Chapter 391 Threatened by Xiaotaimei [4 more, please customize! 】

“You are the first man who dared to tell me to get rid of!”

Little Taimei’s hands on her hips, her apricot eyes widened, and Qin Fan angrily glared.

Just when Qin Fan was on guard to prevent this little sister from violently hurting people, she suddenly saw her holding her chin in love with both hands, and looking at Qin Fan with an idiotic look: “Handsome guy, hello. , I really like you so much.”

“Come with me. In the evening, my fourteenth sister will take you to experience the nightlife of Jiangcheng.”

F*ck! The turn of this wave was so overwhelming that he almost snapped Qin Fan’s waist.

“No, I’m not interested in you.”


Little Taimei twisted her waist confidently, and crazily hinted: “My fourteenth sister’s waist, but your man’s life-killing knife.”

Qin Fan’s mouth twitched: “Let me go, you are not my food.”

“Handsome guy, you haven’t tasted this dish of mine, so how come you know it doesn’t suit your appetite.”

“Come on, pretty boy.”

The little sister said that she took Qin Fan’s hand directly, and she wanted to pull Qin Fan into her BMW car.


Qin Fan shook her hand and pulled her hand out, causing the little Taimei to confiscate her strength, rushing directly to the street, and landing on her ass.

The little sister got up, rubbing her butt, and facing Qin Fan with a cold face: “Handsome guy, my fourteenth sister sees you as a toast or fine wine!”

“Now, I order you to sit in my car obediently, otherwise, I will never spare you today!”

Threatened by a 20-year-old little sister, Qin Fan couldn’t help but smile: “I want to see how you can’t spare me”

Seeing Qin Fan facing her own threat, instead of…not taking it seriously, she even smiled hippiely with her, which made our little sister feel that the majesty of her fourteenth sister has been seriously violated.

“What a handsome guy, you have a kind, you wait for me!”

After Xiao Taimei finished speaking, in front of Qin Fan, she started making various calls.

And while calling, he looked at Qin Fan provocatively.

The little eyes seemed to say: “Don’t run if you have a seed!”

Qin Fan also silently sent out a WeChat message, “Qin Fan, hero, don’t suffer the immediate loss, you go quickly.”

Wang Lei on the side saw that Xiao Taimei was ten meters long on the phone, and quickly persuaded Qin Fan to run away.

Qin Fan smiled and said to Wang Lei: “You go.”

Wang Lei gritted his teeth: “I’m going to die today. If you don’t go, I won’t go.”

Qin Fan ordered a takeaway iced watermelon and specially ordered a glass for their takeaway brother, which made Wang Lei feel a bit of coolness in this hot summer.

“So loyal.”

Qin Fan was a little surprised, this Wang Lei is indeed okay.

Apart from the surprise, the rest is comfort.

It’s not in vain that he sent text messages to ask Qian Kun’s Qu Yongchang to find a suitable job for Wang Lei.

Before long, a few cars led a dozen motorcycles and drove up.

One by one, young people got out of the car, holding sticks, and walking towards the little Taimei, they ping-pong with the sticks in their hands.

Crazy and cool!! Those young people seem to be young, Qin Fan estimates that they are all junior high school students, most of the high school students are some Hong Kong movies who have watched too much “Big Sister!”

A group of young people walked behind the little Taimei, bending over and shouting at the little Taimei in a uniform movement.

Some voices sounded very immature, which made our little sister’s chin almost lifted into the sky.

But it broke me! Let me be proud of myself for a while

Wang Lei looked at him and swallowed, quite nervous and scared.

Qin Fan was amused by these young people

“Handsome guy, you dare to laugh so much”

Little Taimei was really stunned by Qin Fan’s performance this time! What’s the situation! My little brother got a big ticket.

This guy even laughed out of his mind. Is there such a big heart? You laughed like this, making me faceless in front of my little brother! Qin Fan laughed and said, “Why, do I even have the right to laugh?”

Little Taimei’s number one little brother, Little Huangmao blew up a strand of green hair bangs that fell on his forehead, and said to Qin Fan with a cool face: “Boy, you are very arrogant, even our eldest sister Dare to bully”

“Have you graduated from junior high school?”

Qin Fan curiously asked.

“I will graduate next year, ah! Why are you asking this, this is not the point!”

Xiao Huangmao became angry with embarrassment: “The point is what do you plan to confess to our elder sister”

At this time, Qin Fan’s three 3 bodyguards have arrived in front of Qin Fan silently.

Little Taimei saw He Qiang’s three people 3, and couldn’t help but shudder.These three guys don’t seem to be annoying.

But thinking that there are dozens of younger brothers in her own, Little Taimei didn’t pay attention to He Qiang’s three people 3.

“You kids, don’t go to school well, learn from others and mix with other society.”

Qin Fan: “Do your parents know?”

Qin Fan’s words are like stabbing a hornet’s nest.

Let these little young people open their mouths and breathe fragrance.


At this moment, one after another four-wheelers roared and drove to the park, in a semicircular shape, surrounding the little Taimei and others.

Then the doors of these cars opened, and one tattooed youth came out with grinning smiles.

The leader, with a leopard head tattooed on his arm, is Liu Bao, our leopard brother

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