Chapter 385 This is too romantic. [1 more, please customize! 】

“Dowan, so ah!”

Hu Fangfang looked disappointed.

“That red Ferrari is so beautiful!!!.”

There are little stars in Chu Ying’s eyes.

“The six Ferrari 48s have no license plates, and they are all new cars.”

“I’m going, how come these Ferraris have stopped in front of our company.”

“Follow him, it’s off work now, go down and take a photo, it’s so cool!”

The three of them 3 were fast, and after taking away personal belongings from get off work, they ran out of the office quickly.

“Smile, let’s go to Haidilao at night, OK, I haven’t eaten hot pot for a while.”


Zhou Xiaoxiao and Yan Ling unhurriedly packed their things, and then unhurriedly walked out of the office

At this time, six Ferrari 88s were displayed in front of the gate of Xingyu Animation Company, and many passers-by stopped to take pictures after seeing them.

The employees of Xingyu Animation Company who were off work also gathered around when they saw it.

There are actually 6 Ferrari 88s parked together, which is too dazzling and eye-catching! The colors of these 6 Ferrari 488s are black, white, red and silver, yellow and blue. They are all very beautiful, with the exclusive striped pattern that runs through the body, and the visual effects are all Very outstanding! “These 6 sports cars are so dazzling!”

“I found it, this is a Ferrari 488, worth more than 4 million!”

“The six colors of the Ferrari 488 series are all gathered here.”

“There is a car salesman standing in front of every Ferrari. Looking at their badges, they are all employees of the Hengxin Automobile Group. What is the situation?”

“Could it be that Hengxin Automobile Group is engaged in marketing planning activities?”

At this moment, the employees of Xingyu Animation Co. were curious about how these six Ferraris stopped in front of their company, “look well.”

Hu Fangfang and Chu Ying looked at the six Ferrari 488s in front of them, and their eyes were about to light the air.

They all dream of sitting in this kind of super-driving seat, and going out in this way can definitely harvest a large number of women’s envy and hatred eyes.

That kind of…the feeling of being watched by everyone.

It satisfies their vanity a lot, and just thinking about it makes them inexplicably excited! “Yingying, why do you think these Farleys stop in front of our company?”

“Who knows.”

At the forefront of the Larry 488, stood a middle-aged man in a straight suit.

He is Xia Feng, the general manager of Hengxin Automobile Group.

This time, after their chairman received a call from a big guy, he rushed to rush him from Hengxin Automobile Group’s several automobile towns in Jiangcheng to urgently transfer six Ferrari 488s of different colors to drive here.

If it weren’t for their chairman in another place

During the meeting, it was not his Xia Feng who led the team here today, but their chairman himself.

When he thought of the person he was waiting for this time, even their chairman would yell Mr.Qin respectfully, Xia Feng couldn’t help feeling agitated.

In his eyes, the chairman of their Hengxin Automobile Group is a proper boss.

But the one he was waiting for… Mr. Qin was called by their chairman as a big guy, a big guy, how terrifying this Mr. Qin must be! When he thought of dealing with the big guy in the eyes of the chairman, our Xia Feng I couldn’t help but became nervous.

Although… Mr. Qin is still very young, about the same age as his son, but a person’s status is never determined by age.

Just as Xia Feng took a deep breath and relaxed herself, Qin Fan walked out holding Zhou Xiaoxiao’s hand.

Mr. Qin! When Xia Feng saw Qin Fan, he immediately became energetic. After finishing his clothes and making sure that there was nothing inappropriate, Xia Feng smiled, and rushed to Qin Fan with a few strides, and bowed to Qin Fan. The body shouted: “Mr. Qin, this is Xia Feng, general manager of Hengxin Automobile Group.”

This scene shocked the scene, many people.

Hundred-faced dumbfounded!! What is the situation where the leader of the Ferrari 488 team is so respectful to a young man, especially the many employees of Xingyu Animation, his eyes widened.

They also heard about Zhou Xiaoxiao’s boyfriend.

But the origin of Zhou Xiaoxiao’s boyfriend is unknown to everyone.

Women like Hu Fangfang and Chu Ying will naturally not promote Zhou Xiaoxiao’s boyfriend driving Cullinan in the company.They will not do this kind of ambition.

Now it seems that Zhou Xiaoxiao’s boyfriend is not an ordinary person.

Qin Fan smiled: “Exhausted Manager Xia has taken a trip.”

Xia Feng was flattered and said, “Mr. Qin is serious.”

“The chairman specially confessed that I have drawn 6 Ferrari 488s of different colors for you to choose from, Mr. Qin.”

“Smile, what color do you like”

Qin Fan looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and asked.

Zhou Xiaoxiao blinked: “Your car, you choose your own.”

Qin Fan shook his head and smiled at Zhou Xiao with a petting head: “It’s not a smile, I gave this car to you, of course you want to choose it.”

When this statement fell, the audience was shocked! In an instant, from the scene, the women’s envy, jealousy and hatred eyes fell on Zhou Xiaoxiao one after another.

Oh my God! That woman Zhou Xiaoxiao is so happy! Her boyfriend gave her a Ferrari worth more than 4 million! And he tuned 6 Ferraris of different colors all at once for his girlfriend to choose! This is too romantic! 99 reminds you: three things to read

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