Chapter 449 The new girlfriend of the son of green onion [seeking subscription]

Under the leadership of the young man in a suit.

Qin Fan and Lu Danqing went to the airport through a dedicated passage.

“Mr. Qin, that is the special flight Gulfstream 65 that you and this beautiful lady will take today.”

The young man in a suit pointed to a business jet parked on the runway and introduced to Qin Fan.

“This is how Kim Dongdong throws 4.

Is it a Gulfstream 65 business jet purchased for 100 million yuan?”

“Sure enough, handsome.”

Qin Fan’s eyes shone slightly.

No wonder the top wealthy people in China like to buy a private jet.

This feeling is really not comparable to luxury cars.

Qin Fan originally had the idea to get a private jet for fun.

This is just great.

The system directly rewarded an airline for the system! Jin Dongdong threw the 4.

The news of the 100 million purchase of a Gulfstream 65 business jet was previously brushed by Qin Fan in college.

At that time.

Qin Fan thinks this airplane is cool and handsome.

To this end, Qin Fan also deliberately searched for information on the Internet and learned about the aircraft.

The Gulfstream 65 is currently the best business jet in China! It inherits the excellent design of the Gulfstream series of business jets.

The aircraft uses the most advanced cockpit.

Equipped with the latest enhanced vision system, head-up display system, 3D 3 weather radar and other advanced equipment.

An advanced avionics system with an automatic emergency landing mode has been added to make the Gulfstream 65 safer.

The Gulfstream 65 is one of the fastest flying civilian aircraft after the Concorde.

Its maximum cruising speed can reach 0.

9 Mach.

The maximum flight speed reached 0.

9 Mach.

This is very close to the speed of sound.

At the standard cruising speed of Mach 085.

The range of the aircraft can reach 700 nautical miles and 12 kilometers.

You can fly directly to almost any city in the world.

The Gulfstream 65 business jet proves that there is no best, only better

“Mr. Qin wishes you a pleasant journey.”

The young man in a suit left Qin Fan and Lu Danqing on the plane.

Before takeoff.

Under the leadership of the crew.

Qin Fan and Lu Danqing are familiar with the cabin structure of the Gulfstream 65.

There is only one feeling.

It is tall, very nice!! Gulfstream 65 has excellent flight performance at the same time.

In order to improve comfort, 5 adopts 2.

5 meters wide body.

The cabin is longer, wider and more spacious than any other passenger, and can accommodate 18 passengers at the same time.

It also has the largest porthole.

It is also equipped with a kitchen and a separately ventilated toilet.

The air pressure in the cabin is also very suitable.

Even at high altitude, passengers will feel quite comfortable.

When patrolling at an altitude of 155 meters, its cabin air pressure is only equivalent to 148 meters.

The air pressure in the cruise cabin at 1 meter altitude is equivalent to 853 meters.

It is not only equipped with a full kitchen and bar counter.

There are also a variety of entertainment designs, including satellite phones and wireless Internet, providing passengers with a colorful flight environment

9 o’clock in the morning.

Gulfstream 65 takes off

at this time.

There is also a business jet flying from Imperial Capital International Airport to Jiangcheng.

The interior decoration of the cabin is extremely luxurious! Leather seats, queen-size sofa beds, and wool carpets on the floor.

The whole cabin is full of money! A young man is lying on the sofa bed and sleeping.

Although the appearance is ordinary, it is very recognizable.

Because he is our son onion shredder! Known as the husband of the nation! Next to son shredder onion.

Sitting a pretty girl with a hot body.

This pretty girl is our new girlfriend who we have just changed.

The well-known female anchor of Shark’s Tooth platform, Xiao Xiong! But this time, Mr. Onion seems to have changed his taste.

Because this little bear female anchor is not an internet celebrity.

She looks sweet and can sing and dance.

At the same time, she has a pair of long legs against the sky! Yan Lingling’s real name is extremely beautiful at the moment.

The live broadcast is being played beautifully.

Since the boss tore the green onion son next to him.

Yan Lingling feels that her life has taken off.

“Hello everyone, old iron.”

“Little Bear is now on a business jet with Mr. Green Onion, flying to Jiangcheng.”

Yan Lingling smiled sweetly at the camera.

His voice fell, and the barrage of the live broadcast room flew up.

“I’m going, the little bear is here: on a private jet, the interior decoration in this cabin is too luxurious.”

“It’s worthy of the son tearing green onion, his anger is pressing.”

“Xiao Xiong, can you introduce us to Mr. Onion’s private jet”


Yan Lingling snickered in her heart.

She waited: This is the sentence.

She finally became the girlfriend of Mr. Onion.

Before the other party broke up with her.

She must take advantage of this opportunity to pretend to be a force! Well, Yan Lingling still knows her well.

She never expected to be able to marry Young Scallion in the future.

Really rich is so easy to enter, and the love of the green onion boy is also well known in the world.

She, Yan Lingling, asked herself if she hadn’t the ability to firmly tie the heart of Young Scallion to her.

Perhaps it is time to wait for the freshness of Young Master Tears on her to pass.

It was when the other party broke up with her.

However, Yan Lingling also has her own abacus.

That’s because she is still the girlfriend of Master Scallion.

She has to make good use of this relationship and make crazy money! In addition to making money.

That is pretending to be forced.

Fall in love with Young Scallion.

You have to have fun in time! Thank you book friends [Except ruthless people can’t write that women can’t live without a system] for their monthly pass support!! Thank you book friends [Except ruthless people can’t write that women can’t live without a system] for their monthly pass support!! Thanks Book friends [except for ruthless people who can’t write, women can’t live without a system] monthly pass support!!

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