Chapter 423 Can you accumulate some morals [4 more, please customize! 】

“The squad leader and so many rich second generations have drunk with so many rich second generations, so this network is so extensive.”


He Hongye’s duck skin is refreshing, but he has a humble expression on his face: “No, no, I just have more friends. You are enough, don’t kill me anymore.”

“By the way, you are so good, so surely your girlfriend is also good.”

A female classmate looked at He Hongye with beautiful eyes and asked.

Hearing the sound, He Hongye laughed at himself: “Where did my girlfriend come from, I’m still a mother and single dog.”

“No, monitor, you are still single, don’t tease us.”

“I don’t believe it, you are handsome, monitor, and successful in your career. There must be a lot of girls chasing you.”

He Hongye: “There are girls who chase me, but I have no fate with them, so I can only stay alone.”

“I said you don’t know if you are really or not.”

Zhang Fei grinned and said, “Who does our monitor like? It’s not obvious.”

“Squad leader, is it Lu Danqing?”

Asked a female student with a longer reflection arc.

He Hongye smiled bitterly and was silent.

But this silence is tantamount to an acknowledgment.

“Squad leader, you are really infatuated. After so many years, you still like Lu Danqing.”

Several female classmates who are still single to this day have all become lemon monsters.

When they heard that such an excellent squad leader was still single, they still stunned in their hearts.

Now, after learning that He Hongye likes Lu Danqing, these female classmates have sour lemons.

“Lu Danqing already has a boyfriend. Squad leader, it’s useless for you to like people.”

“By the way, Xu Ting, didn’t you see Lu Danqing’s boyfriend? What kind of person is Lu Danqing’s boyfriend?”

When Xu Ting heard the sound, the figure of Qin Fan could not help appearing in her mind. She couldn’t help but blurted out: “One word, handsome!”

“Could it be that our squad leader is handsome?”

Seeing Xu Ting looking at herself, He Hongye couldn’t help but stand tall, showing a confident and charming smile.

“How to put it, it’s not easy to evaluate, everyone’s aesthetics is different.”

Xu Ting thought for a while, and said so.

Everyone heard it, and they all knew it! Everyone is smart, and Xu’s ambiguous answer has actually shown in a disguised form that she thinks Lu Danqing’s boyfriend is more handsome than He Hongye.

“I think our monitor is the most handsome.”

“Me too, the squad leader is the most handsome, and he doesn’t accept any rebuttal.”

The female classmates who were interested in He Hongye, at this time, all opened their mouths to show their affection for He Hongye.


When Xu Ting’s conversation turned, she immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“It’s a fact that Dan Qing’s boyfriend is not as good as our monitor.”

Everyone: “”

Xu Ting smiled and told everyone how Qin Fan and Lu Danqing went to the Givenchy flagship store to buy clothes in the afternoon.

“I’ll go, Lu Danqing swipes his card to buy clothes for his boyfriend in Givenchy.”

“Wan!!!, this way of Danqing is really willing.”

“What you are paying attention to is not the point, okay, the point is that Lu Danqing’s boyfriend is a soft meal.”

Zhang Fei laughed strangely.

“I envy this soft rice.”

“It seems that Lu Danqing’s boyfriend is really handsome, and he can even eat the soft rice of Lu Danqing.”

A group of male classmates turned into lemon essence.

When Lu Danqing was in high school, he was the school flower.

They really want to eat the soft rice of the goddess school flower.

“This way, Danqing can’t look good, why did you find a soft rice man?”

“I look down on a man who eats soft rice the most.”

“Looking for a soft rice man, Lu Danqing is willing to fall.”

“Compared with our monitor, Lu Danqing’s boyfriend is a joke.”

“Our squad leader has an annual salary of more than 300,000 yuan. Lu Danqing’s boyfriend is just a soft meal. He is not even qualified to lift shoes for our squad leader.”

Several single female students who have a good impression of He Hongye, at this time, jumped out and stepped on Qin Fan to praise He Hongye.

Hope this can win the favor of He Hongye.

“I said if you talk so badly, Danqing can buy some clothes for his boyfriend. Danqing’s object is to eat soft meals. Maybe people’s salary is handed over to Danqing on time every month. Or maybe it is Danqing boyfriend’s economy during this period of time. When you are sleepy, isn’t it normal for couples to help each other out?”

He Yuqing asked the female classmates with a cold face.

Yang Rong, another girl sitting next to He Yuqing, also said: “Everyone is a classmate, can you accumulate some morals? Before the truth of the matter is figured out, you will talk rashly. Is this really appropriate?”

In front of many classmates, He Yuqing and Yang Rong were stunned, and the faces of those female classmates suddenly became ugly.

“He Yuqing, what do you mean? What we say is awkward.”

“What we are talking about is clearly whether the facts are good or not.”

“With Lu Danqing’s uncontested temperament, seeing through the world, how could it be possible for her boyfriend to hand over the salary to her regularly!”

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