Chapter 308 Shopping Plaza: Great Promotions [1 more, please customize! 】

After Zhang Yan and Zhou Ping heard that Qin Fan was the second shareholder of Yijiangnan Restaurant Group, they had a pair of beautiful eyes, and their faces were full of shock.

This handsome and overly handsome guy in front of me is actually a rich man! Recalling the major shareholder of Jiangnan Restaurant Group, it is reasonable to say that his net worth should be over 500 million.

Hiss! Hundreds of millions of dollars, this god! “Correct, Zhang Yan is not my girlfriend.”

Qin Fan looked at Zhao Lesheng: “You must also know that I am not her elder brother. I am here today to tell you that chasing girls is fine, but it can’t affect the normal life and study of girls. I mean, do you understand?”

Hearing the sound, Zhao Lesheng sighed in relief, and nodded in panic: “Yes, yes, I know, I know.”

Zhang Yan on the side heard what Qin Fan said, her delicate and pretty face couldn’t help showing a bit of bitterness.When facing Qin Fan, she admitted that she was really tempted.

Handsome, low-key and modest, he is also rich with a righteous heart, and he has money. This is a nearly perfect man.

How can a woman be indifferent to such a man?

The matter is resolved, the next step is to eat.

As soon as the food was ready, Zhao Lesheng poured himself a full cup, stood up, raised the cup and bent over to respect Qin Fan: “Big brother, I respect you, you drove here, and I just need a sip of tea.”

“How did you come”

Qin Fan asked.

“Also, don’t call me a big boss, my name is Qin Fan.”

Zhao Lesheng: “Back to Mr. Qin, I also came by car.”

Qin Fan smiled: “Then we all have tea.”

“No, no, no, Mr. Qin, you are damaging me, I drink, you drink tea.”

“After dinner, I will call a driver.”

After talking, Zhao Lesheng directly picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank it, looking very bold.

Qin Fan shook his head, a little helpless

After a meal, everyone walked out of the box.

“Huh, Mr. Qin.”

Cheng Jun, in a suit and leather shoes, came to recall that Jiangnan invited the people above to eat, but when he saw Qin Fan, he hurried to Qin Fan, bowed and shouted.

“Coincident Cheng Jun.”

“Haha yes Mr. Qin, I am here to entertain the people above for dinner. Would Mr. Qin go over and show his face”

Qin Fan shook his head: “No, this matter, I won’t go to join in the fun.”

“Well, let’s go, then Mr. Qin, I will go over first, how many have already arrived.”

“Well, go ahead.”

After Cheng Jun left, Zhao Le Qin Fan on the side slipped his Adam’s apple and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a trembling voice, asking, “Mr. Qin, is that President Cheng Juncheng of the Hanshang Group just now?”

His fresh food company has been trying to embrace Hanshang Group’s

The leg, but it has been unsuccessful, the president of the Hanshang Group, he has met once.

It looks like the one just now.

Qin Fan nodded: “Yes.”

“Mr. Qin, you and Hanshang Group”

“I also have some shares in the Hanshang Group.”

Qin Fan said with a smile.

Hiss!! Zhao Lesheng gasped.

The Hanshang Group is a large group with a market value of over 10 billion.

Mr. Qin still owns shares in the Hanshang Group. Qin Dagang is so terrifying!! Scary!! Zhang Yan and Zhou Ping next to them were also shocked by Qin Fan’s fluttering words.

Zhang Yan felt like she was dreaming.

She sent a help message in the [City Mutual Help Group]. It turned out to be a super hero who helped her, and she was so sunny and handsome. This is not a plot that will only appear in idol dramas. It is a pity that she is not the heroine.

So disappointed. The next day, Qin Fan rode to Jianghan University to pick up our Lu teacher and rushed to the Jiangcheng International Center shopping plaza.

“Today, there are so many people here.”

Looking at the crowds in front of him, Qin Fan couldn’t help but feel a tingling scalp.

After a while, Qin Fan and Lu Danqing finally knew why the Jiangcheng International Shopping Center was so crowded today.

It turned out that Jiangcheng International Shopping Center held a big promotion event today.

This attracted a lot of people.

And not only the international shopping malls, but the shopping plazas under the Hanshang Group, all hold big promotions together with today.

Looking around, there are crowds of people, mostly young lovers.

The female smile is like a flower, so happy! Taking advantage of today’s big sale, just can buy it! Oye!! Most of the male compatriots have a bitter face.

Ma Dan! Come on, the salary just paid this month, I haven’t put it in my wallet yet, I have to confess it later

“Qin Fan, there are so many people here, let’s go to the park to relax, okay?”

Lu Danqing lightly opened his lips and said.

“Listen to my teacher Lu.”

Qin Fan laughed, teasing our teacher Lu daily.

Lu Danqing is gentle and quiet, but actually doesn’t like to go shopping, let alone there are so many people here today.

“Who belongs to your family?”

Lu Danqing glanced at Qin Fan with a little style.

This made Qin Fan’s heart tickled and couldn’t help but continue to molest our teacher Lu.

But, at this moment, in a certain direction, it suddenly became: very lively, many people rushed in that direction, and from time to time there were waves of men’s weird howling of wolves.

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