Chapter 461 The thoughts of the beautiful stewardess Wu Qianqian [please subscribe! 】

“I said Liu Tian, ​​you shouldn’t be sullen and sullen here, you are honest, are you honest, can you call people from the water company”

“This handsome guy is called wit, this is called funny, you don’t understand, at this point, you have to learn more from the handsome guy.”

“Don’t be so stubborn about everything.”

“If you had this handsome guy so funny, I would have fewer pimples on my face.”

The voice of the little young woman fell, and the face of the elite man was already green.

Ma Dan! My wife actually praised other men in front of me.

It’s unreasonable! I can’t swallow this tone anyway! “Sorry, my wife, your husband is a high-level programmer. In addition to making money, everything else is out of touch with society. I hope you will be considerate.”

After the elite man finished speaking, Shi Shiran took out a BMW car key from his trouser pocket and pressed it lightly, and a BMW four series not far away suddenly made a beeping sound.

After doing all this, the elite man had a chest and deliberately glanced at Qin Fan.

The little eyes seemed to say, “The most important thing for a man is to make money!”

What the elite men do makes our Qin Fan unhappy.

I did your family a favor, but in the end you acted hard on me.

Although I am a little sympathetic to you, you have found a wife whose mouth is too strong and can’t figure out the occasion.

But you can’t throw the anger you received from your wife on me.

I’m not used to your problem.

Qin Fan took out Cullinan’s car key and smiled faintly at the elite man.

Then with a press, the pair of laser headlights in front of Cullinan’s car suddenly shot out two lights that were brighter than gems.

Our Zhou Xiaoxiao also took out her Ferrari car key and pressed it lightly.

Beep! The headlights of the Ferrari 488 parked in another parking space also shined! The elite man and the young woman stared, and for more than ten seconds, the two people reacted from shock.

“Husband, this car is a Rolls Royce, right?”

The little young woman swallowed a spit, and said with a shocked face.

The elite man’s mouth twitched and replied: “My wife, this is the Rolls Royce Cullinan I told you before.”

“Smile, then Ferrari is yours”

The little young woman stared at Zhou Xiaoxiao again, and asked in shock.

She has been paying attention to this red Ferrari for many days. It turned out to be Zhou Xiaoxiao, “Yes, it was given to me by Qin Fan.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao said proudly.

Elite male: “”

Little young woman: “”

Ruthless!! When Qin Fan and Zhou Xiaoxiao walked into the unit door

The little young woman said in a sorrowful voice: “I’m going, where did Zhou Xiaoxiao find such a rich boyfriend? The key is that he is not only rich, but also so handsome, then, what kind of fairy boyfriend is it.”

Although she is already a married woman, she still can’t help but sour lemon.

This time, the elite man said nothing more.

After knowing that Qin Fan is the owner of Cullinan, the elite men only have awe of Qin Fan.

People who can drive Cullinan are definitely worth “100 million”

As a unit.

And the cars given to my girlfriend are all Ferraris worth more than 4 million.

This is not an ordinary trench! It can be said that the trench is inhumane! When I came to Zhou Xiaoxiao to rent a house, Qin Fan took a shower and lay down on the bed.

“Husband, you said what clothes I will wear later.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s lovely voice from

It came out from the bathroom.

“Bunny suit.”


At that time! Summer Airlines, cabin department.

“Cici, are you still not on the flight attendant list today?”

Wu Qianqian’s good best friend Ye Tong looked at Wu Qianqian who was sullen and asked.

“Is it that… Zheng Siming asked you to participate in flight attendant training again”

Asked Zhong Yan, another good friend of Wu Qianqian.

: Those who participate in flight attendant training are either pure newcomers, or flight attendants whose services are not up to standard and have been rebuilt.

Wu Qianqian pursed her mouth, and said in a low tone: “Yes.”

A stewardess who can’t fly, then what kind of stewardess.

And she hasn’t been flying for a week.

“That…Zheng Siming is really not a thing. Relying on being the director of the cabin department, he actually avenged his private revenge against Cici you.”

Ye Tong complained of injustice for Wu Qianqian.

Zheng Siming targeted Wu Qianqian because Wu Qianqian refused to pursue the former, and finally angered the former.

Zhong Yan: “I look so ugly, and I still pursue Cici, don’t say you, Cici, I will refuse him if you are me, that crater face, I am guilty of intensive phobia.”

“Cici, you are the ‘star of service’ of Daxia Airlines last month. Zheng Siming even asked you to participate in flight attendant training. This is Chi Guoguo’s burying you and I want to force you to give in.”

“Cici, no, let’s redress our grievances together!”

Ye Tong suggested.

Zhong Yan shook his head: “It’s not that easy. We are just ordinary flight attendants, but Zheng Siming is the director of our cabin department. How few of us speak lightly.”

“Cici, isn’t your father now the president of Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch? You ask your uncle to come forward for you, wouldn’t this matter be resolved?”

“My dad went to the Magic Capital Headquarters last week to participate in a half-month closed senior management training, and it will take another week to come back.”

Wu Qianqian replied.

“Let that…Zheng Siming be arrogant and proud for a few days. When your uncle comes back from the Demon Capital, Qianqian, you will give that…Zheng Siming a ‘surprise’.”

“Yes, not bad. Uncle is the president of Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch. In terms of connections, he is much better than Zheng Siming. If uncle comes forward, he will definitely teach Zheng Siming a lesson.”

Zhong Yan and Ye Tong made suggestions for Wu Qianqian.

“Well, that can only be done.”

Wu Qianqian replied.

Although she has a kind heart, she will not be bullied by others, and she doesn’t know how to resist.

Moreover, it is not justified for a daughter to seek the asylum of her father.

In fact, our Wu Qianqian also thought of asking Qin Fan for help.

But then Wu Xiqian did not do so.

Because of her father’s affairs, Qin Fan has already done a lot.

If not necessary, she doesn’t want to always trouble Qin Fan.

Moreover, the current trouble she has encountered can be solved directly when her father returns from the magic city.

In this way, she doesn’t want to bother Qin Fan even more.

Only when her father can’t solve the situation, then, Wu Qianqian will find Qin Fan

Thank you book friend [Xie Yu] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Xie Sheng Yu] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Xie Sheng] for your monthly pass!! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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