Chapter 84

More than just smashing corpses and killing people?

This is already obvious.

Merely broken corpse, you are a murderer, do you need to have your internal organs removed?


Do you want to keep the perverted as a memorial?

An autopsy has given the entire criminal investigation team a headache for several days.

If there is a clue, there is a direction, and the case can be tracked down.


Zhou Guolong stretched out his thumb to Xiao Yao and sighed~, “You can’t accept it!”

“Stop the brigade.”

Xiao Yao calmly said, “Let’s deploy control first.”


Zhou Guolong nodded solemnly, arranged for the police to start deployment and control, and all were dispatched.

When Xiao Yao was about to go out to find clues.

Something happened.

The police station received a call to the police, and a seven-year-old girl called the police, saying that her mother had disappeared.

When the police from the police station arrived at the scene, they found the girl’s father who had disappeared more than 20 days ago.

The girl’s mother also disappeared last night and did not return overnight.

Coincidentally, the girl’s father was a victim of this serial case of corpses sinking into the sea.

When Xiao Yao and Ye Qingzhu drove to the girl’s home.

The child is very well-behaved, does not cry or make trouble, just looks at the police officers a little scared, and does not say anything.

“Children, can you tell Auntie, when did mother leave last night?”

A female police officer asked gently.

“I answered a call at around ten o’clock last night, and my mother went out.”

The girl is seven years old and has a one-year primary school. She has clear language skills, but her voice is very small when she speaks, with tears in her eyes, and she can cry at any time.

“Let me do it.”

Xiao Yao smiled and nodded to the police officer, squatting in front of the girl, smiling and asking, “Tell brother, what’s your name?”

“Liu Xiaoxiao.”

The girl whispered and looked at Xiao Yao with a little fear.


Xiao Yao was born with a sunny smile and a soft face.

People will like good-looking things.

Children are no exception.

Coupled with Xiao Yao’s gentle face, and after a few words of conversation, the girl gradually became not afraid.

“Xiaoxiao tells her brother, whose call my mother answered…”

Just about to ask, Xiao Yao heard the girl’s belly growl.

Is this last night and haven’t eaten yet?

Yes, only seven years old.

“Go, brother takes Xiaoxiao to dinner first.”

Xiao Yao got up and reached out to the girl.

The girl looked at the palm in front of her, hesitated, and put her little hand on it.

Xiao Yao took the girl’s little hand, gave her sister a look, asked them to check first, and then took the girl out of the room and found a restaurant to eat.

“Eat slowly.”

Xiao Yao plucked shrimp shells for the girl, put the shrimps in the girl’s bowl, and smiled at the girl who swallowed, “Don’t worry, eat slowly.”

and many more.

Xiao Yao was stunned.

What good things have not been eaten by the children now?

Today’s children are all offering just like their little ancestors.

Except for some children from remote mountainous areas or impoverished mountainous areas, do they still eat like this?

We must know that the family conditions of the little girl are still good.

Although they are ordinary people, their parents’ wages are not low.

Xiao Yao glanced at the dishes in front of him.

Fish-flavored shredded pork, sweet and sour pork loin, garlic eggplant, and a plate of boiled shrimp are not particularly expensive dishes.

As for eating so much?

has a problem!

Ability: Cat’s Eye!

Xiao Yao began to observe the girl carefully.

Soon, it was found that there was a bruise on the girl’s neck.

Bruises were also found on the girl’s wrist where the girl’s cuffs were inadvertently exposed.

After the girl was full, she ate a big bowl of rice and two dishes. She couldn’t eat her with hiccups. Xiao Yao smiled and said, “Xiao Xiao, let’s not eat anymore. My brother will continue to invite you to eat in the evening. delicious.”


The girl looked away from the table and looked at Xiao Yao, “Thank you brother!”

“You’re welcome!”

Xiao Yao grinned.

Really sensible!

However, let my sister see what’s going on first.

Back to the scene.

Ye Qingzhu shook his head at Xiao Yao, saying that he hadn’t noticed.

“Take Xiaoxiao to change clothes and change them all.”

Xiao Yao said to her sister with a smile.


Ye Qingzhu was taken aback, frowned, nodded, and led Liu Xiaoxiao to the bedroom.

ten minutes.

Ye Qingzhu, with a green jade face, came out, his eyes trying to eat people.

Xiao Yao’s heart sank.


“Except for the hands and above the neck, most of them are bruised, and there are several necrosis.”

Ye Qingzhu gritted his teeth and said, “Send to the doctor first.”


Xiao Yao’s eyes became icy.

Inside the hospital.

Liu Xiaoxiao’s injury inspection report came out.

· ······Find flowers············

The girl’s body surface scald was rated as serious injury level 2, chest injury as minor injury level 1, pelvic injury as minor injury level 1, and right humerus injury as minor injury level…

Needless to say, there is no good place anymore.

There are also two areas of skin necrosis that require surgical removal.

Seeing this test report, Xiao Yao’s eyes split.

Fuck you.


after an hour.

Children are children after all.

Ye Qingzhu was still talking about it.

She told Ye Qingzhu that she was disobedient and was educated by her mother.

Through the data, the marriage information was consulted.


“seek death!”

Xiao Yao gritted his teeth and said these two words coldly.

Some people, you have to kill him.

…….. 0 …….

If it wasn’t for wearing a police uniform, if it wasn’t for a policeman, Xiao Yao would have liked to kill such a person with his own hands.

This is really not an angry youth.

It’s the things that some people do that have crossed the bottom line of being a human being.

too disgusting!

But something strange happened.

The suspect did not have any record of entering or leaving the urban area, and no record of leaving the province.

Even the families of relatives and friends have all been investigated, and no one has seen the suspect.

This person seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yao was a little surprised.

What the hell?

Pondered for a long time.


A bad guess came to Xiao Yao’s mind.

That what.

This woman won’t be like the girl’s father.

What happened to it?

Soon, the surveillance videos of the residential quarters and neighborhoods were called out.

From the time the suspect left the community until he left the block and got into a taxi.

Subsequently, the taxi driver was found.

After the driver recalled, it was about ten to eleven last night.

The taxi did carry a female passenger, and the specific place to get off was in front of an alley in the neighboring suburbs.


When Xiao Yao and others came here, they found that this block was a bit old and the monitoring facilities were not perfect.

Can only visit door to door.

Until a resident of a certain building said that he heard someone shouting downstairs at about 11 o’clock last night, he took a look.

I saw a woman who was carried into a black car by one of them.

“The rhythm of something big!”

Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, muttering to himself. earth.

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