Chapter 466 Brother Fan, your ice cream is so bitter. [Subscribe! 】

Seeing Xia Rourou answering twice in a row.

Zhou Xiang frowned secretly.

This Xia Rourou seemed to be too proactive.

It’s not like her usual style.

“Haha, get in the car then.”

Qin Fan said loudly.

Seeing Zhou Xiang going to pull the door of the co-pilot, Xia Rourou hurriedly pursed her mouth and said to Zhou Xiang in a very embarrassing tone: “Brother Zhou, I’m prone to motion sickness when I sit in the back. Can you let me sit in the front?”

“Well, Xiaoxia, sit in the front.”

“Brother Fan, why is your car’s seat belt different from other cars? I can’t do it. Could you please help me to fasten it?”

As soon as Xia Rourou got into the co-pilot, she glanced at the seat belt, her eyes rolled, and said.

“My car has a four-point seat belt. What you usually see is a three-point seat belt.”

“But the installation methods for both are similar.”

While talking, Qin Fan tilted her body towards Xia Rourou, and helped Xia Rourou fasten her seat belt.

“I’m all to blame for being stupid.”

Xia Rourou said with a cute look.

When Qin Fan fastened Xia Rourou’s seat belt, Xia Rourou deliberately moved her body close to Qin Fan.

Blushing and blinking big eyes, he kept peeking at Qin Fan shyly.

The heat on the body mixed with the faint fragrance of perfume was transmitted to Qin Fan’s body.

I don’t know when the button of the white shirt was unbuttoned more than before getting into the car.

In creating an ambiguous atmosphere, Xia Rourou can be said to be stubborn.

Cullinan was followed by a red Ferrari.

There are two beauties sitting inside Ferrari.

These two beauties are naturally our two-dimensional cute girls, Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yan Ling.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoxiao’s mobile phone screen was transmitting real-time images from Cullinan’s car.

“I’m so angry, this Xia Rourou deliberately got so close to Qin Fan!”

“Oh yeah, she still discharges my Qin Fan, this green tea bitch!”

“And she’s gone a bit, deliberately, absolutely deliberately!”

Our Zhou Xiaoxiao said angrily while watching the video, while pouting Lao Gao.

“How about a smile, I will say that this Xia Rourou is a premium green tea. When she sees your Qin Fan, who is so rich and handsome, she can’t sit still.”

Yan Ling, who was sitting in the passenger seat of Ferrari, said with a smile.

“She’s still there: Qin Fan deliberately blew a sigh in my ear. Oh, I’m so mad, I really want to tear her up in the past.”

Zhou Xiao’s teeth tickled.

“calm down.”

“Lingling, I can’t calm down, this Xia Rourou is eating my Qin Fan tofu in the dark.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao turned his head and stared at Yan Ling with a smile on his face, pouting: “Huh, Lingling, my Qin Fan sacrificed so much to help you.”

“Smile, you think it’s a sacrifice, but maybe Qin Fan enjoys it, men, it’s all like this.”

“No, my Qin Fan is not a human being.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao said righteously

Fasten his seat belt and Qin Fan drove Cullinan towards Yida Plaza.

“Brother Fan, your car is a Rolls-Royce model.”

Xia Rourou asked in a curious baby’s tone.


Qin Fan replied.

“I know about Cullinan. Just a few days ago, I was hitting a Changan driver and hit Cullinan. The comment section said Cullinan would cost 10 million.”

After knowing that the car she was in was Cullinan, Xia Rourou’s heart became even more fiery.

People who can afford a thousand Marriott cars are also billionaires.

And this Qin Fan is so young, he is more likely to be a top rich second-generation! If her Xia Rourou can

If you marry this Qin Fan, don’t you just make it to the sky in one step and directly become a wealthy lady?

And this Qin Fan is so handsome.

Even if he was an ordinary person, if he pursued her, Xia Rourou estimated that she would have to fall.

The perfect man! She must fight, fight.

On the next journey, Xia Rourou found various topics and chatted with Qin Fan.

Zhou Xiang, sitting in the back seat, felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He felt as if he had become a transparent person.

Xia Rourou, who used to particularly like to chat with him, now sees him as nothing. Isn’t Lingling right? This Xia Rourou is really a green tea, isn’t it? It’s too early to make a decision now! As the saying goes, men like beautiful women, so women are naturally. I like handsome guys.

This Qin Fan looks more handsome than a male star.

Xia Rourou has a good impression of Qin Fan, which is also normal.

Everyone has the love of beauty.

You can’t conclude that Xia Rourou is green tea because of this.

Arriving at Yida Plaza, the three of them got off the car and went straight to Haidilao.

Came to an empty table and sat down: After ordering something delicious, Xia Rourou turned her eyes and got up and left.

When Xia Rourou came back, she had two more ice creams in her hand.

“Brother Fan, Brother Zhou, I’ll give you food.”

After passing the ice cream to Qin Fan and Zhou Xiang, Xia Rourou left again. She wanted to bring herself an ice cream too. “Aren’t you going to eat Qin Fan.”

“Here I eat ice cream and hot pot. I can’t. You can eat it.”

After a while, Xia Rourou walked back while eating ice cream.

After coming to her seat and sitting down, Xia Rourou stood up suddenly, and dumped her body towards the opposite Qin Fan.

“Brother Fan, your ice cream is so bitter.”

Qin Fan glanced at the ice cream in his hand, a little stunned.

I went, this green tea came so suddenly that she didn’t expect it, and she licked the ice cream in his hand.

“Brother Fan, try my ice cream, my ice cream is very sweet.”

Xia Rourou generously handed the ice cream in her hand to Qin Fan.

However, Xia Rourou’s ice cream was cut off by a fat man standing by the side.

“It’s creamy, so sweet!!!.”

The big fat man in the fat house licked, and directly licked Xia Rourou’s ice cream into a big gap.

“Who are you, who let you eat my ice cream.”

Xia Rourou widened her eyes, looking at the Roshan in front of her, thinking that the ice cream she had eaten was licked by such a fat man, Xia Rourou had the urge to nausea.

Ma Dan! The script she designed is not like this! The script she designed was that she and Qin Fan ate each other’s ice cream, which quickly brought the two of them closer together and created an enchanting atmosphere.

But right now, this “beautiful girl, you obviously ate my ice cream first. I will eat your ice cream now, that’s even the same.”

The fat man said so.

“What are you talking nonsense.”

As soon as Xia Rourou’s voice fell, Qin Fan said with a weird expression: “This Xia Rourou, this buddy didn’t talk nonsense. I gave the ice cream to this buddy because of a bad stomach. This buddy is holding two ice creams in my hands. Hold it for him temporarily.”

Zhou Xiang: “Xia Xia is like this, I can testify.”

Xia Rourou: “”

The fat house fat man saw the extreme dislike of Xia Rourou’s face, and his heart suddenly became unhappy.

I saw this fat man took the ice cream from Qin Fan and looked at Xia Rourou deliberately. While instigating the part of the ice cream Xia Rourou had just licked, he said with a face of enjoyment: “Why does this chocolate-flavored ice cream taste so sweet? eat.”

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