Chapter 49

Gong Yunlan, 53 years old.

Austrian Chairman of the United States International Beauty Group.

It is said.

Gong Yunlan started from scratch when she was in her twenties.

In his thirties, he founded Austrian United States.

At the age of fifty, the Austrian United States International Beauty Group has a market value of over 10 billion.

When he saw me, Xiao Yao was completely confused.

This kind of character often seen on the Internet or on TV.

It’s hard even if you want to forget.

Where is this president?

Xiao Yao thinks this is the legendary overbearing chairman!

Gong Yunlan’s appearance doesn’t look like fifty.

He was in his early forties.

She is thin, handsome and serious.

When I met Xiao Yao.

When those eyes look over, it looks like two small knives are scratching your face.

The first time I saw my mother-in-law, I was in a bad mood.

Xiao Yao was particularly nervous, a little worried that because of one of her actions, her image in her heart would be destroyed.

After all, creatures like mother-in-law are the least offended.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a police officer or a police officer, or other status.

In front of your mother-in-law, your confidence will never be sufficient.


Ye Qingzhu took Xiao Yao and sat down beside Gong Yunlan, “I will introduce you to Xiao Yao, my colleague and my brother.”

“Hello, Auntie.”

Xiao Yao sat tightly and barely smiled.


Gong Yunlan nodded indifferently, and his gaze retracted from Xiao Yao’s face and fell on her daughter. Only then did her cold cheeks show a slight smile, and she complained: “It’s been so long since I came back to see me, so I’m not afraid of my age. People who say it’s gone, it’s gone?”

“What are you talking about?”

Even in the face of her mother, Ye Qingzhu still didn’t say much, and didn’t have any intimacy actions like coquetry. He smiled and said, “I am busy at work and rarely take a vacation, so I will bring my brother back to see you.”

“Can we not be a policeman?”

Gong Yunlan frowned, “You know, the family business is so big, I’m going to get old…”

“Don’t talk about it.”

The smile on Ye Qingzhu’s face faded, “I remember my dad said that since he chose, he must keep doing it.”


Gong Yunlan sighed lightly, with a trace of sadness on her face, “That old ghost left early by himself and left us orphans and widows. He is embarrassed to say such things?”

“But don’t you just like my dad like this?”

Ye Qingzhu smiled, “How else would you marry in the first place?”

“Ha ha!”

Gong Yunlan laughed and took her daughter’s hand.

Xiao Yao on the side quietly watched the mother-daughter conversation.

I found that Gong Yunlan was not as serious as it seemed on the surface, and seemed to speak very well.


A woman who can manage thousands of people’s conglomerates.

Such a gentle side will only show up in front of relatives.

However, the mother-in-law will always ignore herself in the future, which is very embarrassing.

Xiao Yao’s heart began to wonder.

My sister’s family background is so good, why did you have a blind date in the first place?

He also said that he was forced by his family.

You are all the identity of the eldest lady.

Who dares to force you!


Gong Yunlan looked at Xiao Yao and asked with a serious expression: “What do you like my daughter?”

Xiao Yao: “…”

Do you want to be so direct?


Do you like Ye Qingzhu?

The answer is yes.

But will the future mother-in-law want a simple answer?

Obviously not.

Xiao Yao could easily see the smile flashing in Gong Yunlan’s eyes.

I can also see my sister sitting aside and smiling, which is not great for him.

Women are really a headache species.

But do you think it’s rare to live with me?

“I like to eat strawberries.”

Xiao Yao smiled and said, “Strawberry juice is not good, strawberry jam is not good, strawberry jelly is not good, not strawberry is not good. Just like I like sister Qing Zhu, it is not good to look like her, not to have a personality like her, nor to her. ”

Ye Qingzhu and Gong Yunlan’s mother and daughter were startled together.

“I like Sister Qing Zhu not because of how perfect she is or how good she is, but because Sister Qing Zhu is sister Qing Zhu.”

Xiao Yao continued: “If I had to write life as a poem, I would write my liking Qing Zhu sister in the last line. Because even so, I will remember to say to her in the end…”

Speaking of which.

Xiao Yao paused, gazed at Ye Qingzhu, who was already excited, and spoke softly.

“I love you!”

“I love you too!”

Ye Qingzhu plunged into Xiao Yao’s arms, snuggled on that chest, and whispered emotionally, “This is the best love story I’ve ever heard!”

“So, do you need a reason to like someone?”

Xiao Yao hugged Ye Qingzhu and looked at the stunned Gong Yunlan with a smile.

After returning to his senses, Gong Yunlan looked directly at Xiao Yao, with a gentle smile on his face, and said faintly, “Little Mouth can really say, my proud daughter, is this how you tricked me?”


Xiao Yao lowered his head and gave an awkward smile.


Ginger is really old and spicy! *

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