Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 335: Raid again

At the same time, Leo Tizides also asked the soldiers to place the bodies of thousands of Lusitania warriors in front of Palermoes, while screaming under the city with Phoenician words, threatening Pa The Lemos people surrendered in the city, otherwise they will suffer the same fate.

I witnessed the terrible experience of the reinforcements. The threatened Palermos were very panicked and really had an urgent discussion on whether to surrender the Dionyrians. After that, Dionysius led 10 years ago. When the Great Army conquered the western Sicily, they once surrendered once, and they were all Greeks. They could surrender Dionysius. Why can't they surrender to Dionia?


When the Palermos were anxious about their destiny, Midolades led the fleet to the south.

The port from which the Third Fleet departed was not in Seydium or Messina, but in Saros on Sardinia. After discussing with Seckley the day before yesterday, after completing the **** mission of the fleet, he led the fleet directly to Sardinia, docked at the outer port of Sarros, and was led by the ninth army chief, Tegt. North's warm welcome.

At this time, the chief executive of Sarros had taken office. He was the old veteran Stromboli from Amendola. He had no intention of going to the field, but the five rotating presidents of the Senate had been discussing for a long time. Among the veterans who are free in Turui, only he is the most suitable candidate, so Cornelus personally came to persuade as an old friend.

In order to ensure that the kingdom can finally win in this war, Stromboli finally accepted the appointment, and along with him to Saros there are 3,000 reserve soldiers from the Turai and Bruti areas.

With the proposal of the new Chief Executive of Saros, the newly-recommended Tagignos quickly led the army to easily capture San Ibania. This time, the Ninth Army did not kill, but did its best to capture St. Ibi. The Nigerian people also try not to damage the various facilities inside and outside the city.

When Midorades arrived in Saros, Stromboli was reorganizing the order in the city of Saros, while trying to persuade the captive San Iberians to serve the kingdom and continue to collect and smelt precious metal ore. And Tegtinos is training the army, preparing to attack the Phoenician towns around.

After sufficient preparations in the outskirts of Saros, the Third Fleet departed early on the third day and sailed south quickly, targeting the agilgili of the Phoenician city state on the coast of Afrika.

Compared with Sicily, the southern tip of Sardinia is closer to the continent of Afrika, but it does not directly face Carthage, so it is not as important as Sicily in strategic terms, but because it is close to Afrika and at the same time Carthage was farther away, which created favorable conditions for the third fleet's raid.

The burning of Hadrumentum did cause the vigilance of Carthage and its allies, but it was mainly on the side close to Sicily, and the focus of the Carthage Fleet patrol and defense was also on this side. Both of the Nigerian fleets have already appeared in the Sicilian waters.

As a result, the third fleet's raid was successful. It not only burned a Phoenician city state on the coast of Afrika, but also captured some Phoenician people, returning with full load, because Stromboli told Midola. Dess: St. Ibania is in short supply of labor.

The news that "Ogil Gillie was burned down" quickly spread throughout the land of Afrika, and the Phoenician city state was repeatedly attacked, causing the Phoenicians to panic. The messengers of the city-states rushed to the Carthage Senate. Carthage is strongly urged to fulfill the duties of the good leaders and give them the security protection of the city.

The Carthage people also gathered together and once again protested to the Senate, hoping that they could take action to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

The Carthage elders were under great pressure. After a heated debate, the opinions of the Hanno faction were adopted. The Senate finally made two decisions: First, ordered the commander of the navy, Morbar, to strictly enforce He will not lead the fleet to the Sicilian waters for the time being. Instead, he must patrol the Affliga coast every day to ensure the safety of the Carthage and the allies. Second, send a messenger to Sicily to pressure the military commander Marge and ask him to overcome it as soon as possible. Serinus, otherwise Carthage will not be different from Dionya.


In the city of Sellinus, the battle between the Daonian defenders and the Carthaginian army has been going on.

Although the Dionian defenders used rifles and abdominal arches to carry out long-range attacks, they occasionally sent troops out of the city to kill the soldiers who built the walls of Carthage. However, while fighting against the attack of the Daonian defenders, Marco urged the soldiers to speed up the construction of the inner wall. Because the Carthage army had many people, even though the Dionian defenders tried their best to obstruct, Carthage The interior walls of the camp were still completed.

Then, Marco sent troops to the inner wall, and at the same time learned the Daonian defenders, and the guns were also moved to the city, and the defenders were confronted, thus changing the relatively passive situation.

Armintas stood on the head of the city and looked at the front with dignity: countless Carthage heavy infantry lined up into a long dragon, stalking out from the newly built inner wall door, they did not carry weapons and shields. But everyone bears a wooden frame, and the wooden frame is filled with dirt. They in turn place the wooden frame tightly on the open space between the inner wall of the Carthage camp and the wall of Sellinus, and then return to the inner wall in turn. This cycle, like a building block, it took a long time to set up a "wooden hill" with a wide base and a height of three meters.

During the busy life of the Carthaginians, the guns on the walls of Sellinus have not stopped firing. The stone bombs are very easy to break the wooden frame, but the wooden frames are broken and the scattered soil invades the gap between the wooden frames. Instead, the "hill" that is being built is more solid.

There are also artillery guns that target the Carthaginians, but they are too close to the city wall (about six or seventy meters). If the guns on the wall want to attack them, they must raise the elevation angle, so that the stone is almost It is vertical, it seems that the momentum is amazing, in fact, the lethality is limited, and it is easy to avoid.

The arrows fired by the Diaonian light infantry did not pose a great threat to the Carthage heavy infantry and could not cause fatal damage to them. Under the pressure of the team officers, the Carthage heavy infantry had to face the arrows and complete the task of building a mountain frame with wooden frames.

However, the belly arch threatened them even more, but the Carthaginians launched dozens of archery vehicles early in the morning, overlapping before and after, blocking the front of the dragon, the mighty iron arrow may penetrate one or two pieces. Thick planks, but it is hard to really threaten the life of the Carthaginians.

"The head of the army, do you want to send soldiers out of the city to raid?" Apostle Aristonos reminded him.

Amintas shook his head. He could see on the head of the city that there was a Carthage army behind the archery, and the other side of the wall was covered with light infantry, Dionia The military does not occupy the advantage of defense. If the soldiers attack, they will only form a battle with each other. Although Amintas was brave in combat, he knew very well that the power of the Carthaginians was four or five times that of his, so that it would be unfavorable for him to fight hard. What's more, Carthage and a large number of cavalry can rush out from other door openings in the inner wall and quickly wrap around the soldiers behind them to form a siege.

"Tune the slingers and let them deal with these Carthages!" Amintas's words made the adjutant Aristonos' eyes shine: only the first legion of the allied legions of the Dionia light brigade More than 400 stone squadrons, these soldiers from Rhode Island throw the lead shots within a distance of 100 meters, and they can cause blunt damage to heavy infantry.

"How do you distribute these stonemen?" Aristonos asked again, because the construction of the mountain is not only outside the north gate, but also outside the city walls on both the east and west sides.

"First focus on solving the enemy here!" Amintas said in front of his fingers, a firm tone.

"The commander of Amintas, I have a suggestion." Calcidis next to him said suddenly.

"Oh, Calcidis, you said." Amintas looked at the Serenus defender general. The tone has become polite. During this time, Calcidis did his best to help him did give him a lot of help, but also won his respect.

Calcidis said at his discretion: "...the Carthaginians are squatting, and they are desperate to build the mountains. The best we can do now is to delay their progress, just like the wall they built. In the end, they will still build the Tushan. The purpose of building the Tushan is that they want their guns and light infantry to attack the soldiers of our city and help their soldiers to attack the city. We can also The increase in the walls has made the Carthaginian attempt impossible."

Increase the wall? Amintas was surprised.

Calcidis used his hand to draw the aisle of the city and continued to explain: "The stone wall built by the Selinus is very strong, and the walkway is wide and flat. We can use it on the city's right aisle. The wood continues to build a wooden wall, and at least the height of the 7-meter-high wall can be increased by 5 to 6 meters..."

After listening to Amintas, his eyes lit up.

At this time, the adjutant Aristonos raised an objection: "But the Carthaginians have guns, and the wooden walls can't stand the attack of the stone bombs. When they were built, they didn't work, but they increased the soldiers. Casualties!"

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