Chapter 20

What is a technical homicide?

First, the killer has anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

Second, the murderer deliberately erased the evidence in order to commit the crime.

Again, the murderer knows how to break the chain of clues in order not to be tracked.

According to the degree of decay of the corpse, it can be inferred that the crime took place within one week to ten days.

Through monitoring, we can see that at major intersections, only three vehicles have stayed nearby.

Two of the vehicles were for sanitation in the vicinity of the crime scene.

There is only one truck, and there is a person wearing a peaked cap and looking out of sight, holding a sack-shaped object and leaving the surveillance view.

The truck does not have a license plate, in other words, the driver deliberately removed the license plate to prevent people from discovering the ownership of the vehicle.

Target locked.

The suspect who committed the crime was about 1.75 meters tall and weak in posture. He was a truck driver.


To find such a person who doesn’t know his face in a city is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

But it doesn’t matter.

Through monitoring, the police officers quickly called for monitoring at major intersections.

From the first appearance of the truck, reverse monitoring to find the road information of the vehicle.

As a result, the clue was broken again.

The perpetrator actually knew how to evade urban surveillance, and the clue was cut off somewhere near the outskirts of the city, and the vehicle driving information was lost.


In the brigade conference hall, after listening to the civilian police officers reporting the case, an old police officer grinned and sighed, and the others frowned.

“According to the investigation, there are as many as 134 Ouling minivans driven by the suspect in this city. However, we cannot guarantee that the suspect is the driver of the truck. There is no guarantee that the suspect is in the city. Has anyone left the city. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to solve this homicide.”

Captain Zhou Guolong stood up and said in a deep voice to all the police officers, “But no matter how difficult the case is, we must solve the case as soon as possible. Do you understand?”


All the police officers stood up and responded loudly.

no way.

Since ancient times, human homicide cases have been major cases.

In these days, human lives are more valuable.

It’s a big deal to die alone.

What’s more, it is this kind of homicide of extremely bad nature.


Almost all policemen don’t like to solve this kind of case.


The case is big, it is troublesome to solve the case, time-consuming and laborious, and the credit is small.

But as a policeman, his duty is to complete the task when he is unwilling, and give the people an explanation.

This is their mission!

“Check vehicle information, retrieve driver information, infer motives for the crime…”

Sitting at the desk, Xiao Yao frowned and muttered to himself.

Becoming a police officer, he is now temporarily studying with Ye Qingzhu.

no way.

Xiao Yao himself was ‘specially recruited’ to come in.

He knows almost nothing about investigating cases and has to learn from the beginning.

Even if you arrange a job for him, he won’t be able to do it.

Moreover, the people in the brigade did not expect Xiao Yao to go out to detect and solve the case.

Everyone is optimistic about his ability to’interrogate’ suspects.


Xiao Yao became the most leisurely person in the whole brigade.

But seeing others busy, he was a little embarrassed.

I always think I am a bit suspicion of eating idle meals.

He also wants to help everyone.

Prove that you are not eating idle meals.

“Stop studying.”

Ye Qingzhu came to Xiao Yao and said with a smile, “It’s noon, go to eat first. By the way, can I still eat?”

“No appetite!” Xiao Yao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In other words, you only saw a ‘highly decayed’ corpse this morning.

Do you still have an appetite to eat?

“In our business, we must learn to adapt.”

Ye Qingzhu smiled, “When I was busy, I squatted in the morgue watching two corpses eating. Let’s go and have dinner with my sister.”

“All right!”

Xiao Yao reluctantly followed Ye Qingzhu out of the brigade.

Because there is ‘experience’.

At noon, Ye Qingzhu ordered food in the restaurant, without ordering any meat or vegetables.

Obviously taking care of his younger brother.

Not to mention, after taking two bites, Xiao Yao didn’t feel sick anymore.

“The case is a bit complicated. Although the captain gave orders, it is estimated that it will not be solved in a short period of time.”

Ye Qingzhu said calmly while eating, “Just now, the identity of the deceased has been determined. He is an executive of a foreign company.”


Xiao Yao was surprised, “So fast?”

“Missing persons.”

Ye Qingzhu explained the reason. “The family had reported the case four days ago. The deceased had only one wife and no children, and his parents were out of town.”

“It turned out to be so.”

Xiao Yao nodded, just took a bite of the dish, suddenly raised his head, and started to froze.

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Qing Zhu was surprised.

“Something’s wrong.”

After regaining his senses, Xiao Yao frowned, “The autopsy was found. The deceased has been dead for at least one week to ten days. Even if it is a week, his wife will report the crime two or three days later. Sister, don’t you think it’s strange?”

“You also thought of it?”

Ye Qingzhu chuckled, “But you too underestimated us veteran police officers. We have visited and investigated, and the couple are very affectionate on weekdays. The wife of the deceased hardly leaves home, and the deceased often works overtime or travels for work. Not at home. It was the deceased’s colleague who called and asked the deceased’s wife that the deceased’s wife had not gone to work for two days.”


Xiao Yao was puzzled.

Still feel something is wrong.

What’s wrong in the end?


A message popped out of his mind.

Phone record! *

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