Chapter 314 Okay, it’s completely cold now [4 more, please customize! 】

“President Cai.”

Qin Fan smiled: “Remind, the woman in the video is named Liang Hui, and the beautiful model agency belongs to this woman.”


Cai Xingfa’s face changed drastically.

Of course he knows the beautiful model agency.

The reason why Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch has negative growth for two consecutive years is mainly because this beautiful model company has a loan in Jiangcheng branch, and it is not repaid overdue! And if it is not overdue, this model company can continue to borrow money from Jiangcheng branch. This is what makes him Cai Xingfa the most angry.

Obviously, a senior in the Jiangcheng branch gave the green light to this beautiful model company! Not long ago, he also set up a special investigation team to go to Jiangcheng to investigate this matter.

Later, the investigation team found that it was Wu Zhiyong, the deputy president of the Jiangcheng branch, who gave the green light to the beautiful model company.

In a fit of anger, he fired that… President Wu directly! Now it is obvious that there is a problem here.

“You have nothing to say”

Qin Fan looked at the other management of Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch.

As soon as Qin Fan’s voice fell, someone suddenly said: “Mr. Qin, President Cai, I want to report that Liang Hui and President Xia of the beautiful model company not only have chaos in their private lives, President Xia also used his authority to Very low interest rates, lend the bank money to the beautiful model company.”

“In the beginning, President Wu often raised objections on this matter, but President Xia insisted on going his own way.”

“Yes, Mr. Qin, President Cai, and Vice President Wu Zhiyong were actually wronged. The real black sheep of our Jiangcheng branch is actually President Xia Junxia!”

At this time, the management team all stood up and rushed to expose Xia Jun.

They can see that it is Mr. Qin who is determined to engage in Xia Jun, and they naturally know how this team should stand.

For a time, Xia Jun became a target of public criticism.

Being frantically accused by his subordinates.

Xia Jun’s face was green, but he was helpless.

In the past, he leaned against Cai Xingfa, these people naturally dared to be angry with him and did not dare to speak.

Now, Qin Fan, who is much better than Cai Xingfa, has appeared, and these people naturally have no scruples.

“Xia Jun!!”

Cai Xingfa stared at Xia Jun with cannibal eyes.

He understands, understands everything! It turns out that the person who really gave the green light to the beautiful model company was not Xia Jun!! The…special investigation team he sent was bought by this Xia Jun! And the management of the Jiangcheng branch was shocked Xia Jun covered the sky with one hand, and he didn’t dare to report to the head office.

Because in these management

In the eyes of Xia Jun, the person who supported Xia Jun later was Cai Xingfa, the president of Pin’an Bank! He Cai Xingfa had seen too many party disputes in the group.

In his heart, he does not deny that Xia Jun is his person. He values ​​Xia Jun and takes great responsibility for Xia Junzheng. He hopes that Xia Jun can become his right-hand man in the future. Never thought of it.

Daring to be brave!!!!! It’s just that Xia Jun did these bad things, and Qin Fan, the second largest shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group, knew about the hemp egg!! He Cai Xingfa was still preparing to hug Qin Fan’s thigh, and as a result, right now, But there was such a mess. What would Mr. Qin think of Cai Xingfa? Therefore, Cai Xingfa was so angry at this time that he had all the heart to devour Xia Junsheng! At this moment, the door of the meeting room was caught by someone. Pushed away from the outside, a voluptuous young woman who looked over 0 years old…, twisted her waist and walked in.

This young woman is naturally Liang Hui.

It turned out that Liang Hui and others were impatient, so they came directly.

What happened to the meeting.

Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch, the biggest is Xia Jun! In the past, there was a deputy president Wu Zhiyong who sang the opposite of Xia Jun.

Later, Xia Jun kicked Wu Zhiyong out of Pin’an Bank together with her.

Well, she got a loan from Pin’an Bank, but Xia Jun asked her to do this deliberately if she didn’t pay it over the due date.The purpose was to target Wu Zhiyong.

Without Wu Zhiyong’s Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng branch, that would be what Xia Jun said.

So, Liang Hui doesn’t have to worry about anything at all.

Liang Hui, who broke into the conference room, hadn’t recognized the situation, and directly stab Xia Jun: “President Xia, my company is short of money, you can make another 3 million for Huahua.”

Hearing the sound, Xia Jun’s face twitched again and again.

Okay, it’s completely cold now.

Don’t want to talk!! Cai Xing’s angry face is green.

F*ck! Isn’t this the woman in the video! The thorny tone of her speech is completely using Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch as her own ATM! This is unreasonable!! The whole meeting room, because Liang Hui, who broke in suddenly, fell into a strange silence for a while.

Liang Hui quickly realized that the atmosphere was wrong.

Why is Xia Xingchang’s face as white as a piece of paper? Wait! Liang Hui saw Qin Fan, her eyes widened instantly! F*ck! This is not that handsome pot! Why is he here and still sitting all over? The most noble position of the conference table is the one sitting next to Xiaoshuai Guo…a gloomy middle-aged man, he sits in a more noble seat than Xia Jun’s

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