Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 307: Capture the fortress of Iriaruth

In Minora, after watching a report from the Military Department, Daves was very relieved to say to his clerk: "Teginos led the Ninth Army and the Third Cavalry Corps to completely defeat. The enemy who invaded Apulia also captured the former Prince Petchi, who was called Wadarka."

"So the war in Apulia is over?!" Henipolis asked in surprise.

Davers nodded.

The staff in the account all cheered, and the core areas of the Kingdom of Denia were restored and peaceful, and finally they were able to devote themselves to the war with Carthage without any worries.

"Your Majesty, do you need to transfer the Ninth Army and the Third Cavalry Corps to Sicily?" asked Tormmid.

Daves pondered for a while and shook his head: "We have made plans before, and we will take a defensive stance against the Carthage army for the next period of time. The current strength is fully sufficient, the focus is on the navy. The play. At this time, they will be transferred, and it will be a waste. I think... let them go to Midolades and work with the Third Fleet to strengthen the attack on Sardinia and fight for the whole island. It completely cut off its support for Carthage, and at the same time allowed the Third Fleet to free up and support Sicily.

As for the defense of Apulia... From the current situation, there is no big battle there, let the 11th Army take up the defense of the entire region. ”

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will convey your instructions to the Ministry of Military Affairs." Tolmide agreed with this. He remembered something and reminded him: "Would you like to send a formal army chief to the 11th Army? Master Capps has been acting as the head of the 11th Army for almost a year, and the Ministry of Military Affairs is now busy. Hilos has told you several times that he hopes to return him to his place and ease their pressure..."

Davers thought about it and nodded and said: Well, let Capps return to Turui and continue to serve as the munitions chief, and the 11th Army Corps commander will let Hilos decide for them, but as soon as possible, The stability of the 11th Army must be guaranteed! ”


"Hey! Hey! Hey!..." With the sound of the military squad, the Dionian soldiers gave up and continued to attack the city and began to withdraw.

After the Syracuse soldiers who had struggled for a day in the city, after cheering for victory, many people lay down on the walled walkway and were too tired to stand up.

Taiaggenis seemed to be more excited. He took off his helmet and wiped the sweat from his face. Then he followed the walkway and gave condolences to the soldiers in turn, thanking them for their heroic battle and guarding Syracuse. Zhacheng.

In the case of victory, the civics will naturally pay tribute to the defensive commander of the West City.

Not long after, his adjutant rushed over: "Adults, the casualties are counted, we have 352 people killed and 517 injured."

After listening to Teeggennis, his face smiled. He said excitedly: "Today should be the most violent attack of the Diaonians, but it has not caused much pressure on us, nor has it caused much to us. Casualties, as this goes on, we can completely hold our city! On the contrary, the casualties of the Dionyns are definitely bigger than ours today. I am afraid that they will not be able to stand for a few days!"

"Adult, you are right!" The adjutant replied: "Unfortunately, the Diaonians took away their dead and wounded soldiers when they retreated. They could not know exactly how many people were killed or injured, but they left a lot of attacks. City equipment is outside the city..."

"Send a small team of soldiers out of the city and burn them all!" Taiaggenis said half of it, suddenly stopped, thought and said: "Remove a small part of the Dionysian siege equipment. Bring them into the city and show them to the public as trophies, which gives them more confidence."

The adjutant rushed to start the supervision.

Taiaggens supported the city and overlooked the battlefield under the city. His heart was full of pride: When the Dionyns plunged the camp outside the east and west, everyone knew that the enemy outside the city was stronger and the general. When the Executive Committee discussed who would command the defense in the west, even Falecus, who had many experience in leading the way, also hesitated. As the chief general, he took the initiative to defend against the West City, and it was naturally easier to pass. Judging from the fighting situation in these days, he is more and more certain that his own adventure is correct. The West Wall is tall and strong, close to the main city, and can be reinstated at any time, so it can be kept. By the end of the war, he can wash away the regrets of defeating Dionysius by defeating the great achievements of the Diaonians, and establish a higher reputation among the people, completely overwhelming The neutrality headed by Falecus, thus letting go of his hands and exerting the rewards in his heart!

At this time, Taia Gennis stared at the red sunset in the west, and there was only one hope in the heart: the Carthaginians could defeat the main force of Diaonia as soon as possible!


The Syracuse people have begun to get used to life under this war. In the middle of the night, a team of sentinels patrolled back and forth on the long wall. After a hard day's hard work, the citizens who exhausted their physical strength slept very sweetly. The city is unusually quiet.

Taiaggenis is no exception. He hurriedly ate dinner and fell asleep until he was woken up by the slaves: "Master, not good! The Daonians are rushing into the city! The council will send people to let you go immediately. Participate in military conferences!..."

When I was still sleepy, I was awakened: "What, the Daonians have gone into the city?! Nonsense! How is this possible!"

Time has not allowed him to think more. He hurriedly put on his clothes, rode the horses prepared by the slaves, and rushed to the council under the guards of several ethnic cavalry.

At this time, the sky is twilight, and it is often the moment when people are asleep. But at this time, the lights in the houses in the city continue to shine. There are rumbling voices everywhere: "Not good! The Daonians have come in, we Ruined!"

"What are you panic! I have already said it, that is a rumor!"

"Come on! Hurry up! Bring my armor, the City Hall has urged us to gather! Let the children look good, hide at home and don't go around!"


Weeping, screaming, shit, and horses... The whole city quickly boiled, and the people on the streets soon increased.

It was hard to get to the council, and General Faulkus and other generals were already in a heated discussion.

"What happened in the end?!" Taiaggens asked anxiously.

Falecus looked at him and said with a dignified look: "The fortress of the Yuri Ruth was captured by the Dionyans!"

“How is this possible?!” Taiaggenis thought he had misunderstood: “That is the fortress of Yuri Ruth, the most difficult place to overcome in Syracuse!”

"This is the truth." Falecus looked solemn and said: "The soldiers who fled from there told us that when the soldiers in the late night fortress were asleep, hundreds of Dionyans creeped up quietly. On the wall, although they were discovered by the sentinels, they quickly rushed into the fort. Although the soldiers fought back, they were rushing to fight. Many people didn’t even have time to wear them. (Actually, the Dainian Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade The soldiers did not wear armor, but compared to the lack of training of the Syracuse civics, these most elite soldiers of Diaonia were simply tigers in the melee, and the result was defeated by the Deonians. Only a small number of soldiers have escaped..."

"Hurry to send the army to take it back!" Teeggenis shouted anxiously.

"I said the chief general, this does not require you to remind." Cuccias said: "We have let Stacycos lead the army of the East City Barracks to rush to retake the fortress of Iriarus! (Sil General Lacuza’s Executive Committee considered that in the event that the Dionysian army suddenly attacked the city at night or in the early hours of the morning, the citizens of Syracuse were able to go to the city for defense in time to avoid the drag and chaos caused by the emergency mobilization, so Dionys When the Asian army was stationed outside the city, the Syracuse people also built two simple camps near the east and west gates. Every night, there are 2,000 civic soldiers camping here, ready to respond to emergencies. I still remember Whoever said this before, he said in a big He will definitely block the Diaonian attack on the city wall and hold the West City, now?"

Kuqias’s mouth was slightly cocked and continued to sneer: “War is not so easy and easy, and ultimately we have to rely on us to defend Syracuse!”

The Yuri Ruth Fortress is located at the intersection of the East and West Walls. The reason why it was placed under the responsibility of Taiaggenis was because of the large number of enemies in the west and the strength of the enemy, so they were placed under the command of Tegengenis. There were more soldiers, and the remote location of the remote and distant Uriyarus fortress was also commanded by him. At that time, Taiaggenis did not raise any objection. After all, the terrain was dangerous, difficult to defend, and considering the supply of military food there. Difficulties, he only sent 200 people to station, these days have been calm, if not for this tonight, he almost forgot the fortress.

After listening to the cool words spoken by Cuccias, I saw several generals who focused on him. Teeggennis only felt the blood in the air. He tried to restrain the urge to break out and try to be dull. Said: "The dispatch of 200 soldiers to the fortress of Juareus is something that everyone agrees. I don't remember anyone who realizes that the Daonians might attack from there, especially stressing to strengthen the defense there. But now that things have happened, we must take it back immediately! I will now lead the 2000 soldiers of the Xicheng military camp to support Stacycos!"

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