Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 270: Satnikum retreat

One of the Roman soldiers had a little fever before the departure, but he did not say it because the soldiers who were hot in the two days were removed from the original team and then they could not see the trace. As a result, after he entered the Daonian military camp, he was highly nervous. Together with his constant standing and rapid consumption, he suddenly began to vomit and then fainted to the ground. Other Roman soldiers saw this situation, just like seeing a ghost. The horror of the horror, although Oulu, Mejs and others took some measures in the city to slow the spread of the plague, prohibiting the soldiers from chaos and chaos, to prevent the occurrence of chaos, but the soldiers fell in these two days. More, the soldiers have heard about it.

The unusual behavior of the Roman soldiers immediately caught the attention of the Dionysian officials. Besides, Dionia also had the obligation to treat the Roman soldiers who fainted to the ground, so they called the doctor.

The doctor who was called was not someone else. It was the Cretos who was praised by Davis at the Great Greek Medical Forum and was good at studying. In the past two years, he was following the Hippocrates who stayed in Turui and studied medicine. At the end of the study, we must know that Hippocrates has a very deep research on the plague. Kritos has a deep accumulation of medical knowledge in this area, just because the Kingdom of Dionia has not had a plague so far. So he has not had the opportunity to apply theory to practice.

After carefully examining the physical condition of the fallen soldiers and the vomit, Kritos had doubts. He was excited and asked to call Stesicodas to confirm. The two exchanged opinions on the scene and finally Decided to report Davis immediately.

After Kissisus knew the situation on the scene, he was shocked. He wanted to take people to arrest these Roman soldiers for interrogation immediately, but considering that this would cause serious diplomatic incidents, and when he was cautious, he would immediately These Roman soldiers were isolated and rushed to the big account with Stacy Codas.

As a result, Daphus suddenly opened his mouth and let Oulus leak the stuffing.

Despite his denial, Daves threatened him: If Oulu does not tell the truth, Dionia will not accept the surrender of the Saturnic defenders, let them be destroyed by the plague in the city.

Under the pressure of pressure, Oulu had to admit that Saturnicum might have been attacked by the plague.

But he immediately argued that this was just the beginning and the situation was not serious, so they didn't care too much.

Daves told him sternly: The Kingdom of Dyonia is well-developed and has a lot of experience in treating the plague, but everyone in Satnikum must do exactly what Dr. Dionia’s instructions are. Rescued.

In the end, Oulus, who had lost his conspiracy, chose to give in (because there were many Komeneneus clan in the garrison), and he began to re-start with Henipolis, Tolmide, and medical director Stesico. Das talked about the issue of defending the defenders after surrender.

Afterwards, Oulu frustrated with this agreement, returned to the city, and discussed with Mejis and others.

After Oulus left, Davers immediately announced that the entire Dionya camp was in a state of alert. Let Stacy Codas lead the doctors throughout the camp to examine in detail the physical condition of the soldiers in all the camps, focusing on the Roman soldiers who had previously sneaked out of the city and to isolate them. At the same time, the engineering battalion led the soldiers to make a large amount of quicklime and re-sprinkled around the camp; the squad was to make countless thick linen strips, so that the soldiers would use it to cover their nose and mouth and wear them all day; all the competitions and training immediately Stop, the soldiers must not gather together, try to wear them in the tent during the day; in addition, they must vigorously eliminate the mice in the camp to expel the mosquitoes...

In fact, there are some measures. The Dionysian army has been strictly following the practice. This time it is just a re-emphasis.

Davers also ordered that the soldiers of the various regiments in the camp take turns to a place far from the camp to build three simple, smaller camps.

Davers also let the officers of the legions tell the soldiers frankly: there is a plague in the city of Satnikum, and the defenders will surrender. They didn't have to be afraid, the doctors made meticulous preparations, and they also prayed to Hades and got blessed.

Since the founding of the country, Divers have always attached importance to the medical development of the kingdom, and he himself knows that the plague is actually an acute infectious disease through past medical knowledge. As long as the environment is clean and clean, the incidence should be reduced as much as possible. Sources, such as mice, mosquitoes, and corpses, should be disinfected in time for some suspicious places. Lime is a cheap and effective disinfecting in this era of frequent plague, it can be reduced in the kingdom. The occurrence of the plague.

It is precisely because he has always insisted on teaching this knowledge to doctors in the kingdom, and he is strongly promoted in the kingdom as a king, coupled with the addition of Hippocrates, who had rich experience in plague treatment in previous years, There has never been a plague in the Kingdom of Onia. Even during the drought last year, due to the attention of the entire kingdom, the people have escaped the practice of "there must be a major epidemic after the disaster."

Therefore, at this time, the vast majority of soldiers in the camp only heard about the horror of the plague, but they did not experience it personally. Together with the descendants of Hades, King Daves, they did not panic. The order of the entire camp is fairly stable.

A day later, the Saturnic garrison officially surrendered to Dionia, and the Roman dictator Camilos died after he announced his surrender.

The news of his illness and death soon spread throughout the city, and all the Roman soldiers and residents of Saturnicum fell into sorrow.

When the city was opened, Camillaus’s body was placed on the carriage. It was first carried out, followed by the Roman soldiers. They were mournful, nervous, and did not wear armor or carry weapons. A vegetarian.

The Dionysian soldiers were all dressed in armor, armed with a Shield Gun, covered with a linen cloth and a snout, and lined up in two rows of dense columns, extending from the gate of the city to the newly built camp, with a spacious passageway in the middle.

The Roman soldiers marched along this road and were stopped when they reached the end.

Davers took the generals to the carriage.

Davers looked at the remains of Camilleus lying in the carriage, and he solemnly made three trips to the father of Rome in this past history. The generals and ministers behind him naturally have the same kind of learning.

The Roman warriors, who were somewhat uneasy, saw this scene. Although they did not understand the meaning of this movement, they could deeply feel the respect of the kings and ministers of Dionia for Camilos, and they quieted down.

At this time, Dafos, who was also covered in linen, turned to face the Dionian generals and bureaucrats, and pulled down the mask. Lang said: "Camilus, a Roman citizen, has been involved in Rome since he was an adult. The wars around the city-state, and the battles in the battles. More than 20 years ago, the Romans grew in strength and began to attack their most important enemy, Wei Ai, when his Roman generals were unable to attack the city. The Roman Senate appointed Camilous as the commander. After careful planning, he finally captured the city's size not less than Rome's love.

However, his merits have been jealous of certain Roman citizens. So some people accused him of corruption and blasphemy at the citizen assembly. The people who did not know the truth actually passed the proposal. According to the laws of Rome, he was convicted. Was expelled, and Camilles got angry with this result, but he accepted the punishment and left Rome to settle in the nearby Latin city.

More than a decade ago, the Celts made a big invasion and occupied Rome. Camillaus worried about his motherland and called on the people of the Latin region to rise up against the Celtics' aggression. In the battle with the Celtics, they gradually organized a large army and eventually repelled the Celtics.

When the Romans thanked Camillaus for his glory in the restoration of Rome, he was thinking about how the Romans defeated the mighty Celtics in future battles, so he did not take the merits, but chose A tough road He wants to reform the military tradition for hundreds of years and create a new military system to make the Roman army stronger and more combative.

In the end, he succeeded. The Roman army trained by the reformed Roman military system repeatedly won in the war with the surrounding forces. Every time Rome encountered difficulties and dangers, the people first thought of Camillaus, and the card In spite of the already old body, Mulhouse repeatedly responded to the call of the Senate, and with the Roman citizens levying the West, the invincible, making Rome a tense after the recovery, became the hegemon of the central Italy, the nightmare of other races. . in case--"

Deavers looked at the bright red Roman flag on the carriage and said with emotion: "If there is no Dionian kingdom on the land of Italy, perhaps Rome, the Latin city state nurtured by the Tiber River, in Camilos Armed with the new military system will continue to be strong, and even become the hegemon of Italy, the hegemon of the Western Mediterranean..."

The generals such as Amintas, Matonis, and Lizaru behind Davis heard this, and they were slightly dissatisfied, but on this occasion, they dared to speak out.

Oulus, who was behind the carriage, heard this, but he stopped. He didn't expect King Dionia to be so optimistic about Rome. He suddenly seemed to understand a bit: Why did the King of Dionia dare to ignore Carthage? Attack, pro-inflicted the army to attack Rome without direct conflict of interest with the Kingdom of Dionia.

But is there really a good prospect in Rome like he said? Oulu was fascinated, but when he thought of the current situation, he couldn’t help but sigh.

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