Chapter 81

wanna chat?

The kind that chicks cross the river and fire at me?

Take Sun Xiangjia back to the lobby of the building.

Xiao Yao woke up Sun Xiangjia and used some tricks.

No hypnosis at all, you know everything you want to know.

In order to be safe, Xiao Yao still used hypnosis to’consolidate’ the confession.

After some inference and analysis.

Xiao Yao was stunned!

Sun Xiangjia is not the hand in secret.

Just a little hello.

Responsible for ‘finishing work’.

What’s the ending?

Push all the clues to the counterfeit money factory.

So that the police can solve this case as soon as possible.

Isn’t it unscientific?

But this can be regarded as Xiao Yao’s expectation.

It’s just that he didn’t expect it.

The black hand behind the scenes is playing a lot.

Because they are not dealing with counterfeit money.

Even more lucrative trading than playing counterfeit money.

What business is more profitable than counterfeit money?

Selling counterfeit banknotes and production process!


Are there many question marks in your mind?

Make a simple analogy.

If there is a set of counterfeit banknotes and technology comparable to the real 16 banknotes, placed in front of you, you still have the ability, the channels, and the money to eat, would you be impressed?

Say something bad.

If some countries know about the existence of this kind of board and technology, it may even be purchased at a high price.


Naturally understand!

I fuck f*ck.

Xiao Yao almost spit out old blood.

This is a bit big to play.

What a big case!

Xiao Yao’s body shivered unconsciously.


This kind of case.

Not to mention that the Municipal Bureau and Provincial Bureau have handled it.

If you had known such a case long ago.

People like them have no right to intervene at all.

It is estimated that it is really possible to’go up to heaven to listen’.

This is not a joke!

Here comes the problem.

Why did the black hand behind the scenes deliberately expose the counterfeit currency factory?

It’s very simple.

All clues to the manufacturing of counterfeit billboards and processes need to be completely terminated.

What’s the end?

There is an old saying.

In the cunning fox, there will always be the day when the tail is revealed.

Then, when this fox cuts off his tail, erases all traces, hides in the dark, making a fortune in a muffled voice.

How many hunters can find him?


What counterfeit money factory, what acid-free paper, ink, and watermark.

The black hands behind the scenes are experimenting with the electric board, experimenting with the craftsmanship of the beautiful knife.

Even the counterfeit banknotes made were deliberately released.

In order to let everyone discover this counterfeit money factory.

People mistakenly think that this is a big case of counterfeit banknotes.

The purpose is to allow everyone to focus on the counterfeit banknotes and ignore the electrical boards and the production process.

Why do you want to do this?

Again, if you do bad things, you will be discovered sooner or later.

Rather than explode it in the future, it is better to let it explode first.

Blew everything away!

If it weren’t for Xiao Yao, something was wrong.

This case will definitely end here.

good for everyone.

The police do meritorious service, and the black hands steal the music.

Do you think everyone is happy?

Does everything end here?

Then again.

What is the energy of a person who can obtain the craftsmanship of the special banking supervisory manufacturing organization in the United States, and can successfully imitate the craftsmanship and electric boards?

Get a few smuggled foreign guns or something.

Is this still a problem?

It’s not a big deal.

Even the trained “deaf-mute” foreign friends are not a big deal.

As long as the board and process are successful, it is worth paying any price.

Even if Sun Xiangjia was caught.

Even if you know something, it is still not a problem.

No one has seen him because of this man behind the scenes.

You know everything about him.

Your eyes are darkened now.

There is no clue to find him at all.

Because everything is controlled remotely by others.

You don’t even know if they are at home or abroad.

Looking for Mao?


The police even know.

Also had to rush.

Forcing you to ‘end’ the case.

Isn’t it great?

It takes what kind of calculation and what kind of strength to make everything so perfect, without catching any tails for you, letting you know that there is such a thing, there is such a person, but you just can’t find him.

Are you angry?

Xiao Yao was very angry.

But the clue has since been completely broken.

Even if he has systematic help.

It is impossible to trace it.

Li Weimin led a large group of police officers to kill.

After all the people surveyed the scene and arrested all criminals, they found five external guns and killed a criminal. After they learned that everything had gone through.

All stupid.

Stabbed the sky!

Li Weimin looked complicated. He looked at Xiao Yao who was sitting in the flower bed and smoking a cigarette. He sighed, “Well, you are right!”


Xiao Yao threw away his cigarette butt and said with a wry smile, “I can’t catch it!”

Yes, I can’t catch it anymore.

The black hand behind the scenes is too powerful, and they have calculated everything.

After the counterfeit money factory case was solved, all clues were completely erased.

I really can’t catch it!

“Well, the rest of the business will not be ours.”

Li Weimin smiled and said: “The people above already know and will come over soon to take over. This level of case is not something we can handle. The fake Binance we have cracked is already a great credit.”

“I know.”

Xiao Yao looked depressed, “But, I’m not convinced. It’s the first time since I became a policeman that I haven’t finished the case completely. I’m not reconciled!”

“Ha ha.”

Li Weimin smiled and patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder, “Then, do you know how many difficult cases in our country have not been solved? Do you know how many of these cases are classified as major? There is no such thing as perfection in this world. . No matter anything, any object, even we are born, there will be flaws on our bodies, who can be perfect? ​​You are already powerful enough to find crimes or smash big cases in the sky. Such a bull, Enough for your life in the future. Why, is it not enough? If you break even this case, you still let us other police work? Believe it or not, the country can send someone to take you away and take you Slice it, and study if you are a person or a monster?”

Xiao Yao’s mind was shaking.


What I did was too much.

It seems too ostentatious, right?

Just like Li Weimin said.

The case was not solved but normal.

If the case is solved.

What do people think of you, a 23-year-old police officer?

Can this be done by one person?


No matter what it is, there is nothing perfect.

Li Weimin’s words seemed to be comforting.

It is actually a wake-up call.

It was also telling Xiao Yao.

Children, don’t be dead!


Really unwilling.

Xiao Yao raised his head abruptly and looked at the rising sun emerging from the horizon.

I roar bitterly in my heart.

There is no end to this.

Sooner or later I will find you.

Wash your neck and wait for Laozi! .

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