Chapter 400 Let me give you the last takeaway [3 more, please customize! 】

After Guan Xin finished speaking, when the director didn’t hang him, he gave a sneer, then took out his mobile phone and found a note called “Godfather”

Dialed the number.

After finishing the call, within a few seconds, the director’s phone rang.

At the first glance, the director’s face suddenly turned black

Seeing that the director had finished talking on the phone, Guan Xin looked at the director triumphantly and said: “Director, my suggestion, how are you thinking about it now?”

The director had a green face and gritted his teeth and said, “Some can be deleted, and some can never be deleted.”

“Um, well, let’s discuss it and see if those scenes are deleted.”

Guan Xin smiled, and deliberately glanced at Zhang Zifeng on the side.

The little eyes were full of triumph.

Seeing Zhang Zifeng’s swollen cheeks, Guan Xin felt very happy in her heart.

You Zhang Zifeng is a popular little flower.

I have a godfather to take care of Guan Xin, who is much more powerful than you little flowers! I have a godfather, I am proud! In the end, Zhang Zifeng’s role was directly cut off by two-fifths and said to be the second girl. , In fact, even the third girl has more roles than her.

Sheng Xue looked angry.

But there is also a sense of powerlessness.

Who made the biggest investor in this drama Yida Films, and that… Guan Xin’s godfather is Yida Films’ Vice President Su?

This vice president Su is very energetic in the entertainment industry, and he is an entertainment boss, and he really can’t afford to provoke him.

After all, they are backed by Yida Film and Television, and behind Yida Film and Television, standing behind the Yida Group is the entire Yida Group.

How did this kind of capital predator fight?

Zhang Zifeng bit his lip, tears of grievance swirled in his eyes, and they were about to flow down

at this time.

After participating in a volunteer activity, Qin Fan is riding his beloved towards Yunting.

Halfway down the road, Qin Fan saw a rear-end collision of a battery car and a four-wheeled sedan.

The owner of the battery car is a takeaway boy in the uniform of the rice group.

Looking at the scene, the situation is that the car rear-ends the battery car. There was a small accident and no one was injured, but both vehicles had certain injuries.

The takeaway boy is arguing with the female car owner.

“You are blind. You crashed my car that was just recently. You lost money. You must lose money. If you don’t have a thousand yuan, you don’t want to leave today!”

The female car owner is akimbo, aggressive, and looking at her face, she is not a good talker.

The takeaway boy looked helpless: “Auntie, I’m obviously the one behind you, okay?”

“Madan! Who do you call Auntie!”

“How old are you!”

The female car owner heard the takeaway brother calling her aunt, like a cat with its tail stepped on, jumping directly.

Takeaway brother: “I am a post-zero.”

Female car owner: “”

F*ck, ruthless!! After that, I called her Auntie, it was really fine. “What do you mean by my rear-end collision? It’s clear that you are riding a battery car in front of me and blocking my way, OK?”

The female car owner screamed.

A few passing pedestrians were speechless after hearing this brain-dead speech.

This logic, you are awesome! You deserve to be a female driver, God-like logic.

“Auntie, you didn’t keep a safe distance. It’s your sole responsibility to rear-end me.”

The takeaway boy spoke and said, “But I’m in a hurry to deliver takeout to customers. You don’t have to pay for the loss of my battery car.”

After that, the takeaway boy got on the battery car and was ready to leave, but the female car owner didn’t do it.

I saw that she directly grabbed the takeaway boy’s shoulder and sneered: “Where to go if you want to run.”

“You say that I am fully responsible, and I will call the police and wait for the traffic police to come and determine the responsibility.”

“If it’s your responsibility, and you run away, where should I look for you?”

“Auntie is really your sole responsibility.”

“Let me go, I still have the last takeaway order left in my hand. If I wait for the traffic police to come over, I will definitely be overtime. If the customer gives me a bad review, I will take it in these two days. It’s done for nothing.”

At this time, several passersby watching the excitement next to each other also spoke up.

“Beauty, this takeaway boy is right, you are really responsible for chasing him.”

“Let him go. After he is 0, it is not easy to come out to deliver a takeaway, right?”

The female car owner akimbo: “You say that I am all responsible, but I am all responsible. I also said that he was riding too slowly.”

“He doesn’t want to leave before the traffic police arrives.”

The takeaway brother thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said: “Auntie, I’m really in a hurry. You see if we can get it private, I’ll give you 100 yuan, OK if you let me go.”

But the takeaway brother never thought of it.His retreat fell in the eyes of the female car owner, but the female car owner became more and more determined.The responsibility for this traffic accident lies with the takeaway brother.

So the female car owner raised her chin and sneered: “No!”

At this moment, Qin Fan took a step forward.

Qin Zhuren smiled for Le Fan and said to our takeaway brother: “Little brother, I will give you this last takeaway.”

Upon hearing the sound, our takeaway boy was ecstatic: “Really, thank you brother.”

“You are welcome.”

Qin Fan smiled.

After receiving the contact information of the takeaway and the customer from the takeaway boy, Qin Fan rode to the destination.

Location: Jiangcheng Film and Television Base! 99 reminds you: Three things to read

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