Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 288: Swearing to the West

Sipros said sincerely: "Master Prossous, you can rest assured that I will not interfere with your military command!"

Because of the pleasant cooperation with Cipros in these years, Leo Tiddides nodded and agreed.

Davers smiled and encouraged them: "I hope this time to attack Syracuse, Prossous, you can continue to cooperate well with Cipros, capture Syracuse as soon as possible, and solve the hidden danger behind the army. Then lead the army to the west and join me."


After the conversation, Davers once again left Sipros alone.

When Sipros thought that Davers wanted to face the political planning of Syracuse, Daves asked in a deep voice: "What is the mood of the people in the city now?"

"Hey?" Sipus snorted.

"When the war broke out, the Sicilian territory suffered a lot of damage, especially Katanay. Not only the housing fields were damaged, the property was looted, but the citizens also suffered the most deaths and injuries. They must have many complaints against the kingdom. Dam?!” Daphus looked heavy and asked again.

Sipros has come back to understand what Daves is worried about. He said truthfully: "Your Majesty, if the war with Carthage broke out a few years ago, the Sicilian territory is likely to be turbulent and chaotic, but After the outbreak of the 'La Odysian Incident', you have decisively disposed of a group of unscrupulous officials and old aristocrats in the Sicilian territory, re-adjusted the land policy, strengthened the governance of the cities of Sicily, and conquered the Eighth Army. The rebellious West Kel, the Sicilian territory has become more stable. After several years of development, the Sicilian people are also more loyal to the kingdom.

However, even if the war broke out and the people learned that the Carthage army had landed in Sicily, and the kingdom did not send more reinforcements, there were still some complaints that the kingdom did not pay enough attention to it and ignored their safety. Fortunately, the adults of Prossous reinvented the Carthage army in Minora, and the 3rd Fleet defeated the Carthage fleet on the north coast, giving the people some confidence in the war.

But then a storm destroyed the Sicilian fleet and caused the Katanei people to grieve because more than 5,000 crew members from Katana were buried in the sea. Afterwards, Prosuos failed in the battle of Gera. The army of Carthage invaded the plains of Catania and the destruction of the amnesty. The people were extremely angry and lost their senses. They gathered together to protest in the town hall and demanded the rate of Prosuos. The team went out of the city and drove away the Carthage cavalry that was raging on the plains. Fortunately, Shef Finnis quietly let the men guide the public in secret, and the officials also tried to appease them and the situation was controlled.

Later, when Paragonia was burned down, and the Katanai people were saddened by the 2,000 Katana citizens who died in battle, many people realized that if it was not Prosuous who stuck to the city, Katanay May suffer the same tragic fate, so some people also went to the City Hall to apologize.

Your Majesty, I am sorry! Since you arrived in Katane a day in advance, most of the people in Katanena are paying homage to their loved ones, and they are too late to organize, so the scene of welcoming you at the port is a bit cold. But this does not mean that the Katanai people have some opinions on you.

As far as I know, they are very excited to hear that the news of your arrival is very exciting, because it means that they can finally get rid of the threat of the Carthaginians, can start to rebuild their homes, and hope that you can avenge them. You know that the people in the city are very upset about the Carthaginians! ”

After listening to Daves, he was silent for a while and asked softly: "How many people have died in Katana’s civil war so far?"

"The crew of the two sea wars killed nearly 10,000 people, and more than 2,000 people were injured and could not fight again."

Davers sighed: "For this war, the Katanai people have made a great sacrifice! But now the treasury is tense, I am afraid that it will not be able to give enough support to the families of the deceased in a short time, Give me a list of war dead citizens, and try to get the families of the dead and wounded soldiers and crew members to gather at the local council meeting. I will be there to give them condolences and thanks."

"Your Majesty personally gives them condolences, they will feel very comforted! But -" Sipros revealed the dilemma: "The local council's venue can only accommodate up to 400 people, and the number of dead and injured family members is far more than 10,000. Man, I am afraid -"

"Then let them enter the venue in batches, I will give condolences in batches."

"But this way, leave you -" Cipros worried.

Davers understood what he was worried about, and said with a firm tone: "Don't worry about me, they lost their loved ones for the kingdom, there is nothing more sad than this! As long as they can get some comfort, I am tired and not at all. What kind of."

"I understand, my Majesty, I will arrange it well." Sipros stood up and bowed respectfully.


At noon on the second day, the First Army of the Dionynia, the Second Army, the Third Army, the Fourth Army, the Sixth Army, the Seventh Army, the Eighth Army, the Lucania Preparatory Corps, the first and second, Most of the soldiers of the Fourth Cavalry Corps, the Roman Preparatory Brigade and the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade arrived in front of the city of Paragogna, and then according to the instructions, the troops dispersed and formed, and began to carefully enter the city.

A month ago, Paragonia was a new type of fortress with a perfect defense system, but now it has become a ruin: the traps are cleared, the deer is pulled out, the trenches are filled, and the remaining arrows are visible from time to time. The sagittal, the javelin, the stone bomb, the sword and the spear, the soil under the city even turned into a blood red, dry and agglomerated, and the sturdy outer wall became a ruined wall. The soldiers did not need to go to the city gate to enter the city. But they must be careful, because the broken wall is still falling down from time to time with stones and dust...

After entering the city, the soldiers were shocked: there were no houses, no streets, everything was turned into ashes, and there was a blackness in front of them.

Max followed his comrades, carefully bypassing a pile of ruins that turned into coke, and his voice sighed by his comrades. After these few days of frequent interaction and language stimulation, he could understand a little "fire, battle" and so on. The Greek words, combined with the scenes seen outside the city, he also stunned in his heart: how fierce battles have taken place here!

Not long after, they came to the inner wall, which is also a broken wall, and the wall is also black. Passing through the gap and entering the inner city, the ground turns from black to blood red again.

In the center of the inner city, there is a collapsed tower. On the ground around the tower, there are many cross-shaped wooden pillars. The soldiers at the tip of the eye can clearly see the blood on the wooden pillar and the iron left at both ends. Nail and rope, a terrible picture emerged in my mind, and there was a commotion in the team.

At this moment, Davers was dressed in an armor and boarded the top of the tower that had been repaired urgently. He followed him with more than a dozen voices.

The teams gradually quieted down, and the soldiers, under the command of the team officers, centered on the tower and arranged a dense queue.

Like other soldiers, Max looked at the tower. This was the second time he saw the King of Dionia, but unlike the situation at the bonfire party, he seemed to be majestic and solemn.

"Dynia's citizens!" Daphus's voice is loud and full of energy, but the speed of speech is slow. This is to ensure that the voice can help him accurately: "Now the land you are standing on." A month ago, it was the place where the First Brigade of the Seventh Legion and the two reserve battalions of Katanai were guarded. There were only 3,000 soldiers, and the enemy they faced was the 100,000 army of Carthage.

However, these warriors did not fear, and repeatedly defeated the enemy's fierce attack, fully resisting the Carthage army for more than 20 days! In the most dangerous time, they even risked their lives, ignited a fire in the city, and gave the Carthage people a heavy blow. In the end, because the forces were too different, Carthage used the sea tactics to capture the small town. ... But these warriors fought to the end, no one surrendered, pouring all their blood into the land! ”

Upon hearing these words, the soldiers subconsciously stared down at the reddish-brown ground.

In fact, Paragonia’s defenders did not all die. When the inner city was broken, the Carthage rushed into the tower, and there was not much left, and it was extremely tired and scarred. The Onyrians chose to surrender, but after the Carthaginians captured them, they carried out a cruel criminal law, and Daphus used them to beautify them.

"Carthage! The fierce and cruel Carthage!" Daves said with anger: "They made a heinous evil! They nailed the remains of the warriors to the cross!" Yes, those piles that are standing in front of you! When the reinforcements came to clean the battlefield, their bodies were already terrible!"

The soldiers under the tower had a commotion, and the voice of indignation rose.

Deavers intentionally waited for a while, then shouted with impatience: "The self-proclaimed Carthaginians who have the most splendid culture of the Western Mediterranean, why did this kind of bad behavior that even the barbarians would not do?! Because Our warriors used their flesh and blood to block the Carthage army for more than 20 days, destroying the plan of the Carthaginians to capture Katanay and expel the people of the kingdom from Sicily! Because our warriors only rely on this The small town has caused the Carthage army to suffer many times more than the number of their casualties! Because our warriors stationed here are only 3,000 people, and in the face of the 100,000-strong attack, they have created such a brilliant record. This made the Carthaginians feel panic!

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