Chapter 360 This looks really fragrant [1 more, please customize! 】

The Fenmei actress has a face of peach blossoms, her face is shy and nervous, and coupled with the action of covering her chest, the heroine of the popular TV drama Protosmetta is restored!!!.

Park Yongjun’s mind couldn’t help but rippling.

There is a sense of conquest, very nice! It’s just a pity that all of this is a performance. “Damn, I would be tempted by you!”

“Don’t move, move again, I don’t guarantee what will happen to the translation”

At this time, Park Yongjun’s eight-eyed spirit is three meters eight.

Jiang Fei looked at the ugly face in front of him, for the 500 yuan performance fee, against his will, pretending to be ashamed and said: “Ouba, you are so handsome.”

Well, this 88-cent American actress is our green tea Jiang Fei.

With a sound of oppa, the pores of Park Yongjun’s whole body are relaxed, cool! No, I want to add a scene on the spot! Well, what to add, hey, the audience in front of the TV, ah, it’s in front of the phone screen Uncle book friend, you know, just when Park Yongjun pouted and was about to give a domineering kiss, a pretty boy passed by.

“Qin Fan!”

Jiang Fei’s eyes glistened, and she stretched out her hand to pull Park Yongjun aside.


Park Yongjun couldn’t react, and his body lost his center of gravity.

There happened to be another trash can next to him. Our fleetingly unfavorable Park Yongjun dumped his body and directly overwhelmed the trash can to the ground. All kinds of unpleasant trash dumped him all over Jin Yousheng: “”

Park Sang Woo: “”

Why is the story of Fat Four different? The audience in the live broadcast room is very exciting.

Park Yongjun’s appearance, because of his identity as a Smecta and the blessing of beauty, has attracted a lot of fans.

“Oh my god, that woman is too rude, she has pushed all of our oppa.”

“Oba is so miserable.”

“That woman is too much, she seems to be chasing a passerby brother, she suddenly pushed our Oppa away.”

“That passerby, he looks pretty handsome from his side.”

“Definitely not our Obama handsome.”

“Yes, yes, Oppa is the most handsome.”

“Even though the passerby had taken a shot, he was still side-faced, which made me have the urge to lick the screen.”

“Really, I just looked at Oppa just now, but I didn’t notice it.”

“I don’t believe it, Ouba is the most handsome.

“Ouba, Ouba, we have to look at that passerby!”

Jin Yousheng, who has been paying attention to the public screen, quickly turned the camera at Jiang Fei and Qin Fan, and quickly caught up.

He also wanted to find out what happened just now, why the one he paid for…the temporary actress didn’t act according to the script of “It’s you, Jiang Fei.”

“Qin Fan, are you shopping alone, let me accompany you.”

Jiang Fei looked hopeful.

To Qin Fan, she has never given up her heart.

“No need, I have an appointment for dinner.”

Qin Fan said so, it is not he who is slanderous, but he is indeed here to eat when he comes to Financial Street.

Well, it was our beautiful doctor Xu Sihan who asked Qin Fan to go to her cousin Yan Wenjun’s hot pot restaurant for hot pot at noon.

“Oh oh.”

Jiang Fei was disappointed.

At this moment, Jin Yousheng walked around in front of Qin Fan and Jiang Fei.

F*ck! This Xia Guo man is so handsome! Jin Yousheng was shocked by Qin Fan’s appearance.

At this time, Jin Yousheng’s live broadcast room was completely fried.

“My God, what kind of fairy face is this handsome guy?”

“So handsome, so handsome, even more handsome than Oppa.”

“Does Obama have this handsome boy 10% handsome”

“Little brother, I want to give you a monkey!”

“Compared with each other.”

“What a handsome little brother, no, I can’t help it anymore, I’m going to lick the screen.”

“I just remembered licking the screen? This queen has already licked it for respect.”

“Slim, this looks really fragrant.”

“Asshole Smecta!”

Our Pu Yongjun had instant noodles on top of his head and ran over filthy. He was furious and screamed at Jiang Fei in Chinese: “We paid you for it. You have no professional ethics at all. There is no play yet. After the performance, you ran away and pushed me to the ground. Look at me.”

Park Yongjun became angry from embarrassment, frantically vomiting, and at the same time gave Qin Fan a fierce look.

Ma Dan!! This guy again! Every time I meet this guy, he will be unlucky! The first time I met him at the Yida Ruihua Hotel, later, he was refused by all the star hotels in Jiangcheng.

I met him for the second time and asked him to “pick up the body”


The third time, that is, this time, seeing that the overbearing kiss is about to succeed, the actress was going to chase this guy, so she pushed him on the street so terribly!! See Park Yongjun Talking in front of her, because of Qin Fan’s “declined”

, Jiang Fei, who was not in a good mood, was suddenly angry.

Counter yelled: “You Smecta need to be shameless. I charged you five hundred yuan, but I have finished performing all the performances that I should perform. Then you will make additional performances temporarily and want to kiss me. , Disgusting or disgusting you, you are so ugly, you want to kiss me, and you want to eat ass in your dreams!”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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