Chapter 56

A month later, the day when “Legend of Fengshen” was officially released.

After all, there are so many first-line stars, as well as the Kung Fu Emperor Li Lianjie who has not made a movie for many years, and the total investment is said to be 500 million, so the attention of this “Legend of Fengshen” is still very high!

But compared to the popularity of another movie, it’s far worse!

“What the hell is this “Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World”? How come there are advertisements everywhere!”

“How much money is this f*ck smashed, and now even the advertisement for Blue Moon is gone!”

“A cartoon that costs so much money, is it not afraid of losing money?”

“Animation? Children only watch cartoons!”

It turns out that in the past two weeks, if you only need to go online, whether you are watching live broadcasts, watching videos, or visiting forums, you will be able to see the ads of “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” absolutely!

Not only that, but there are also many celebrities, such as Da Tiantian, Da Mi Mi, Nazha, including Liu Yifei and Guan Tongtong, who highly recommend this animation movie on V Bo!

Even the anchors of the major live broadcast platforms have been assigned tasks, not only to recommend this movie in the live broadcast, but also to draw the movie tickets for this movie!

So much so that for a while, the Internet was full of topics about “The Devil Boy of Nezha”!

However, it is more ridicule. After all, after all this publicity, it will cost hundreds of millions to say less. How much does the f*ck movie have to reach the box office to pay back!

It is estimated that 2 billion is not enough!

And this is not even the production cost of the movie!

But before that, let alone 2 billion, domestic animation movies have not even reached the 1 billion box office!

The highest “The Return of the Great Sage” is just over 900 million!

This is already a miracle of domestic animation!

However, the publicity is so fierce, the effect is definitely still there, and many netizens have decided to go to the cinema to see what happened.

Then when they opened the ticketing software, they were dumbfounded again.

“What’s the situation? The film arrangement rate is 80%? I’m not mistaken, am I!”

“The filming rate of “Legend of Fengshen” is not even 20%. Is my kung fu emperor Li Lianjie so unskilled?”

“A group of first-tier stars and Li Lianjie, the Kung Fu Emperor, can’t even compare to a cartoon!”

“Rely on me, you see Yida, the filming rate of “Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World” is 100%, and only this movie is shown throughout the day!”

“The producer of “Nezha’s Devil Child” is Tianfan Entertainment, a company called Datiantian. The company has only Datiantian a star, so now do you understand?”

“Well, I have no FUCK to say…”

“I just want to say one thing, sweet and awesome!”

“Great sweet and awesome +1!”

“Great Sweet +2!”

“Great sweetness +734426538!”



At eight o’clock in the evening, the VIP screening hall of Beijing Yida Plaza.

I saw that there were only two people in the entire theater at this time, it was Ye Fan and Da Mi Mi!

The movie they watched is naturally “The Devil Boy of Nezha”!

But it’s not that the movie tickets of “Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World” cannot be sold, so there are only two of them.

But Ye Fan has booked the show!

Not to mention that if she is not deeply involved in the world, then take her to see the prosperity of the world.

If she has experienced the vicissitudes of life, take her on the merry-go-round.

Today, Da Mi Mi is just 23 years old, far from the vicissitudes of life.

But she made her debut as a child star, had been in the entertainment industry for so long, and became the boss herself.

Knowledge is naturally not comparable to girls of the same age.

But Ye Fan certainly wasn’t in the mood to take her on some merry-go-round, but it’s okay to book a show to watch a movie!

“Unexpectedly, this movie of you is really popular!”

Da Mi Mi looked at the movie screen in front of her, and said with a dazed expression.

And at this time, she has no intention of caring about the content of the movie at all!

Is an anime movie so popular?

You know, it’s only eight o’clock in the evening, but the box office of “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” has already reached nearly 300 million!

How much can the box office reach on the first day like this?

Four hundred million or five hundred million?

The key It seems that the film’s reputation on the Internet is also very good, and it can even be described as an explosion!

So what is the final box office of this movie?

Da Mi Mi can’t even think about this number!

But compared with the popularity of the movie, she was even more shocked, because of the background of this man!

The last time I questioned Ye Fan too much, several big guys immediately stood up, and even Penguin’s little Ma brother was very modest and called himself “little brother”!

This time, more than 80% of an ordinary anime movie has been released on the entire network, and Yida has removed all movies from the shelves, and only screened “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World”!

No matter which thing, without the background of Tongtian, it is absolutely impossible to do!

So she has some doubts, Ye Fan will not really be a child of a certain elder’s family!

But even the children of the elder’s family don’t dare to be so blatant!


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