Chapter 389 Game wife, don’t take it seriously [2 more, please customize! 】

The next day! Qin Fan asked Zhou Xiaoxiao to take a day off, and he wanted to practice the car with Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Although this cute girl has a driver’s license, she hasn’t been driven much, and her car skills need to be improved, so Qin Fan should train her

Coming to Liming Road, which is far from the city center, with spacious roads and fewer vehicles, Qin Fan sat in the co-pilot and began to practice driving with Zhou Xiaoxiao.

I practiced like this for a whole morning, and the effect was quite remarkable.

In the afternoon, I continued to practice, but Qin Fan was no longer in the car.He asked Zhou Xiaoxiao to drive the Ferrari 488 alone on the road.

This is the same as the young eagle always flying alone.

The sun outside is venomous.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiaoxiao brought an umbrella.

A very cute and kawaii little flower umbrella.

Qin Fan is holding this…little flower umbrella, honestly a bit uncomfortable.

Because people passing by, always like to stare at him with a strange look at two male dicks with glasses and a lot of acne marks on their faces walked to Qin Fan and stopped.

“I’m going, buddy, this… you can go out with a small flower umbrella, and you can see my goose bumps all over the place.”

After seeing Qin Fan’s handsome face, the two dicks turned into lemon spirits.

“We men, we should get more exposure to the sun, so that the skin is dark, so that it has a masculine taste.”

“Look at you holding a small flower umbrella, like a girl, even if you are handsome, I guess you want to find a girlfriend, it is enough!!! Haha, there is no masculinity.”

“Yes, yeah, now, Xiao Bai Lian is not popular anymore.”

At this moment, there was a super-running street bombing sound in front of the road, and immediately attracted the eyes of the two men.

“F*ck! It’s a supercar!”

“This is a bunch of supercars.”

“The red supercar is the show.”

But goose, the eyes of the two men’s eyes widened soon.

Because the red supercar that came from far and near slowly slowed down, and finally pulled over and stopped steadily beside them.

Then, our two-dimensional cute girl paper came out of the red Ferrari.

Seeing Zhou Xiaoxiao’s first glance, the two men blushed with excitement and their necks were thick, shouting the goddess in their hearts.

The key is that this goddess is still driving a supercar! This proper Bai Fumei! Excited!! Is this Bai Fumei attracted by me, and then I stopped hiss!! Bai Fumei came towards me.

It’s so beautiful! Later, she should be talking to me. If she asks me for a WeChat ID, should I give her directly or be a little reserved? Well, I want to be reserved! Can’t let the white rich beauty god get me easily ! Hmph, if you let her be light

If it is easy to get me, the goddess will not cherish me.

Women are big pig’s hoof! Just when there are two males, our Zhou Xiaoxiao directly bypassed the two females, stood in front of Qin Fan, and said with a smile: “Husband, I can drive it all right.”

Qin Fan scraped Zhou Xiaoxiao’s nose fondly, and said, “It’s okay.”

“Thank you husband for the compliment,,,!”

“Husband, then I will continue to practice the car.”

“Well, go ahead.”

“Hehe, husband, I feel like you are holding my umbrella, so cute.”

Hey!! Two silky men covered their chests one after another.

F*ck!! Heartbroken!! It turns out that this handsome man not only has a girlfriend, but the girlfriend is also a white Fumiya driving a Ferrari supercar! Excuse me, goodbye! The two men are embarrassed with a picture full of acne marks. The old face, ready to retreat and leave.

“Man, by the way, do you have a girlfriend?”

Qin Fan asked with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Diosi No. 1 mouth twitched, but immediately rolled her eyes, and said proudly, “Girlfriend, I don’t have one.”

While talking, Dio Si turned her words, straightened her chest, and was infinitely arrogant: “Because I have a wife!”

Hehe! What’s wrong with you having a girlfriend, I’m someone with a wife, I’ll put you on your head, but what made Diaosi No.1 unexpectedly is that his voice just fell, and Diaosi No.2 on the side hurriedly stepped forward, and Diaosi No. 1 is safe enough to leave, with a vigilant look, and he is shocked and said: “Lao Zhang, we just got married in the game. We can’t count them. Don’t take it seriously.”

Diaosi No.1: “Ah! Pig teammates!! Qin Fan: You guys are awesome!! After a while, a takeaway guy rode a battery cart and parked next to Qin Fan, sweating profusely and said to Qin Fan:” Handsome guy, you ordered these three glasses of watermelon juice.”

Qin Fan nodded, took the watermelon juice that the takeaway boy handed over, and then handed a glass of iced watermelon juice back to our takeaway boy. He smiled and said, “Brother, you can drink it, I specially ordered it for you.”

“thanks, thanks.”

With dark skin, watching the honest takeaway boy thanked Qin Fan.

There is true love in the world!!!! Touched!! Then our takeaway boy was drinking iced watermelon juice while chatting with Qin Fan.

“You have a bachelor’s degree, how come out to deliver food?”

During the chat with the takeaway boy, Qin Fan knew that the other party was an undergraduate.

And graduated from a “28”


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