Chapter 451 The reason for the acquisition of Daxia Airlines is cruel! [Please subscribe! 】

“Hello, Chairman.”

A group of executives of Daxia Airlines looked at Qin Fan and shouted in unison.

They already know that Daxia Airlines has changed.


The… young Mr. Qin in front of him has integrated 70% of their shares in Daxia Airlines.

Since then, Daxia Airlines changed their surname to Qin.

Even if Wang Yu still holds 30% of the shares in his hands.

But Wang Yu has completely lost control of Daxia Airlines.

“Mr. Qin, I don’t know if I have time to go to the company now. I happen to hand over some of the company’s affairs to you.”

Wang Yu said so.

The look is a bit complicated.

Da Xia Airlines was established by his father.

Their father and son devoted all their lives.

Just now, Daxia Airlines has its current glory.

But now, he is no longer the chairman of Daxia Airlines, I hope Daxia Airlines will develop better in the future under the management of this Mr. Qin.


When I heard that Wang Yu wanted to hand over the management of Daxia Airlines to him.

Our Qin Fan shook his head quickly and said: “Don’t, Mr. Wang, I am not interested in managing Daxia Airlines.”

“You should continue to manage this Daxia Airlines.”

Upon hearing the sound, Wang Yu had a bold question mark on his face.

Not interested in managing Daxia Airlines. What the hell is this? Since you are not interested.

Then why did you buy 70% of the shares of Daxia Airlines? Wang Yu said that he understands incompetence.

Could it be that Wang Yu racked his brains.

Suddenly a certain possibility occurred.

Said loudly: “The chairman can rest assured that the executives of Daxia Airlines will definitely do their best to cooperate with the chairman of you to manage Daxia Airlines.”

Wang Yu felt that Qin Fan had misunderstood his battle today.

I thought it was to put pressure on him or it was sloppy.

He shouldn’t have brought all the executives over to greet me.

This does cause misunderstandings.

Qin Fan saw Wang Yu’s words and deeds.

Qin Fan knew that Wang Yu had misunderstood.

Therefore, he smiled and said: “Mr. Wang, don’t think about it, I really have no interest in managing our Daxia Airlines.”

“I think Daxia Airlines is best managed by you.”

“After all, Daxia Airlines is the life’s hard work of your father and son, and it is also managed by your father and son.”

“No one knows Daxia Airlines better than you.”

“Therefore, it is most appropriate for Daxia Airlines to be managed by you.”

“Although I am now the largest shareholder of Daxia Airlines, you can treat me as if I don’t exist.”

“Daxia Airlines will continue to develop in accordance with your thinking and how to develop according to your thinking.”

“Just treat me as a hand-scraper.”

After listening to Qin Fan’s words, I saw Qin Fan’s serious expression again.

While Wang Yu was excited, he was still a little puzzled.

The excitement is naturally because I will continue to manage Daxia Airlines in the future.

It’s difficult to understand because Wang Yu doesn’t understand what Qin Fan is doing.

Spending tens of billions to acquire 70% of the shares of Great Xia Airlines, just to be a hand-scraping shopkeeper. This is what a normal person can’t do such a frenzied thing. The boy tearing on the side. Seeing now, naturally knows that Wang Yu thinks in his heart. What is it.

Therefore, he laughed loudly and said, “Haha, Mr. Wang, don’t think too much.”

“I’m afraid you don’t know that Mr. Qin still holds 40% of the shares of Yida Group in my hands.”

Mr. Green Onion’s voice just fell.

Wang Yu and other executives of Daxia Airlines were eyelids jumping wildly.

Horrible!! Qin Fan is still a shareholder of Yida Group! You must know that Yida Group’s chief executive, but the former richest man in Xia Country.

Even if it’s not now.

Yida Group has shrunk.

But the camel to die is bigger than the horse! 40% of Yida Group’s shares are worth more than 100 billion! It is no wonder that Qin Fan can integrate 70% of their shares in Daxia Airlines at a rapid pace.

It turns out that their new chairman is a real capital giant! “Mr. Wang, although Mr. Qin holds 40% of Yida Group in his hands, he generally never participates in the management of Yida Group.”

“Now, you should be able to understand what Mr. Qin did and why.”

“Rich wayward!!!!”

Scallion Master said at the end, he exclaimed.

Upon hearing the sound, Wang Yu was relieved.

They don’t even have any interest in managing Yida Group.

How can there be any interest in managing Daxia Airlines.

After all, Daxia Airlines is in front of Yida Group, that is the younger brother.

“Mr. Qin, you acquired Xiaqiu Airlines, do you want to expand into the aviation field”

Wang Yu asked with some glaring eyes.

In his opinion, it is a capital giant like Qin Fan.

Every move must have its own considerations and deep meanings.

Rich and self-willed is just a joke.

You are a fool if you really take it seriously.

Although Daxia Airlines is the leader of domestic private airlines.

But for those Air China, such as the Big Four.

That’s the younger brother.

Qin Fan acquired Daxia Airlines.

Could it not be that he wanted to get more shares in the aviation field? Thinking of this, Wang Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but become a little hot.

If Qin Fan really has this idea.

Has its strong capital injection.

His Wang Yu is confident that Daxia Airlines will grow into an existence that can break the wrist with the four major airlines.

Just thinking about it, the blood boils! The layout, the corner of Qin Fan’s lips in the aviation field secretly twitched.

How can this Wang Yu think of the layout of Shente? This Daxia Airlines is simply the system directly rewarded him for the rechargeable visual sense…Well, in Qin Fan’s heart, this is really the feeling, but , It is naturally impossible to say such things as sent by the system.

So, after thinking about it, our Qin Fan smiled and said, “Mr. Wang, don’t think too much.”

“I bought Daxia Airlines because I lacked a private jet.”

Senior executives of Daxia Airlines: “”

Wang Yu: “”

Young man tearing onion: “”

F*ck! It’s so ruthless.

If you lack a private jet, you can just buy an airline company. Whether it’s so cruel, our green onion boy gave Qin Fan a thumbs up in his heart.

“Brilliant! Forced by wheeling, uncle persuades you Dao Qin!”

Thank you book friend [小瑟秋风今! To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Network Novel

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