Chapter 72

“According to the criminal suspect’s written statement, all joint locations have been investigated and no other suspects have been arrested.”

“Or in other words, when we caught the delivery person, the other linkers may have received the message, and they all hid.”

“It can be seen from this that this group of counterfeit bill makers is an organized, disciplined, not only ruthless, but also very defensive criminal gang.”

“Also, you can see from the criminal suspect’s written statements. Even if he doesn’t know who the connector is, he doesn’t even know who the leader is. Even more so, he doesn’t know where the counterfeit bills are made.”

“All clues are interrupted!”

City Council meeting room.

After speaking with a calm face, Li Weimin glanced at most of the dejected police officers present, and continued, “But even so, we must overcome all difficulties and look for any clues that may be found. There is no time left for us. Many, the superiors are also watching us. As a veteran police officer, I just want to tell you, lads, cheer up. Fighting crime is our mission and our bounden duty. No matter how cunning the criminals are, we are also Bring them to justice!”


The policemen stood up and responded loudly.

“Continue to collect clues.”

Li Weimin looked at Xiao Yao next to him, “Xiao Yao stays, and the others are gone!”

Xiao Yao was a little dazed, watched the other police officers leave, and asked why he left me behind?

“I heard that you and your partner are going to get married next year?”

Li Weimin’s opening remarks were unusual, and he smiled when he spoke, “I also heard that you are very entangled in your police rank, and the people in your brigade brag about it, you must have a police rank that matches your target?”


Xiao Yao was shocked.

Who is this betraying Laozi?

It’s not human!

I definitely can’t admit it, it affects Laozi’s brilliant image too much.

“No, don’t listen to them nonsense for the deputy bureau.”

Xiao Yao looked serious, and started running the train with a serious mouth, “I am very satisfied with my current police rank, and I have only been promoted soon, and I also know the rules of our profession, there is no extravagant hope that we can continue…”

“Okay, don’t pretend.”

Li Weimin looked at the little slippery head in front of him angrily and amusingly, “I’m not talking nonsense, it is indeed difficult for you to promote, but it is not impossible.”

Xiao Yao’s eyes stared silently.

“This case, as long as it can be won.”

Li Weimin looked solemn, “Praise the three-year red line to raise you one level. You and your partner will take a half-month vacation with a bonus of 500,000. This is a promise I can give, dare you to follow along?”


Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, “Why me?”

“You have this ability.”

Li Weimin sighed, “A case of derailed husband murder, a serial tape murder case, and the recent escape case. I have read the complete case file. I also have to admit, your IQ, your analytical ability, and your reasoning. Ability, too great. I am not too confused, Zhou Guolong can send you out, definitely for your criminal investigation team leader’s face. If I don’t use you, I will be really confused.”

“Then these conditions you mentioned…”

The corners of Xiao Yao’s mouth twitched.

He is not stupid.

The conditions given by the opponent were fatal and straight into the weakness.

Knowing that he was’selled out’ by the people in the brigade was very thorough.

“Haha.” Li Weimin couldn’t smile.

“Deputy Bureau, you first tell me who betrayed me.”

Xiao Yao is depressed, “let’s talk about other things.”

“Your captain was once under my old man.”

Li Weimin grinned, “Even your partner Ye Qingzhu’s dad is the same. If you can turn into a normal person, Zhou Guolong begged me, and your partner called me, and I did it for you. What else should I say? ?”


Xiao Yao rolled his eyes wildly, knowing that he couldn’t refuse.

After all, you now owe the favor of the captain and the person in front of you!

Otherwise, if you were a small assistant policeman, even if you solved the case badly, why would you just get a regular job?

“In fact, you don’t need to say the deputy bureau, I will try my best to find out the clues of the case.”

Xiao Yao stopped pretending, it was a showdown.


Li Weimin smiled, “Because of what?”

“In this case, I was worried at the beginning that it was another country and wanted to pour dirty water on our country.”

Xiao Yao said his thoughts, “After interrogating the suspect, I found that this is not the case. The counterfeit bill manufacturing factory of the other party has probably existed for a long time, but it has not been discovered. They also know how to use cruelty specifically. The means to train a group of money transporters, foreigners. This is to cause other people’s misunderstanding and let us think about international crimes. But because of this, they have not found it themselves. This indirectly proves the counterfeit money factory. It’s in the country. And this group of people is very likely to be natives of our country!”

“Why are you so sure?”

Li Weimin frowned.

“Because they thought too much, they got themselves in.”

Xiao Yao continued: “First of all, it is very unreasonable to use foreigners to transport counterfeit bills. Secondly, there is no market for such things as the US knife in our country. Thirdly, people who are so short-minded will get the money from them. Foreign countries shipped fake U.S. knives to our country, and then transferred them out of our country, and they were full enough? The last point is even more funny. The criminal suspects we arrested actually used our country’s credit card or the stolen one. Some foreigners, do you know how to embezzle our country’s credit card methods? Isn’t this funny?”

“Then how do you explain the craftsmanship of counterfeit banknotes.”

Li Weimin did not smile, frowned and asked the last question, “Don’t you say that without craftsmanship, it is impossible to make such a similar counterfeit currency?”

“There is an old saying in our country that having money can make the ghosts go ahead.”

Xiao Yao grinned, “This sentence is also common in foreign countries. The worst thing for people who make fake currency is money. They can use money, exchange money for means, and smash a person with the hardest mouth to speak! ”

Li Weimin stared at Xiao Yao in a daze.

That look seemed to look at a little monster.

“Deputy Bureau, that’s it. When I find a clue, everyone will take the case down.”

Xiao Yao didn’t care what the other party thought, hehe smirked and said, “Raise one level, half a month holiday!”

Li Weimin: “…”

He felt that he looked at Xiao Yao highly.

Almost thought it was a monster changed.

This kind of performance is normal! *

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