Chapter 370 Bid a steel G! [4 more, please customize! 】

Going to the back, the final transaction price is getting higher and higher.

There are two reasons 2.

The first is that the pretending heart of a group of rich people has been stimulated. The entire venue is full of force! The second is naturally that the quality of the calligraphy works behind is getting higher and higher. Their owners are in the calligraphy circle of Xia Guo. It’s small and famous.

“Everyone, the calligraphy work presented next is “Plum Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum” by Liu Shan.”

Dong Wenchang’s words immediately shocked the spirits of many wealthy people present.

Because Liu Shan is a famous calligrapher who is not much weaker than Dong Wenchang! In Xia Guo’s calligraphy circle, he has a great reputation! This kind of calligraphy master’s work is what a lot of rich people really want to collect.

Several of Dong Wenchang’s assistants spread out the “Plum Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum”, erected it, and presented it in front of everyone.

Those rich people who understand calligraphy have their eyes bright.

Rich people who don’t understand calligraphy don’t care, as long as it is the work of calligraphy everyone, then they must compete.

If we don’t understand, we have to pretend to understand. People are arguing.

“Appreciating Liu Shan’s calligraphy work “Meilanzhuju” is like reading a poem that is open-minded and unrestrained and elegant and fresh. It does not lack the gentleness and elegance of literati, but also the vigorous and vigorous, wild and unrestrained spirit of the stormy waves.”

Dong Wenchang commented: “I personally feel that Liu Shan’s calligraphy is tender and heroic, and the composition is exquisite. Sometimes it is like a continuous mountain, sometimes it is like a river of a thousand miles, often there is the tranquility of a trickle stream, and it is more like the majesty of a majestic road. ”

“His works are fluent in style, and ink penetrates through the back of the paper:, as smooth and brisk as running clouds and flowing water, and free and easy like drunken dance and singing, the point of the pen reflects the inner spirit and indifferent elegance of a Xia Guo, a literary man and a majestic man. The pursuit of the soul, the two complement each other.”

“This “Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum” is an excellent work, and I personally like it very much.”

As soon as Dong Wenchang’s voice fell, there was an impatient quotation.

After a fight, Liu Shan’s “Plum Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum” was finally taken down by Hongye Ventures…shareholders at a price of 1 million.

The auction prices of the next few calligraphy works of everyone are very high, and there is no less than 1 million.

“Everyone, what I will show you next is a cursive work “Thousand Characters of Cursive Script”. Before showing it, let me introduce the author of this work.”

When Park Yongjun heard this, he couldn’t help but sit up straight and breathe! “It’s author is a Smecta, named Park Yongjun. His knowledge of Xia Guo’s calligraphy really gave me a lot of experience. Big shock.”

“Open the work.”

After hearing the sound, Dong Wenchang’s two assistants quickly spread out the “Thousand Characters of Cursive Script”.

“Mr. Park Yongjun’s crazy cursive work is unrestrained, unpredictable and unpredictable in one go. It’s quite spectacular, and it’s really amazing!”

“I’m not as good as him in crazy grass.”

“As a Smecta, he can have such an accomplishment in Xia Guo’s calligraphy, which really shocked me, and I feel very admired!”

“I’ll go, this crazy cursive work, although you don’t know a word of me, but it makes people feel awesome when you look at it!”

“Smectians, it’s amazing to be able to write my Xia country’s cursive so well!!!.”

At this time, Park Yongjun stood up, with his head held high, facing the rich area, like the head of the inspection team, waving his hand in an angry manner, and then sat down with a calm expression.

Forcibly brushed a wave of presence! The rich: “”

F*ck! Why does this Smecta feel so awkward! “Well, you can start bidding.”

At this time, Park Yong-joon was calm on the surface, but in fact he was so excited to die! After ten years of sharpening a sword, the most glorious moment of my Park Yong-joon’s life finally came to pee! Qin Fan raised his card, um, it was also his first time tonight. .

All the wealthy people saw Qin Fan holding up a card, and they quickly put down the sign that they were about to raise.

Once they all knew that Qin Fan is a very powerful boss, they are naturally unwilling to bid for a calligraphy work with the boss, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

Secondly, they are also very curious about what high price Qin will offer when he raises the placard for the first time.

When Park Yongjun saw Qin Fan holding up his placard, he was so proud and comfortable! Your Qin Fan is awesome, but if you are awesome, you can’t sit still when you see my calligraphy works.

Park Yongjun feels very happy when he thinks that the Damn it guy will pay for his own calligraphy works.

Under everyone’s attention, Qin Fan smiled, and then quoted the price calmly.

“I pay one yuan.”

Qin Fan’s voice fell, and the entire venue suddenly fell into a strange and quiet environment.

Everyone felt that their old waist was violently flashed.

In their opinion, a big guy like Qin Fan, who has been sitting for so long, rushed to raise a card and took the initiative to participate in the auction for the first time, and he would definitely report a very strong one.

The price of Qin Fan never expected that Mr. Qin would bid for a steel pin, even our teacher Lu did not expect that Qin Fan would report such an “astounding”

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