Chapter 316 Teacher Lu, you are so beautiful [1 more, please customize! 】

“Husband, I’m so happy.”

Our beautiful stewardess Wu Qianqian was lying on the bed and chatting with Qin Fan.

Qin Fan knowingly asked, “What makes my Cici so happy.”

Wu Qianqian: “Hehe, it was my father who not only recovered from work, but was also promoted to the president of Jiangcheng branch by Pin’an Bank.”

“Seeing my dad happy makes me happy.”

“Husband, the sixth sense of a woman tells me that this matter has something to do with you.”

She told Qin Fan about his father’s affairs. Within a few days, his father was wronged. In addition, her husband Qin Fan was so powerful, so the more Wu Qianqian thought about it, the more she felt that this matter had something to do with her. Qin Fan’s husband has something to do.

Qin Fan smiled: “Well, I have a showdown. Actually, I am a shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group.”

Wu Qianqian: “”

It turns out that Qin Fan is still a shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group.

Wu Qianqian said with a weird expression: “Husband, isn’t my dad one of your employees? It feels weird.”

“But husband, I still have to thank you.”

“My dad was unemployed for these two days, although he pretended not to care on the surface, but I could feel his inner loss.”

Qin Fan: “It’s okay. It was originally Pin’an Bank. Sorry uncle. What I did is actually a shareholder’s responsibility.”

Seeing Qin Fan’s words, Wu Xiqian felt that she did not love the wrong person.

If most men encounter this incident, they will definitely be eager to take credit, but when they come to Qin Fan, they will lightly expose the incident.

“My husband, I miss you shy face”

“Do you want me to be shy face”


“I really want to find you, but my parents are at home, husband, let’s start the video, but don’t talk, I will let you take a good look at my shy face, shy face, shy face”

What do you mean by not talking? I will let you take a good look. I don’t understand. Waiting online, I’m very anxious!! “Okay!”

The video was connected, and the corners of Qin Fan’s mouth were upturned. Tonight, Wu Qianqian treated her candidly for the first time in the video. Two days later, it was exceptionally beautiful. Liang Hui took her from Pin’an Bank and paid her back with interest.

On the third day, Liang Hui was alone instructing a small male model of fresh meat on the catwalk, and the phone rang.

Caller ID: Secretary! The phone is connected! “Chairman Liang, it’s not good. People from the Tax Inspection Bureau have come to our company. They received an anonymous report and they have a lot of evidence of tax evasion in our company.”


Liang Hui’s face became pale after a brush.

Because of

The family knew about her own affairs, so she was completely panicked, afraid that it was over, it was over!! She would not say who would report her after she was going to eat more than ten years of prison food! Liang Hui slumped on the ground with a sullen expression.

“President Liang, what’s wrong with you, let’s continue.”

The little fresh meat male model looks like a docile little cat, looking at Liang Hui, more pretentious than most women, “Go!”

Liang Hui roared, she now has no intention of teaching male models.

Run! Run quickly! I, Liang Hui, don’t want to eat prison food.

Thinking of this, Liang Hui hurriedly ran outside the house.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, three policemen in police uniforms came into view.

The leader is our beautiful police officer Ning Shihan.

“Liang Hui, you are suspected of tax evasion and tax evasion, the amount is huge”

Liang Hui couldn’t hear what Ning Shihan said, because at this time, her little head was buzzing.

Still that small park.

Qin Fan and Lu Danqing clasped their fingers and wandered.

When they walked to a piece of green grass, the two saw several couples lying on the green grass, some in love and some sleeping.

Not to mention, the shade here is a large area, and the location is next to the lake. From time to time there will be cool breeze, lying on the grass, it is really quite comfortable.

Qin Fan and Lu Danqing sat down.

Our teacher Lu put his head on Qin Fan’s shoulder, and his delicate and pretty face was full of happiness.

Seeing Lu Danqing’s autumnal eyes, exquisite face that can be broken by blows, and the fresh and tender lips, Qin Fan couldn’t help but said, “My teacher Lu, you are really beautiful.”

Lu Danqing didn’t speak, but there were two couples near the intoxicating Tuohong on his face.The man was playing with his mobile phone, and the woman was sleeping on the grass.

The couple’s face value is 80 points, which can be regarded as a combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

Suddenly, the sleeping beauty woke up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, sat up and yawned.

The man who was playing with the mobile phone saw his girlfriend awake, and hurriedly panicked, and wanted to put the mobile phone in his hand on the grass.

But it was too late because his girlfriend had found out.

I saw the beautiful woman who just woke up angrily and said: “Who are you talking to, this is a guilty conscience?”

“Bring the phone, I want to see which vixen has hooked your soul.”

After the beauty finished speaking, she snatched the phone from her boyfriend.

When you take a closer look, the beauty is instantly full of anger! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Network Novels

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