Chapter 447 Change the bride [3 more, please customize! 】


Ye Jiajia was wronged.

“you shut up!”

Ye Long glared at his baby girl fiercely.

Things have grown to where they are now.

He has lost all his cards against the Ding family! So!! How can Ding Jiashi still marry his daughter! Instead of waiting until the Ding family speaks to ban the marriage today.

It would be better for him to speak on his own initiative.

In this way, Ye Long could still retain a bit of face.

“Okay, Mr. Ye.”

Father Ding nodded directly in agreement.

I don’t even bother to say polite words.

“Let’s go, let’s go in and let the guests know.”

A group of people enter the banquet hall.

Li Gang and Qin Fan are at the forefront.

The rest of them, like stars Gongyue, clustered around them.

But a careful person will find out.

Li Gang is always half a step behind Qin Fan when he walks

“I’m going, isn’t that Li Gang, Li Gang!”

Li Gang is very famous in the demons.

In addition to the Ye family, most of the Ding family’s friends are in the business field.

Those people can come to today’s wedding banquet.

It can be regarded as a small fortune.

In the eyes of ordinary people.

These people are all properly successful people! Therefore, many people recognized Li Gang the first time.

There was a lot of discussion.

“It’s still Mr. Ye’s face. Even Li Gang and Li can be invited over.”

“Is this Li Gang Li? This is the first time I have seen it. It really is amazing!!!.”

“F*ck, it’s not right!”

“How do I feel that the handsome guy next to Li Gang is the real big guy? Look at President Ding and Ye President and those people faintly centered on that handsome guy. That’s the case with Li Gang.”

“I’m going, it’s true, have you noticed, Li Gang is always a step behind that handsome guy.”

“This this this is true.”

When Ding’s father led Li Gang and Qin Fan to the front table and sat down.

Many people are shocked! Because Qin Fan sits in the most honored seat! Li Gang sits only in the second seat! So! Doesn’t it mean that the handsome guy is more important than Li Gang.

Horrible!! Li Gang is a shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group.

A business tycoon with a net worth of nearly 10 billion! Now a young man can

This is too incredible.

“Who is that handsome guy, do you know?”

Everyone was whispering while looking at Qin Fan.

“I don’t know, it’s very face-to-face.”

“Looking at the face, it’s not the top-notch big and young in our magic city.”

“Which god is this?”

At this moment, Ye Long took the stage.

Holding the microphone, facing everyone, he said: “Everyone”

When Ye Long put down the microphone and walked down the stage with a lonely expression.

The whole banquet hall first

It was falling into a short and strange silence.

Then! It became a pot of boiling water.

The marriage canceled F*ck!! Is it such a trivial thing? Many people are stunned! However, many people know the inside story of the marriage between Ye and Ding.

In addition, the people who followed Qin Fan and the others into the banquet hall announced what had happened outside.

Many people understand it.

It turns out that Ye Long did this for a reason.

This Ding family is going to be developed in the future! The boyfriend of the niece is a giant who even wants to please Li Gang.

With this heavy background.

The Ding family’s Tenda Trade will never think about Tenda!!!.

Just when the guests were preparing to leave the table and leave.

A beautiful woman in a white wedding dress appeared at the gate of the banquet hall.

“Qing Shu!”

Ding Jiashi was surprised at first, and then shouted with excitement.

Yes! This beauty who came in a wedding dress is Kan Qingshu.

Standing next to and behind Kan Qingshu are naturally Kan Qingshu’s parents, as well as Kan’s relatives and friends.

“Cousin, what are you doing standing stupidly? Go ahead.”

Lu Danqing got up and pushed Ding Jiashi, laughing and cursing.

“Qin Fan, this is your arrangement.”

Seeing Qin Fan nodding, Ding Jiashi gratefully said to Qin Fan, “Thank you.”

Then Ding Jiashi strode towards Kan Qingshu.

Father Ding reacted.

Holding the microphone, he walked quickly to the stage and said with a big smile: “Dear friends and family, please stay.”

When Father Ding’s voice fell.

All the guests smashed their mouths.

The marriage is still business as usual! It’s just a new bride!! There is still this kind of show operation.

This f*ck is not a dog-blood plot on the TV series.

Now it actually happened by their side

The Ye family’s relatives are gone.

But most of the Ye family’s friends have stayed.

Because they are all friends in Ye Long’s business field.

These people not only knew Ye Long.

Also met Father Ding.

Before, I attended this wedding as Ye Long’s friend.

It’s all because Ye Long is more powerful.

Ye Long was afraid it was going to be cold now.

On the other hand, Ding Sheng is bound to develop in the future.

So these people chose to stay, and in turn came to the wedding banquet as friends of the Ding family.


You said it was embarrassing, it doesn’t exist! It’s a shopping mall.

Which one’s face is not a thief.

That’s a trivial matter

Thank you book friend [Hongmeng Taichu Promise Sage Venerable] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Hongmeng Taichu Promise Sage Sovereign] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Hongmeng Taichu Promise Sovereign] for your monthly pass support!! 99 reminds you : Three things to read, collect and push

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