Chapter 326 Going out without looking at the almanac [4 more, please customize! 】

Still bowing ninety degrees is no longer simply respectful, okay.

Even Wu Qianqian was a little surprised.

Guan Zilin’s boyfriend even knew Qin Fan when Qin Fan called out his name. Li Hao looked flattered and blushed with excitement, “I didn’t expect Mr. Qin to remember my name. It’s an honor.”

Guan Zilin: “”

Dai Jingtian: “”

The two looked at each other, looking at each other.

What kind of ghost remembers your name, and it makes you so excited. Is this Qin Fan a big brother “My dear, what is your relationship with Qin Fan?”

Guan Zilin couldn’t help being curious and asked

Li Hao: “Zilin, he is my benefactor. If it weren’t recommended by Mr. Qin, I wouldn’t get the job at all.”

After hearing the sound, Guan Zilin and Dai Jingtian suddenly felt a little dissatisfied with Qin Fan.

Just now they saw Li Hao’s respectful attitude towards Qin Fan, they still think this Qin Fan might be a bigwig.

Looking again now, it turns out that they were thinking too much.

It is gold that always shines, and Li Hao is a piece of gold.

Although Li Hao said that it was Qin Fan’s recommendation that he got the current high-paying job.

But in the eyes of both of them, even if there is no recommendation from Qin Fan, this Li Hao can succeed in the end! Perhaps Qin Fan’s recommendation has made Qin Fan a lot of affection, because in this society, talents are rare! And Li Hao Cha is a senior talent! Li Hao is also honest, and I am so grateful for Qin Fan’s recommendation.

“Li Hao, you are her girlfriend”

Qin Fan asked with a weird look in his eyes.

Li Hao nodded shyly: “Yes, Mr. Qin.”

Qin Fan: “”

Silently felt sorry for Li Hao for three seconds 3.

Love is a light, green panic “Mr. Qin!”

Several people are about to sit down: Yu Hua’s secretary is flying over with a fruit basket.


Secretary Yu Hua glanced at Zilin inadvertently, and immediately said with surprise and joy: “Zilin, why are you here?”

Guan Zilin shook her heart! Why did boyfriend No. 1 come here? F*ck! Boyfriend No. 2 is by my side. “Ah, what a coincidence.”

Guan Zilin smiled awkwardly, a group of guilty conscience! The honest man Li Hao, with a delicate mind, saw Guan Zilin’s unnatural face, and suddenly felt that the relationship between his girlfriend and the young man in suit and leather shoes was probably very unusual.

So Li Hao looked at Secretary Yu Hua and asked in a deep voice, “What is your relationship with Zilin?”

Secretary Yu Hua frowned and asked: “You

What is the relationship with Zilin”

“We are a couple!!”

“We are a couple!!”

The two said in unison.

Suddenly, the air suddenly solidified.

Qin Fan: “”

I’m going big!! The two boyfriends of Guan Zilin, he even knows this f*ck world is too small.

Now that two boyfriends meet, this is interesting. Wu Qianqian: “”

Dai Jingtian and the surrounding diners were dumbfounded! Looking at the pair of Yazi in front of him, Guan Zilin stepped on two boats, but now the two boats accidentally collided with each other, which is terrible.

“Guan Zilin!!”

Li Hao and Secretary Yu Hua looked at his girlfriend with fire-breathing eyes at the same time! Both felt that they had been put on a green hat by their girlfriends, and they were both furious! Guan Zilin: “”

Li Hao said angrily: “Guan Zilin, because I was so good to you, you actually cuckold me!”

After hearing the sound, Guan Zilin hadn’t spoken yet, Secretary Yu Hua stopped doing it, and said to Li Hao: “Man, I am Guan Zilin’s real boyfriend, and I am the one who was greened, okay!”


Li Hao held his neck and said: “Obviously I am Guan Zilin’s boyfriend, you are just a third party to intervene in our relationship!”


Secretary Yu Hua and Li Hao are like two arrogant bulls, with red eyes and staring at each other.

The two of them did not give in to each other as to who was Guan Zilin’s boyfriend! In the end, the two couldn’t argue for a reason. Qi Qi looked at Guan Zilin and asked: “Guan Zilin, you say, me and him, who It’s your boyfriend!”

Qin Fan: “”

Wu Qianqian: “”

Dai Jingtian: “”

Other diners: “”

That’s awesome!! Guan Zilin’s mouth couldn’t help but twitched, and when she was about to speak, our Leopard brother came with two little brothers, walking in a tiger.

After a while, I shouted to Qin Fan enthusiastically: “Oh, Mr. Qin, we are really destined!!!, I can meet this for a meal, what I say today, I also want to respect Mr. Qin. ”

Seeing Brother Leopard, Guan Zilin’s mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Ou Di Niang! I didn’t read the almanac today when I went out! Her luck is too bad. “Hey, isn’t this my Zilin?”

Brother Leopard also saw Guan Zilin at this time, and immediately looked surprised.

I am so happy to meet my girlfriend!!!!

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