Chapter 35

“Wow, what a handsome sports car!”

“Is this really a sports car worth 100 million?”

“I checked it online just now, and it is indeed exactly the same as this car!”

“I really envy Shishi, I can find such a handsome and rich boyfriend!”

“Don’t be envious, they have been together since high school!”

The students of Su Shishi, seeing Su Shishi sitting in that cool silver sports car, all immediately showed an expression of envy!

The same goes for male classmates!

After all, a sports car can be said to be every man’s dream!

If they also had a sports car like this, it would be a lot of wind and wind!

It’s a pity that dreams are only dreams after all, so you can only think about them in dreams…

“Kiki, see if the nightclub is there!”

It was discovered that Xiao Susu appeared and was driving a super sports car that was likely to be a nightclub, which means that the legendary nightclub was probably nearby at this time!

So the netizens in Qiqi’s live broadcast room immediately asked her to look around!

It’s a pity that Ye Fan was still in the KTV box at this time and didn’t come out at all!

After all, Su Shishi alone can move the car, and everyone else is going out to see the car, but the car is his. You can watch it anytime you want, and of course she won’t be with them.

But Kiki quickly discovered something.

“Wow, so many handsome men and beauties!”

“These should be Xiao Susu’s classmates. I heard that Xiao Susu is from the Beijing Film Acting Department!”

“No wonder, isn’t it possible that these people will be the big stars in the future?”

“Hey, do you think that Guan Tongtong?”

“Where, it’s really Guan Tongtong!”

“Unexpectedly, Guan Tongtong is also Xiao Susu’s classmate!”

“Let me go, who is the man with sunglasses next to Guan Tongtong? Why do I feel like Lu Han?”

“What? Lu Han? How old is he, how could he be Xiao Susu’s classmate?”

“Is it silly? I don’t know there are rumors that Lu Han and Guan Tongtong are together?”

“No? This is definitely big news!”

“Qiqi go over and see if it’s Lu Han, if you are, you will post it!”

Qiqi quickly noticed what the barrage said, and then walked over to see that it was really Guan Tongtong!

And the man wearing sunglasses next to her looks a bit like Lu Han!

Although it is night now, the lights at the KTV entrance are still very bright!

And Lu Han was obviously afraid of trouble, so he only wore small sunglasses, not a mask, and Guan Tongtong didn’t even wear sunglasses!

So it’s easy to recognize it!

At the same time, Guan Tongtong and Lu Han immediately realized that they had been exposed when they saw an anchor coming towards them!

However, Lu Han just subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the next moment, seeing Guan Tongtong next to him, he immediately dispelled this idea.

If the matter between him and Guan Tongtong is exposed…

Maybe Guan Tongtong will recognize it!

It’s a pity that his idea is good.

Or if it were before meeting Ye Fan today, Guan Tongtong might not mind spreading a scandal with him.

Anyway, whether it’s true or not, there will be no shortage of popularity, and it is even possible to get on the headlines of V blog!

But now, somehow, even this kind of free heat, she doesn’t want it!

So Guan Tongtong turned around and returned to KTV without thinking about it!

Seeing this, Lu Han had no choice but to quickly follow.

It’s just that he has a very bad hunch in his heart, but he can’t tell what the hunch is…

Immediately after watching the silver Koenigsegg one1 driven by Su Shishi, it slowly drove into the underground parking lot of the opposite shopping mall, and the other students also returned to their previous boxes.

Then they saw Ye Fan sitting in a box.

At this time Ye Fan put on the large pair of sunglasses again, just as they had seen at the beginning.

But at this time, everyone’s eyes looked at him completely different!

“That… Brother Ye, you won’t really be the legendary tens of billions of local tyrants…”

A female classmate suddenly asked cautiously.

This is also the biggest doubt in everyone’s mind at this time!

But who knew Ye Fan immediately shook his head!

“How is it possible, of course I am not a tens of billions of local tyrants!”

Ye Fan said with a look of surprise!

When did he become a tens of billions of tyrants?

You must know that he has more than 90 billion bank deposits alone!

And this more than 90 billion is not all his deposits, just the pocket money he got directly from the system!

The money earned by the companies under his name over the years, as well as the dividends received from other companies, are all stored in other accounts!

Coupled with the shares and assets he owns, he actually said he is a tens of billions of local tyrants, who are you insulting!

He is at least a trillion local tyrant, alright!


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