Chapter 378 Closed disciple [4 more, please customize! 】

Arriving at the meeting place, Qin Fan met the little couple.

After chatting with the little couple for almost half an hour, a plan emerged in Qin Fan’s mind.

After the plan is formed, Qin Fan will implement the plan later

12 o’clock noon.

The young couple and the woman’s parents came to a private house.

It turns out that these little lovers are not natives of Jiangcheng.

And the woman’s parents are very superstitious people.

After knowing that their daughter had talked with them, they hired a fortune teller in their hometown to calculate the marriage for their baby daughter.

As a result, the fortune-teller said that their daughter and the boyfriend Jiang Tao who was currently dating were inappropriate, and the two hit each other.

So they killed their daughter and didn’t agree with Jiang Tao, they wanted to beat the mandarin ducks.

Qin Fan’s plan is very simple, aren’t the woman’s parents superstitious, then he will ask a more famous fortune teller to calculate the marriage for their daughter again! “Xiaoyue, is this Liu Banxian’s home?”

Gao Yue’s parents looked at the small private house in front of them, and said respectfully.

Although it hasn’t been long since they came to Jiangcheng from their hometown, the name of Liu Banxian in Jiangcheng has already been thunderous in their hometown.

It is said that this… Liu Banxian has unpredictable abilities, knows astronomy and geography, knows the future, knows the past, and can do everything in the world! In the fortune-telling world, this… Liu Banxian is a big cow! In their hometown, many families with good family conditions will come to Jiangcheng personally and find this… Liu Banxian counts as a trivial matter when major events occur in the family, such as funerals, marriages, or the future of their children.

Their daughter felt that the fortune-teller in her hometown was inaccurate and had to come to Liu Banxian to recalculate, and they readily agreed to this.

At the thought of seeing the legendary Liu Banxian, Gao Yue’s parents were still a little excited.

“Let’s go in.”

living room.

Gao Yue’s parents met Liu Banxian as they wished.

“Half fairy, we finally saw you.”

Gao Yue’s parents bowed to Liu Daniu and Liu Banxian’s real name, with respectful appearance, like a pilgrimage.

Qin Fan standing beside Liu Daniu was speechless for a while.

The man next to him… Liu Daniu has a dark skin with a naive face and a bit of stammering.

This word doesn’t have any relationship, “You two are here to ask your children.”

Liu Daniu stuttered.

“Half fairy, you are really a living god!!!.”

Gao Yue’s parents’ faces were full of shock and admiration for Liu Daniu.

Liu Banxian was so terrifying that they knew what they were asking for before they even spoke.

Too strong

Hurt!! Jiang Tao: “”

Gao Yue covered her face and blushed.

Mom and Dad, Jiang Tao and I are standing next to you. Liu Banxian took a glance and guessed it. “Low-key, low-key.”

Liu Daniu didn’t smile: “For what you are asking for, just ask my closed disciple, Qin Fan, Qin Fan.”

“Recently, I am in bigu, and it is not suitable for the world to solve problems.”

Liu Daniu is a living god in the eyes of senior superstitions like Gao Yue’s parents.

Liu Daniu’s words, the two of them are like decree! “Good half immortal.”

Gao Yue’s parents didn’t suspect him, and said respectfully.

Seeing this, Gao Yue and Jiang Tao glanced at each other face to face.

In fact, Qin Fan’s strategy was thought of by the two of them a long time ago.

They have been here more than once, asking this…Liu Daxian to help them.

But they were all rejected by Liu Daxian.

Because of Liu Banxian’s calculation, it is also that they are not suitable for being together.

If Liu Banxian helped them, then he could only lie.

In this regard, Liu Banxian categorically refused, even if they were good at it, Liu Banxian also refused.

The reason this…Half-xian gave is that I, Daniel Liu, is a fortune teller with professional ethics! How did this Qin Fan do it, I was able to persuade this old stubbornness.

That’s awesome! Actually, Qin Fan originally found this Liu Daniu, because he wanted the other party to directly help, and told Gaoyue’s parents that the two children are suitable for being together.

However, Liu Daxian refused! Even if Qin Fan used his contacts.

This Liu Daniu still refuses to agree.

The reason given is also: I am a fortune teller with professional ethics! Later, Qin Fan could only take second place and wronged myself to be a close disciple of a half immortal. Liu Daniu hesitated for a while, and finally Nodded and agreed

“Four people, please sit down.”

Qin Fan waved and greeted with a smile.

“Thank you Master.”

Gao Yue’s parents are also very respectful to Qin Fan, directly calling Qin Fan a master, which makes Qin Fan unable to help but sweat an inner monologue: the name of a master, I dare not be, I dare not be a master. Next, Qin Fan pretended to ask Gao. Yue and Jiang Tao’s birthday horoscopes, and then pretended to pinch and calculate.

For a long time, Qin Fan spoke in the tone of a worldly expert: “As the saying goes, marriage is not to be forced, everything is the same.”

“Where is your girl, she is a tiger, and this young man happens to be a tiger.”

“As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, this marriage”

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