Chapter 76

Police officers from the entire city bureau, including Li Weimin, could feel that Xiao Yao’s situation was not right.

This little Qingnian is like a gunpowder keg, there is the possibility of running away at any time!

Everyone can understand.

It was not Xiao Yao who was there at the time, the suspect might have become a dead person.

The killer went to the city office?

Also moved the gun?

This is something that has never been posted in the past ten years.

It has been pierced through the sky.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao was there and caught the killer.

Otherwise, the entire city council would be unlucky.

Taking down a few bosses and disrupting the city’s police force system from the group are all routine operations.

If it were more severe, it would not be impossible to airborne from above and send people to rectify it.


Xiao Yao is the ‘benefactor’ of the Municipal Bureau.

This is really no joke!

Xiao Yao’s name is red again…

Xiao Yao is very busy.

There has been no rest for a day and night.

Even if I am in the new house at this time.

It didn’t make him excited at all.

The new house I bought was handed over16.

It has been aired for about a week.

Xiao Yao and Ye Qingzhu moved in.


From home, he stayed in the study.

Ye Qingzhu stood aside, looking distressedly at his little man looking through the case files, and didn’t bother him.

“Ink, electric board, imprinting machine…”

Putting down the information, Xiao Yao leaned on the chair, closed his eyes, and muttered to himself.

Ye Qingzhu sighed, got up and walked behind Xiao Yao, stretched out her hand, and gently massaged the little man, “Take a rest.”

“Wait a minute!”

Xiao Yao opened his eyes, bloodshot in his eyes.

“I really regret that I brought you into this business.”

Ye Qingzhuxiu’s face floated bitterly, her moist eyes with a trace of melancholy, “If you are not a policeman, I won’t have to see you so desperately.”


The indifference on Xiao Yao’s face turned into tenderness, holding the bare hand on his shoulders, grinning, “If I don’t become a policeman, I will miss you?”

“Just know it sounds nice!”

Ye Qingzhu glared at Xiao Yao, stretched out his arms, hugged Xiao Yao from behind, and pressed his cheek to Xiao Yao’s face.

“Sister, only after you appeared, I knew it was so beautiful to be loved by my own woman.”

Xiao Yao smiled softly and shook his head, “But I can’t rest. If I don’t catch them, I feel uneasy!”


Ye Qingzhu sighed and understood the temper of his own man.

Don’t look at the usual joking, really angry, no one can stop it!

Gently kissed his sister, Xiao Yao lowered his head and looked at the data file again.

The clues to acid-free paper and watermarks are broken.

It doesn’t matter.

And ink…

The first type is magnetic optical gradient ink.

This ink specially used for banknotes has the ability to change color optically, and its color change principle is the magneto-optical effect which is quite difficult to understand.

in short.

It is the refraction or reflection of incident light inside the magnetic substance, which will produce many wonderful optical interference phenomena.

This ink incorporates magnetic film-like particles.

The pattern of banknotes printed with this kind of ink will not only change the color when the viewing angle is changed, but also see a light band or aperture whose position is constantly moving and the light and shade change gradually.

That feeling, so bright.

And the unique visual effect can be comparable to the gorgeous bird feathers and butterfly lepidoptera.

It is simply the face value of the anti-counterfeiting ink industry.

As an upstart anti-counterfeiting ink that has emerged in recent years.

The production process of magnetic optical gradient ink is very complicated.

At present, only the top ink manufacturer in Sikhba, Switzerland can handle it.


On a banknote, it is not only necessary to use magnetic optical gradient ink.

Also need to use the second ink.

Pearlescent ink.

Similar to magnetic optical gradient ink, pearlescent ink is also a type of optical interference ink.


It is the third ink.

Metamer inks.

This ink is not actually a kind of ink, but is a combination of two inks with different spectral characteristics.

The fourth ink.

Magnetic ink.

Put a powerful magnet on the US knife, and you will be surprised to find that it will be attracted to it.

Even on China coins, this ink also exists.

Finally, there is the fifth ink.

Invisible infrared ink!

This ink contains rare earth elements, which can absorb low-energy infrared light and then excite visible light with a shorter wavelength.

That’s right.

At least five inks are required on a banknote.

Just say, in movies and TV shows, are the plots of making counterfeit money funny?

Also mix ink?

It does need to be blended, but no matter it is any of these five inks, it needs an unimaginable blending degree.

Not to mention the sources of ink.

It’s not that you can buy it if you have money.

Then the problem arises.

these people.

How did you get these rare inks?

There are two kinds of inks, which cannot be manufactured in China, and they need to be imported.

Moreover, the Swiss Sikhbai ink is shipped directly.

In other words.

After you book, they will directly ship to various countries.

It does not support ‘self-collection’ at all.

Can’t pick it up?

Can only wait for the delivery?

“found it!”

Xiao Yao yelled suddenly, stood up, with joy on his face, and rushed towards Ye Qingzhu who was shocked.

She hugged her sister and kissed her hard.

Xiao Yao rushed out of the house.

Ye Qingzhu: “…”

Municipal Bureau.

“After checking the import and export records, only two companies in China imported magnetic optical gradient inks.”

“The professional use of this ink is obvious, and it can be used in not many places. Most of it is used for anti-counterfeiting purposes.”

“The two companies are Tianyu Company and Bosen Company. One specializes in retailing inks, and the other is a packaging manufacturer.”

“According to our investigation, the ink imports of the two companies are not very large. But if it is used to make counterfeit banknotes, they are a lot.”

“So these two companies are suspected, and Tianyu is the most suspected company.”

A police officer reports information in the conference room.

Li Weimin, who was in charge of this case, nodded, and glanced at the police officers in the conference room. “The clue has already appeared. As for how to investigate, I don’t need to teach you? But there is one thing that must be remembered. Before confirming the facts of the case, it is forbidden to be exposed, and not to be noticed by the other party. Do you understand if you don’t get rid of the troubles?”


The police replied in unison.

“Xiao Yao, just say a few words.”

Li Weimin looked at Xiao Yao, who was bowing his head in thought beside him, and handed him an encouraging look.

“Actually, I have nothing to say.”

Xiao Yao slowly got up, opened his mouth to all the police officers, and showed a bright smile, “Be sure not to let that emperor die, I haven’t had a good chat with him yet!”


How to talk?

“Ha ha!”

They were all policemen, everyone understood in seconds, and laughed in a low voice.

They all went to our city bureau to kill the suspect.

Are we really furnishings?

One must not die.

Really have a good chat! .

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