Chapter 457 The overbearing president couple who almost jumped up [please subscribe! 】

5:30 p.m. the next day.

Qin Fan drove Cullinan out of Tiandi Yunting Community.

Destination: Jiangcheng International Shopping Plaza! Xu Sihan and his blind date are at the Guojinxuan restaurant in the Jiangcheng International Shopping Plaza restaurant! Guojinxuan is the only two-Michelin-starred restaurant in Jiangcheng.

High-end atmosphere and high-end! Very famous in Jiangcheng! I heard Xu Sihan said that her parents would visit the scene in person,,, remotely command her and the blind date to control the field.

What a pity for the parents of the world!!! But their long-standing domineering presidential style has made their baby daughter a little rebellious.

According to Xu Sihan’s meaning.

Someday her parents let go and stopped interfering with her lifelong affairs, and arranged a blind date for her.

She will have a showdown with her parents and announce the existence of Qin Fan. Parents’ desire for control is sometimes too strong and it’s not necessarily a good thing.

Jiangcheng International Shopping Center.

Liu Xuan steps out of a McLaren supercar.

A Loewe custom-made suit, tailored very decently.

All the details are handled perfectly, and at first glance, it is the master’s handwriting.

Against the backdrop of this suit, Liu Xuan looked like an aristocratic son who walked out of an ancient European castle.

He wears a Patek Philippe watch on Liu Xuan’s left wrist.

Although it is a famous watch of more than 600,000.

But it doesn’t look gorgeous at all.

It’s that…extreme style.

Low-key luxury has connotations.

Just one month’s time.

The changes in Liu Xuan are indeed great.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it was reborn.

In the past, Liu Xuan was high-profile, arrogant, and pretending to be compelling! Today’s Liu Xuan is graceful and luxurious, low-key and modest.

Pretend to still like it.

It just pretended to force the rank to become a lot more advanced.

Liu Xuan now pretended to be forced, like an antelope hanging horns, no trace to be found.

There is a natural meaning of Taoism in it.

He was very satisfied with this.

And Liu Xuan’s change.

The big reason is that it was affected by Qin Fan.

From his father’s mouth, he also gradually learned how awesome Qin Fan is.

But such awesome Qin Fan.

He is low-key and humble.

Even more, he didn’t take the initiative to pretend to be forced! However, there are already a lot of people who have overturned the car in Qin Fan’s hands, including Liu Xuan himself.

This impressed Liu Xuan very much.

Isn’t it the biggest pretense to force the king to roll over? For this reason, Liu Xuan began to look up to Qin Fan.

Began to be a low-key person and act low-key.

Soon, he forced the king to pretend to be forced in front of him, and then overturned the car to help him harvest a slice of 666 from the melon-eating crowd!

Qin Fan is my pretending mentor! Liu Xuan often sighed like that in his heart.

Qin Fan: Liu Xuan came to Guojin Xuan.

Walked to a seat by the window.

Sit down: Waiting for the arrival of Xu Sihan, the blind date.

He was very satisfied with Xu Sihan.

Not only his family background is equal to him.

He was also beautiful! With his critical eyes, he couldn’t fault this…Xu Sihan.

Soon Xu Sihan came.

Today’s Xu Sihan is “intimidated” by his parents

Underneath, it is beautifully dressed up.

“Miss Xu.”

When Liu Xuan saw Xu Sihan’s first glance, he was immediately shocked.

This Xu Sihan is much more beautiful than in the photo.

Xu Sihan responded with a smile and came to sit down opposite Liu Xuan.

at this time.

Xu Gaoqiang and his wife were in a nearby box, secretly looking through the window of the box, observing the scene of their baby daughter and Liu Xuan dating.

Through wireless headsets, they can remotely direct their baby daughter.

The couple are confident that they can achieve perfect control.

And then let the young couple have a good impression of each other! “Miss Xu, what do you like to eat”

Liu Xuan took the menu and asked with a gentle look on his face.


at this time.

Qin Fan appeared and came to the next table.

Liu Xuan saw Qin Fan for the first time.

Immediately shocked, ready to stand up and say hello to Qin Fan.

But Qin Fan shook the phone in Yao’s hand at the right time.

Liu Xuan understood, and immediately turned on the phone and looked at it.


Qin Fan was also a little speechless.

If I had known that Xu Sihan’s blind date this time was Liu Xuan’s words.

He doesn’t need to come in person at all.

With just a phone call, the problem can be solved.

After reading the information.

Our Liu Xuan twitched secretly at the corner of his mouth.

Xu Sihan turned out to be Dao Qin’s girlfriend. The beauty Wu Qianqian next to Dao Qin on the day when Tiger Shark Technology opened last time was not Xu Sihan.

F*ck! Big Qin is awesome! The women around him are all such superb.

Ruthless!! Make him envy, jealous and hate!!!.

Since Xu Sihan is the woman of Qin Dao.

Then Liu Xuan naturally didn’t dare to get involved

“Miss Xu, I don’t think we are suitable!”

Liu Xuan said seriously + solemnly.


Our beautiful doctor Xu Sihan has a dumbfounded look.

Even Xu Sihan began to fall into self-doubt.

I just met now, and the food is still ordering.

Just being directly told by the blind date that we are not suitable is also shocking.

Is my charm really so bad until Xu Sihan saw Qin Fan at the next table and gestured to her “”

After the gesture, our Xu Sihan reacted.

It was because of Qin Fan’s husband.

Husband is so amazing.

Liu Xuan was settled as soon as he arrived.

This surprised and delighted Xu Sihan.

I don’t need to say much about it.

It was shocking because Liu Xuan was the top young man in Jiangcheng.

It was so quickly dealt with by Qin Fan’s husband.

It seems that Qin Fan’s husband is much better than she thought.

at this time.

Xu Gaoqiang and his wife almost jumped out of their chairs angrily.

I’m f*ck! Uh… why did Liu Xuan just meet, and without saying a few words with their daughter, I just said that we were not suitable for me! This kind of blow is placed on any girl, and It’s hard to hold it.

Xu Gaoqiang was angry and anxious: “What’s the matter, last time I was at Hongye Ventures, Liu Xuan saw Sihan’s photo, didn’t he like our daughter very much?”

Damn it! If his daughter was hit hard again this time.

Behind that, he really doesn’t have an old face to arrange a blind date for his daughter! Arrange one time, one time, I%! And Xu Gaoqiang is still a father at this time.

As a father, seeing his daughter’s blind date openly telling his baby daughter that we are inappropriate, it’s only strange that he is in a good mood! Thank you book friend [帝君] for the 58-point reward and monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [帝君] 】58 points for the monthly ticket support! Thanks to book friends [Emperor] 58 points for the reward and monthly ticket support!! 99 novel network reminds you: Book three things to read, push

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