Lu Danqing walking towards this side, Sun Nian and her companions could only walk away sadly.

“Dan Qing, you are already studying subject two”

“This speed is really fast.”

Just out of the school gate, Lu Danqing suddenly remembered that her mobile phone had fallen in the girls’ dormitory.

So our teacher Lu hurriedly got out of the car and went back to get his mobile phone.

Qin Fan had to park Cullinan outside the school gate, waiting for our Lu teacher

Qin, who was sitting in the car with his eyes closed and rested, suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the window in his ear.

Qin Fan thought that Lu Danqing had arrived, so he pressed the door lock and opened the passenger car door.

Realizing that someone was sitting in the co-pilot, Qin Fan couldn’t help but rub the yang acupuncture point, and said, “At night, let’s go to [Yida Yuhu No.1].”

“Okay handsome guy.”

“Go wherever you say you go.”

“Even in this car, it’s okay.”

Hearing that the sound coming from his ear was not Lu Danqing’s voice, Qin Fan’s heart burst and he opened his eyes and looked at it.

What greeted you was a strange woman.

Wearing heavy makeup and wearing it is also very cool.

“Beauty, you got in the wrong car.”

Qin Fan said silently.

“People knocked on the car window, handsome guy, you opened the door for others, and they didn’t get on the wrong car.”

The woman in cool clothes looked at Qin Fan’s handsome face, her eyes were green, and she whispered.

Driving a luxury car, living in the [Yida Yuhu No.1] community, a proper rich man.

The key is still so young and so handsome.

I can’t hold back my beating little heart at all.

“Uh, sorry beauty, I thought it was my girlfriend knocking on the car window just now.”

Qin Fan explained.

“Handsome guy, is your girlfriend also a student of Jianghan University”

“I am also a college student at this university.”

The cool-dressed woman looked at Qin Fan with straight eyes, and said with a smile: “Seeing your girlfriend hasn’t come yet, would you like a fast food? Just in the car.”

“fast food”

The corners of Qin Fan’s mouth rose up, full of disdain.

Just kidding, this sentence is simply an insult to him, he is not a real man in ten seconds.

With his powerful capital, he can’t get up soon even if he wants to.

“Sorry, my car has too little space.”

“It doesn’t matter if the space is small.”

“You don’t need to move.”

“It just so happens that I’m hungry.”

The coolly dressed woman said in a charming voice.

“Sorry, I don’t have change with me.”

Qin Fan said impatiently.

“It doesn’t matter, this fast food is free.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Fan’s mouth twitched.

f*ck, this free fast food can be met by him “My girlfriend is here.”

Qin Fan turned to Lu Danqing, who had already walked out of the school gate and was walking towards him, and said indifferently.

Hearing the sound, the woman in cool clothes got out of the car unwillingly

After Lu Danqing got into the car and fastened his seat belt, he couldn’t help saying: “Qin Fan, the woman just now”

“She said she was a student of our Jianghan University, you know her”

Qin Fan asked rhetorically.

Lu Danqing nodded when he heard the sound, and said: “It is a freshman in our university, but she is behaving in disorder. Not long ago, the police swept.

When she arrived, she was punished by staying in school for probation.”

“Selling like her will sooner or later go bankrupt.”

Qin Fan started Cullinan and said with a smile.

“What does bankruptcy mean”

“She just wanted to sell me a fast food, and I said I didn’t have change, but she said to give me free meals.”

“Dan Qing, did you say that your man is a eater who eats food?”

“Fast food or fast food”

Qin Fan: “My teacher Lu, you taste it carefully.”

Lu Danqing, who came over, couldn’t help but cast a blank glance Qin Fan

Qin Fan and Lu Danqing came to [Yida Yuhu No.1] and came to the common nest of the two.

Our teacher Lu cooks a few small dishes.

After eating, Qin Fan took a shower and went to the big bed in the master bedroom, lying down comfortably.

After a while, Lu Danqing walked in.

Looking at our teacher Lu, Qin Fan couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva, then praised: “Danqing, you”

Seeing Qin Fan’s hesitation and halting appearance, Lu Danqing felt a little in his heart, and said, “Is this cheongsam wearing a little inappropriate?”

“I’m wearing it, it feels a little tight.”

“I wore a cheongsam for the first time. I have no experience. I thought the size I bought was a little smaller.”

“Qin Fan, wait for me for a few minutes, I’ll change my clothes.”

Upon hearing the sound, Qin Fan quickly said: “It’s not Danqing.”

“I mean you are wearing this cheongsam, it’s too charming.”


Our teacher Lu blushed.


Qin Fan nodded his head and said seriously: “Dan Qing, I think your figure is very suitable for wearing a cheongsam.”

Lu Danqing’s posture is a little plump, and it is perfect with a cheongsam.

As for Lu Danqing, it is a bit tight to wear. In Qin Fan’s opinion, it is one of the charms of cheongsam.

It looks loose, so why do you wear a cheongsam? “Come on, my teacher, I’m going to hand in my homework.”

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