Chapter 14

Forcibly resisted not calling and texting Ye Qingzhu, and stayed at home with his parents for a day.

the next day.

Xiao Yao got up early, packed up, and went to the Criminal Investigation Brigade to report.

Ye Qingzhu also came very early to help Xiao Yao handle the’entry’.

Even the auxiliary police need to be reported to the file.


Xiao Yao became a glorious auxiliary police officer.

When receiving the police uniform, Ye Qingzhu helped receive it along with the reward.

Five hundred thousand!

It is a huge sum of money for ordinary people.

Xiao Yao has never seen so much money when he grows up, and he is still cash!

This is not to say that he is a turtle.

Ordinary people, who has seen so much cash at once?

In addition, Xiao Yao’s file contains an extra note of ‘Honorary Youth’.

This kind of thing doesn’t seem to be of much use on weekdays.

But wait for you to become a civil servant.

You will understand its importance.

The police uniform of the ‘Associate Police’ uniform is not different from the official uniform, and it also has a police rank and siren.

The difference between the auxiliary police and the police is big.

There is no so-called promotion, let alone the so-called real law enforcement power, and even face dismissal at any time.

Originally, the so-called auxiliary police mostly appeared in police stations and some branch police stations.

Departments like the Criminal Investigation Brigade have a different nature of work.

Generally, it will only be equipped with a small amount, or even not equipped.

Xiao Yao’s task is very simple, to help the criminal police in the team interrogate the suspect without having to send the police.

Because of Ye Qingzhu.

No one will look down upon Xiao Yao, the assistant policeman.

It is also because of Xiao Yao’s own ‘ability’.

No one would underestimate him.

From the first day of work.

Xiao Yao’s small life is very easy.

It’s so boring.


The cases that the Criminal Investigation Brigade can handle will not be trivial cases.

For example, a few days ago, the drug trafficking case was handed over to the local police station. Can they handle it?

In the Criminal Investigation Team, Xiao Yao spent three days leisurely.

On the fourth day, come to live!

In a shopping mall, a hostage-taking case occurred with a knife.

It happened that Ye Qingzhu was on duty.

Leading two criminal police officers to set off at the first time.

Xiao Yao, who was idle and bored, also followed.

Prepare to have a long experience and see how Ye Qingzhu and the others deal with it.

“Sister, do we also take care of this kind of case?”

Inside the police car, Xiao Yao curiously asked Ye Qingzhu beside him.

While speaking, he secretly pulled Ye Qingzhu’s hand.

Ye Qingzhu just glared at Xiao Yao and let him hold it.

“Everything in our jurisdiction will be taken care of.”

Ye Qingzhu explained: “Our duty is to grasp the dynamics of criminal crimes, collect, report, and report criminal information, study and formulate prevention and crackdown countermeasures, organize investigations and solve cases, and crack down on criminal crimes. At the same time, we are also responsible for the cultivation of secret forces. And management use.”

“Secret power?”

Xiao Yao looked dumbfounded, “What the hell?”

“It’s something like you.”

Ye Qingzhu chuckled, “For example, we have the right to recruit people with special talents, and we have the right to train and use them. For another example, some dangerous and special personnel must be managed and filed to prevent these personnel from harming the people. ”


Xiao Yao nodded, “To put it bluntly, what do we do is similar to the relevant department?”

“As for the relevant departments, those are just some rhetoric, and you cannot explain the specific departments to the people.”

The old detective in the driving seat turned his head and smiled.

“Change clothes.”

When approaching the mall, Ye Qingzhu spoke.

Everyone nodded.

In addition to the detectives who drove, Xiao Yao, Ye Qingzhu, and the old detectives in the vice seat began to change their clothes.

If not necessary, the criminal police will not wear police uniforms when they go out on the field.

Because of the emergency, they can only change clothes in the car.

When I arrived at the mall, I could see a crowd of people on the third floor of the mall, and many people were watching.

I can see that the police at the police station and the mall security are maintaining order.

Waiting for Xiao Yao to follow Ye Qingzhu to the scene of the incident.

I saw a young man in his 30s in a corner by an escalator tens of meters away, holding a sharp knife on the neck of a girl in her twenties, very emotional.

“what’s the situation?”

Ye Qingzhu showed a police officer’s card to a policeman, frowning and asked.

“Through on-site inspections and the yelling of the suspect, the man should be the woman’s ex-boyfriend, and he broke up because of the derailment. But the man entangled the woman and didn’t let go. He heard that the woman was about to get married, so he was excited and forced the woman with a knife. Unstable, there is the possibility of attack at any time.”

The police quickly reported the situation.

“Levels of danger?”

Ye Qingzhu said in a cold voice.

“To avoid causing panic, the superiors issued an order, which is classified as second-level.”

When he said this, the corner of the policeman’s mouth twitched.

Level 2 means that it can be killed on the spot.


Ye Qingzhu nodded and turned to look at the old detective beside him.

Until then.

Xiao Yao, who was amused and watched the theater, discovered it.

After getting off the car, the old detective always carried a box.

I also saw what was inside.


Small sniper rifle.

The old detective quickly took out the gun for retrofitting and proofreading.

Finally, handed the gun to Ye Qingzhu.

Damn it, are you going to shoot?

Xiao Yao was taken aback, feeling a little excited.

In his life, apart from movies and TV shows, he has not seen a real person shooting.

And it’s still a sniper rifle! *

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