Chapter 486 There is a taste [please subscribe! 】

Yang Xue guessed wildly.

“Ah, this question can be answered incorrectly, Wang Lei is only 27 years old today.”

The lovely-looking bridesmaid glanced at Yang Xue next to her and whispered.

“Excuse me, Miss Yang, you got the wrong answer.”

“Our groom officer is 27 years old this year.”

Peng Hao said silently.

He wanted to come up with a question to give points to earn a little favor from the other party.

As a result, the other party could even answer his sub-question incorrectly, which made him unable to complain about the next link, which is naturally the punishment link.

I saw Yang Xue put his jade hand into the glass jar and took out a small piece of paper.

Unroll the ball of paper.

A line of characters appeared on the paper ball.

“Designate one of the opponents to do three 3 squats with their backs on their backs!”

When the words on the paper ball fell in the eyes of everyone in the room.

It can be said that everyone looks different.

The bride Tan Mengxuan and her bridesmaids thought of a certain scene, and they couldn’t help but sip their best man in their hearts.

As expected, none of these men is a good thing.

Special, just this way of punishment, no matter

Whether the punishment is for the man or the woman.

In the end, the best man will be the cheapest.

As a man, Qin Fan naturally understands this way of punishment.

Yes, yes, very strong.

Seeing this, to be honest, Qin Fan is more and more curious about the subsequent punishment.

The best man looked at Yang Xue all, with anticipation.

Carrying Yang Xue with long legs on his back, three 3 squats made their hearts look forward to.

All expect this kind of good thing to fall on their own heads

At this time, Yang Xue pursed her mouth, feeling a little unhappy in her heart.

The man who can think of this kind of punishment is extremely trivial! Suddenly, Yang Xue’s impression of the best man members is much worse.

Who do you choose to do three 3 squats behind your back? Shen Xuebin, Pang Hao, Yuxue or Shu Peng To be honest, Yang Xue is not willing to choose these four people alone.

She didn’t even want to accept this punishment.

It’s just that today is her best friend’s day.

If she didn’t accept the punishment of losing the game, it would be too cold.Yang Xue’s eyes moved over the four members of the best man.

Finally, Yang Xue caught a glimpse of Qin Fan leaning on the door of the room.

Biting her lip, Yang Xue suddenly pointed her finger at Qin Fan, lightly opened her lips, and said, “I choose him.”

The choice Yang Xue made made the men in the room dumbfounded.

The four members of the best man looked at each other, looking at each other.

Especially, why does Yang Xue skip them and choose Qin Fan directly, don’t you know if it’s not in accordance with the rules of the game? Qin Fan’s identity today is not the best man. Or else I would like to remind you. Famous celebrities emerged, and they were directly suppressed again.


If they are fighting for reasons, don’t they have Mr. Qin, can they do squats with a long-legged beauty like Yang Xue, thinking that no man would be unwilling to ruin Mr. Qin’s beauty, what are they? Will do it

Qin Fan said that he was a little confused.

He is just a lively audience.

Why did he suddenly participate in this game passively and do three 3 squats with a beauty with 90+ thighs on her back. Should he agree or agree?

Qin Fan stood up straight, looked at Yang Xue, and said with a smile

Walking to Yang Xue, Qin Fan turned around, and then slightly bent over to signal the former to come up by himself.

Under the envious and jealous eyes of the best man and the groom, Yang Xueqiao’s face was flushed, and her hands were placed on Qin Fan’s shoulders.

At this time, Qin Fan also moved.

I saw that Qin Fan held Yang Xue’s back of the knee with both hands, and then slightly exerted force with both arms to lift Yang Xue on his back.

Because Yang Xue’s bridesmaid dress was a white knee-length skirt.

In order to prevent the former from disappearing, Qin Fan copied the former’s skirt.

This little action instantly won the favor of some women in the room, including Yang Xue.

At the very least, it can be seen that this Qin Fan is still a very careful and gentleman.

Putting Yang Xue on his back, Qin Fan said that this feeling is still very nice.

I can’t describe it in words, I can only feel it myself! Back: Good Yang Xue, Qin Fan started doing squats.

Following Qin Fan’s body suddenly squatted.

Yang Xue, with her hands on Qin Fan’s shoulders, suddenly lost her balance due to inertia.

After being frightened, out of physical instinct, Yang Xue’s arms directly wrapped Qin Fan’s neck to stabilize her figure.

And Qin Fan, who had already squatted to the bottom, felt a sense of pressure on the top of the mountain on his back! Very Ness had the first experience, the next two squats, Yang Xue’s hands were tight. He hugged Qin Fan’s neck and held it still.

After finishing three squats, Yang Xue quickly left Qin Fan’s back with a blushing face.

The bride, Tan Mengxuan, looked at Yang Xue with weird eyes.

What is the situation? This is how her good girlfriend skips the best man. Choosing Qin Fan won’t be a good impression of this Qin Fan.

Love at first sight As the game continues, Qin Fan really feels that Wang Lei’s best man is talented.

The punishment methods that came out of their hands are all ingenious.

What kind of squat, leapfrog, standing long jump, Qin Fan said that these people still care about the physical exercise of the bridesmaids.

Soon the round is over.

It’s Peng Hao’s turn to ask Yang Xue again

“Miss Yang, what is the relationship between our new couple”

Peng Hao looked at Yang Xue and asked.

This question is another sub-question in the eyes of many people in the room.

But our Yang Xue said that for this question, she still has to rely on “colleagues”.

Yang Xue thought for a while, and guessed like that.

Peng Hao got the wrong answer again: “No, Miss Yang, the two newcomers are related to college classmates.”

This time, Yang Xue’s punishment method can be said to be fresh and refined.

“Designate one of the opponents to scratch his feet for three minutes!”

When Yang Xue saw the words on the note, the whole person’s face was a little green, scratching the soles of his feet, which bastard came up with! Well, this is a savory punishment.

Qin Fan made such an evaluation in his heart.

The other three bridesmaids sympathized with Yang Xue at this time.

Scratching the soles of the feet is so itchy, so once it itches, people laugh.

And it’s the kind of…uncontrolled ghost and animal version of laughter that hurts the image of a lady, is there…”I choose him!”

This time Yang Xue chose to scratch the soles of her feet still Qin Fan.

Hearing the sound, Qin Fan glanced at Yang Xue’s feet in flesh-colored socks.

Her face was a little weird and said: “I said Dame Yang, before you scratch, do you want to wash your feet first”

To be honest, Qin Fan is reluctant to scratch Yang Xue’s feet.

What if it is really a pair of smelly feet, Qin Fanjie’s taste is always very light.

Qin Fan’s voice fell, and Yang Xue’s face quickly became flushed.

At this time, she was angry and annoyed, ashamed and irritable.

The man publicly suspected that her feet had a smell.

Thank you book friend [Rui Er] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Rui Er] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Rui Er] for your monthly ticket support!! push

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