Chapter 387 The longest way I’ve done is the girlfriend’s routine [3 more, please customize! 】

Seeing the young couple turn around and walk into Haidilao.

Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yan Ling covered their faces.

What a shame.

Qin Fan sighed.

Silently felt sorry for the flat-headed buddy.

Fortunately, several of his confidantes are very considerate, and they don’t have the problem of the woman in the long skirt just now.

Entering Haidilao to find a location, the two women took the hot pot menu and ordered.

After a while, the dishes were ready, and the three of them began to eat hot pot.

“Huh, Qin Fan!”

At this moment, a young man who had already walked past caught a glimpse of Qin Fan and quickly turned back and walked back.

“Li Gen:!”

Qin Fan looked up and instantly recognized the young man in white shirt.

Li Gen: His university alumnus is one term higher than him.

The two met when they were in the student union of the school.This person is relatively straightforward.Qin Fan is in college and has a lot of fun with him.

“F*ck, I haven’t seen you in a few months, Qin Fan, your boy gets more handsome the longer you are. You don’t give me such a long and ugly man a way to survive.”


Li Gen: I noticed Zhou Xiaoxiao who was sitting next to Qin Fan, and the boss immediately stared.

“I’m going to Qin Fan, are these my younger siblings”

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s face blushed: “Hello, my name is Zhou Xiaoxiao, I am Qin Fan’s girlfriend.”

“Qin Fan, you are so beautiful!!!.”

“If my younger brother and sister were in our Jianghan University back then, what a proper school flower.”

Qin Fan smiled: “You come to eat hot pot alone”

See Li Gen: Nodding, Qin Fan said again: “Li Gen: As for Senior Sister Jiang Ying, I won’t graduate anymore, so let’s break up.”

Li Gen: He rolled his eyes wildly after hearing the sound: “I said Qin Fan, your kid can’t expect me to be any better, I have a good relationship with my family Yingying, and I am going to get married at the end of the year.”

“She went on a business trip this morning, so I can only come and eat hot pot by myself. When I mention her, I am so depressed to die now.”

Qin Fan: “If you are alone, just sit down and eat together. We haven’t been eating for a long time.”

“It’s not very good to eat and drink.”

Li Gen: He said that, but he was already sitting next to Yan Ling.

Well, the typical mouth is right!!!.

“Smile, you can order some more food.”


“Li Gen: Listen to what you just said, I recently had a quarrel with Senior Sister Jiang Ying.”

Qin Fan asked while eating.

Li Gen: I also ate while replying: “I didn’t quarrel, I was depressed because I was beaten by her today.”

“Qin Fan, do you know, I feel like this

The longest path in life is my family Yingying’s routine.”

“It’s too hard for me.”

Qin Fan curiously said: “How do you tell it, let’s listen to it.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yan Ling also looked at Li Gen curiously:

“I’ll show you the chat history between me and Jia Yingying directly. After reading it, you will know why I am depressed.”

Li Gen: After finishing talking, I opened my mobile phone WeChat and handed it to Qin Fan.

Yan Ling, who was curious in her heart, didn’t even eat hot pot, got up and walked behind Qin Fan, craned her neck to watch.

[Li Gen:]: You haven’t boarded the plane yet [Dear Yingying]: Salute

[Dear Yingying]: At the airport cafe, I haven’t had lunch yet, and I haven’t checked in for my gift.

[Dear Yingying]: What’s wrong [Li Gen:]: Picture

[Li Gen:]: Safe deposit box [Dear Yingying]: Well, just bought the smiling face [Li Gen:]: Are you sick, why buy this [Dear Yingying]: Put money, and some more It’s not safe to put valuables in the drawer, and it’s two or three days away this time. You are at home, and I don’t feel relieved. Smiling face [Li Gen:]: Middle finger

[Li Gen:]: You buy such a big safe, do you have the money to put it in it [Dear Yingying]: I took out all the money in your salary card, smiling face [Li Gen:]: [Li Gen :】:Frightened face

[Dear Yingying]: There are too many cases of bank cards being stolen maliciously. I don’t worry, so I took out the money and put it inside, as well as some valuable items.

[Li Gen:]: Then why don’t you store the money in your salary card in it.

[Dear Yingying]: Take out mine, this safe is not enough, smile face [Li Gen:]: Shock me

[Li Gen:]: My dear, you are superfluous, I have to criticize you.

[Li Gen:]: You take money too important.

[Dear Yingying]: Money is not important, what is important, you tell me.

[Dear Yingying]: The economic foundation determines the superstructure. I don’t understand [Li Gen:]: I think personality charm is the most important arrogant face [Dear Yingying]: No money can only be careful and generous, rich can be generous Fang’s stingy! [Li Gen:]: Full of internal flow

[Li Gen:]: My dear, you have to know that money cannot buy a lot of things, time, feelings and life, etc.

[Dear Yingying]: You said you can’t buy time. [Dear Yingying]: Don’t you spend money to buy your brother to extend the time. [Li Gen:]: I said [Li Gen:]: My heart is almost Broken

Seeing this, Qin Fan: smirk and applaud

Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yan Ling blushed

99 reminds you: three things to read

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