Chapter 61

Why didn’t Xiao Yao use “hypnosis” for the first time?

It’s not useless.

It’s that since he walked into the bank, he found a strange thing.

Didn’t make him dream.

That Wang Dalong with his face covered in gauze.

It’s not really Wang Dalong!


Han Gengcheng!

How did Xiao Yao discover it?

He has traded with Han Geng.

He recognized Han Gengcheng’s eyes.

He can distinguish Han Gengcheng’s voice.

Han Gengcheng’s hand that was broken by him.

Still twisting weirdly.

Why is this happening?

Why should Han Geng become Wang Dalong?

How could he appear here?

Xiao Yao couldn’t think of the reason.

But I can guess that Han Gengcheng should have been intimidated by Wang Dalong by some means.

He saw Han Gengcheng’s ear covered with gauze.

There should be something like a headset.

Han Gengcheng is being commanded by Wang Dalong.

Why not control Han Gengcheng and find Wang Dalong?

Xiao Yao worries about whether Wang Dalong has any other players.

What will this back hand be?

Don’t want to stun the snake, Xiao Yao followed.

If he guessed right.

Wang Dalong should be hidden in those hostages…

Wait until the woman finishes eating the chicken nuggets.

Han Gengcheng just picked up the food in the fast food bag.

He tore the gauze around his mouth to reveal his mouth, and ate it.

After eating a few bites, Han Gengcheng, who continued to play Wang Dalong, suddenly looked at Xiao Yao, “Boy, you go and prepare twelve gray suits, twelve polite suits, twelve pairs of sunglasses, twelve masks, twelve pairs of socks, twelve pairs of socks. All the cotton slippers with half covered feet should be exactly the same!”

Xiao Yao was taken aback for a moment, and his expression changed drastically in an instant.

Why did the look change drastically?

Because he knows exactly what the other party is going to do.

When the twelve people, including Wang Dalong, all dressed up, they were traveling together.

Can you tell who is who?

No wonder the faces of the hostages are covered with exactly the same gauze.

This is premeditated.


Now people have hostages in their hands.

Do you want to be obedient?

“Can we discuss one…”

Xiao Yao’s face was calm, and he hadn’t finished speaking.


A shot was fired and one of the hostages fell to the ground after being shot.

Looking at the fallen hostage, Xiao Yao was silent.

“Do you want to reason with me?”

Han Gengcheng stared at Xiao Yao and continued to pretend to be Wang Dalong, “Now I want eleven sets. Of course, if you hesitate for a while, it may become ten sets, nine sets, or less.”

The protective door opens.

Xiao Yao walked out of the bank obediently…

“How come there are gunshots?”

A second-level police inspector asked Xiao Yao, “How is the hostage?”

If it’s on weekdays, facing this level of ‘big boss’, Xiao Yao will definitely salute quickly

But at this time.

Xiao Yao ignored it, Chi Guo’s body stood under the winter day, frowning, lost in thought.

Ye Qingzhu took the down jacket and put it on him, “What happened inside?”

“Prepare twelve sets…”

Xiao Yao regained his senses and said all Han Gengcheng’s request, and finally said: “A hostage was injured or died!”

But Xiao Yao didn’t tell the story of Han Gengcheng pretending to be Wang Dalong.

Because it doesn’t make much sense to say nothing.

All police officers were silent.

Things are also ready quickly.

This time, Xiao Yao did not send anything to the bank.

Instead, he continued to meditate while standing in the police crowd.

after an hour.

An exclamation came.

One hostage was released.

Seeing Han Gengcheng’s wife walking out and being taken away by an ambulance, Xiao Yao narrowed his eyes.

You guessed it right.

The reason why Han Gengcheng was coerced.

It should be that his wife was controlled by Wang Dalong.

In what way is it controlled?

He couldn’t figure it out.

Han Gengcheng’s wife can be released.

It must be Han Gengcheng who fulfilled Wang Dalong’s request and got the ‘reward’.

A bus approached.

This is required by the “Wang Dalong” in the bank.

Eleven people dressed exactly the same.

Walked out in a group from the bank.

The military and police can hardly tell who is who.

Because these people except for showing a pair of eyes.

Only the height difference and the movements when walking can barely distinguish between men and women.

Even if you distinguish between men and women.

You also cannot know who the real Wang Dalong is.

It is also impossible to launch an action.

I could only watch eleven people riding on the bus, slowly moving away from everyone’s sight.

Can you run?


Xiao Yao frowned.

Even if Wang Dalong is disguising himself, as long as he keeps an eye on these eleven people, he can’t run out without letting go of any one of them.

Xiao Yao watched as the police officers and colleagues around him got on the car and swiftly chased the bus.

Looking at the sky again, the helicopters and five drones that appeared have all firmly locked the bus.

Faced with such a roundup.

Don’t talk about a person.

You can’t fly out the flies.

Can you run a woolen thread?

Xiao Yao stood quietly in place.

Thinking is moving fast.

Something is wrong.

Can’t Wang Dalong think of this?

I must have thought of it a long time ago.

Then why does he still do this?

Are you looking for a dead end?


Wang Dalong would not be so stupid.

So, what went wrong?


Xiao Yao looked at the bank’s gate inadvertently.

When I saw two medical personnel carrying a hostage wrapped in gauze on his head, the hostage who had just been shot was taken to an ambulance.

Xiao Yao was taken aback for a moment.

But in an instant.

His eyes became sharper.

I see.

Grandson, are you good at playing? ! *

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