Chapter 353 The whole person is stunned [3 more, please customize! 】

In less than five minutes, a young man in a suit and leather shoes led two security guards rushing over.

“Xiao Wu, have you contacted the tow truck in a few minutes, I don’t have time to spend here.”

Wang Lili asked impatiently at the young man in the suit.

“I haven’t contacted this trailer, but please don’t worry, I will solve this problem for you soon.”

The young man in a suit accompanied the smiling face.

At this time, the young man in a suit smiled on his face and in his heart! This Wang Lili relied on being the junior of Liu Dajun, the deputy property manager of Hanshang World Trade Plaza, and was accustomed to the ordinary employees of their properties, making many of them dare to be angry. I dare not speak.

Take this parking space as an example, Wang Lili often had disputes with people, and in the end, each time their property office came forward to deal with the woman’s aftermath.

However, this woman, although arrogant and arrogant, often quarreled with people over the parking space, but this woman is also watching the dishes.

If millions of luxury cars occupy her “exclusive parking space”

, She would treat it as if she hadn’t seen it.

But if a hundred thousand ordinary cars occupy her “exclusive parking space”

, Hehe, I’m sorry, this woman will be reluctant and become: domineering.

To put it bluntly, this woman is bullying and fearing hardship.

A typical persimmon picking softly! Wang Lili raised her chin up to Lao Gao: “Give you three minutes.”


The young man in a suit came to Qin Fan and looked at Qin Fan with an apologetic expression, and said, “Sir, I’m really sorry, can I trouble you to move the car? Don’t worry, we will arrange a parking space for you. .”

Qin Fan frowned: “You are the property here”

“Yes, sir.”

The young man in a suit is bitter, he lowered his voice to Qin Fan, and said: “Handsome guy, this woman is the woman of our deputy manager of the property. Just that kind of relationship, you know, we are also miserable!!!, I hope the handsome guy understands a lot. , Bear with me.”

Qin Fan: “Don’t move.”

“Handsome man, just do me a favor, or not, I will invite you to dinner tomorrow.”

The young man in a suit prayed with a smile on his face.

Qin Fan: “Don’t worry about this matter today, it won’t affect you.”

Hearing the sound, the young man in a suit was stunned.

What does this handsome guy mean when he said this, but he confessed to this handsome guy.

If he doesn’t care

Today’s incident, looking back, this Wang Lili is next to Liu Dajun, blowing the pillow wind, Liu Dajun will inevitably wear small shoes for him.

This kind of thing happened before


Unless it is this handsome guy who can pull Liu Dajun off, is it possible?I looked at the red modern car. The young man in a suit felt that it was reasonable.

If this handsome guy has so much energy, then he is definitely a big guy.

This kind of plot should only happen in novels.

In reality, there is a big guy who will be in pain at leisure, deliberately driving a Hyundai out to stroll, playing the scene of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, “Xiao Wu, don’t talk to him, just arrange a trailer to come over, I want to see He won’t be able to move when the time comes.”

Wang Lili sneered.

Just as the young man in suits surnamed Wu was in a dilemma, a group of middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes all took big steps and hurriedly rushed here.

“I’m going, Manager Sun, Deputy Manager Liu, Director Ye”

The young man in a suit looked intently at it, but was shocked.

Because he suddenly discovered that the group of people were all the management of their property office, all large and small came over.

Wang Lili also saw her godfather Liu Dajun.

But she was not so stupid as to step forward to say hello.

After all, she is arguing with people now. If she greets Liu Dajun and attracts Sun Zhenguo’s attention, it will be bad for her to make a big fuss.

“Mr. Qin, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.”

Sun Zhenguo, the property manager of Hanshang World Trade Plaza, saw Qin Fan immediately.

The appearance of Sun Zhenguo is naturally because of Qin Fan.

It turned out that Wang Lili was so arrogant and confident.After that, Qin Fan sent a message to Sun Zhenguo and asked him to come over.

It’s just that Qin Fan didn’t expect that Sun Zhenguo actually brought a group of people over, “Hello, Mr. Qin.”

The other management of Hanshang World Trade Plaza Property shouted respectfully to Qin Fan in unison.

They had already learned from Sun Zhenguo that the…young Mr. Qin in front of him was the actual size of the Hanshang Group! Hiss!! The young man in suit took a breath, almost staring out of his eyes.

Oudi Niangye! The leaders of their property offices are all here for this handsome guy beside him, and the…respectful attitude is more than usual and he is more afraid of them. Wang Lili was stunned.

This handsome guy drove a broken five, Hyundai, she once thought it was a poor force, but now her godfather Liu Dajun is not even qualified to stand up alone to introduce himself to this handsome guy. This is scary!!!!! Remind you: three things to read

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